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IVsSolution4 Members

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Provides methods for managed loading of the projects in a solution.

The IVsSolution4 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method EnsureProjectIsLoaded Ensures that this project and all required dependencies are loaded.
Public method EnsureProjectsAreLoaded Ensures that the specified list of projects and all required dependencies are loaded.
Public method EnsureSolutionIsLoaded Forces the loading of the entire solution synchronously before this function returns.
Public method IsBackgroundSolutionLoadEnabled Determines whether the background solution load feature has already been enabled (VSPROPID_ActiveSolutionLoadManager has been set).
Public method ReloadProject Reloads a single unloaded project without requiring any dependencies to be loaded.
Public method UnloadProject Unloads a project and sets the reason for unloading it.
Public method WriteUserOptsFile Writes the solution user options file (.suo).


See Also


IVsSolution4 Interface

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Namespace