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Breakpoints.Item (Método)

Devuelve un objeto Breakpoint en una colección Breakpoints.

Espacio de nombres:  EnvDTE
Ensamblado:  EnvDTE (en EnvDTE.dll)


Function Item ( _
    index As Object _
) As Breakpoint
Breakpoint Item(
    Object index
Breakpoint^ Item(
    [InAttribute] Object^ index
abstract Item : 
        index:Object -> Breakpoint 
function Item(
    index : Object
) : Breakpoint


Valor devuelto

Tipo: EnvDTE.Breakpoint
Un objeto Breakpoint.


El método Item produce una excepción ArgumentException si la colección no puede encontrar el objeto que corresponde al valor de índice.


En el siguiente ejemplo se muestra cómo utilizar el método Item.

Para probar este método:

  1. Abra el proyecto de destino y ejecute el complemento.
public static void Item(DTE dte)
    // Setup debug Output window.
    Window w = (Window)dte.Windows.Item(EnvDTE.Constants.vsWindowKindOutput);
    w.Visible = true;
    OutputWindow ow = (OutputWindow)w.Object;
    OutputWindowPane owp = ow.OutputWindowPanes.Add("Item Method Test: ");

    // dte is a reference to the DTE object passed to you by the
    // OnConnection method that you implement when you create an add-in.
    EnvDTE.Debugger debugger = (EnvDTE.Debugger)dte.Debugger;
    debugger.Breakpoints.Add("","Target001.cs", 13, 1, "", 
                             "C#","", 0, "", 0, EnvDTE.dbgHitCountType.dbgHitCountTypeNone);
    debugger.Breakpoints.Add("","Target001.cs", 15, 1, "", 
                             "C#","", 0, "", 0, EnvDTE.dbgHitCountType.dbgHitCountTypeNone);

    owp.OutputString("\nNumber of Breakpoints: " + debugger.Breakpoints.Count);
    owp.OutputString("\nEdition of the environment: " + 
    owp.OutputString("\nParent's Current Mode: " + 
    owp.OutputString("\nFirst breakpoint is on line " + 
                     debugger.Breakpoints.Item(1).FileLine + ".");
    owp.OutputString("\nSecond breakpoint is on line " + 
                     debugger.Breakpoints.Item(2).FileLine + ".");
Shared Sub Item(ByRef dte As EnvDTE.DTE)
    Dim str As String
    dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.Add("", "Target001.cs", 13, 1, "", _
                                 EnvDTE.dbgBreakpointConditionType.dbgBreakpointConditionTypeWhenTrue, _
                                 "C#", "", 0, "", 0, EnvDTE.dbgHitCountType.dbgHitCountTypeNone)
    dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.Add("", "Target001.cs", 15, 1, "", _
                                 EnvDTE.dbgBreakpointConditionType.dbgBreakpointConditionTypeWhenTrue, _
                                 "C#", "", 0, "", 0, EnvDTE.dbgHitCountType.dbgHitCountTypeNone)
    str = "Number of Breakpoints: " + dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.Count.ToString() + vbCrLf
    str += "Edition of the environment: " + dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.DTE.Edition + vbCrLf
    str += "Parent's Current Mode: " + dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.Parent.CurrentMode.ToString() + vbCrLf
    str += "First breakpoint is on line " + dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.Item(1).FileLine.ToString() + "." + vbCrLf
    str += "Second breakpoint is on line " + dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.Item(2).FileLine.ToString() + "." + vbCrLf
    MessageBox.Show(str, "Item Method Test")
End Sub

Seguridad de .NET Framework

Vea también


Breakpoints Interfaz

EnvDTE (Espacio de nombres)

Otros recursos

Cómo: Compilar y ejecutar los ejemplos de código del modelo de objetos de automatización