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Busca una cadena en una dirección inversa de la primera aparición de una subcadena que coincida con una secuencia especificada de caracteres.

size_type rfind(
    value_type _Ch, 
    size_type _Off = npos
) const;
size_type rfind(
    const value_type* _Ptr,
    size_type _Off = npos
) const;
size_type rfind(
    const value_type* _Ptr, 
    size_type _Off,
    size_type _Count
) const;
size_type rfind(
    const basic_string<CharType, Traits, Allocator>& _Str,
    size_type _Off = npos
) const;


  • _Ch
    El carácter por el que la función miembro es buscar.

  • _Off
    Índice de posición en la que la búsqueda sea iniciar.

  • _Ptr
    La C cadena para la que la función miembro es buscar.

  • _Count
    El número de caracteres, contando hacia delante del primer carácter, en la C cadena para la que la función miembro es buscar.

  • _Str
    La cadena para la que la función miembro es buscar.

Valor devuelto

El índice de la última, cuando se busca hacia atrás, del primer carácter de la subcadena cuando correctamente; si no npos.


// basic_string_rfind.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;

   // The first member function
   // searches for a single character in a string
   string str1 ( "Hello Everyone" );
   cout << "The original string str1 is: " << str1 << endl;
   basic_string <char>::size_type indexCh1a, indexCh1b;
   static const basic_string <char>::size_type npos = -1;

   indexCh1a = str1.rfind ( "e" , 9 );
   if ( indexCh1a != npos )
      cout << "The index of the 1st 'e' found before the 9th"
           << " position in str1 is: " << indexCh1a << endl;
      cout << "The character 'e' was not found in str1 ." << endl;

   indexCh1b = str1.rfind ( "x" );
   if ( indexCh1b != npos )
      cout << "The index of the 'x' found in str1 is: "
           << indexCh1b << endl << endl;
      cout << "The character 'x' was not found in str1."
           << endl << endl;

   // The second member function searches a string
   // for a substring as specified by a C-string
   string str2 ( "Let me make this perfectly clear." );
   cout << "The original string str2 is: " << str2 << endl;
   basic_string <char>::size_type indexCh2a, indexCh2b;

   const char *cstr2 = "perfect";
   indexCh2a = str2.rfind ( cstr2 , 30 );
   if ( indexCh2a != npos )
      cout << "The index of the 1st element of 'perfect' "
           << "before\n the 30th position in str2 is: "
           << indexCh2a << endl;
      cout << "The substring 'perfect' was not found in str2 ."
           << endl;

   const char *cstr2b = "imperfectly";
   indexCh2b = str2.rfind ( cstr2b , 30 );
   if ( indexCh2b != npos )
      cout << "The index of the 1st element of 'imperfect' "
           << "before\n the 5th position in str3 is: "
           << indexCh2b << endl;
      cout << "The substring 'imperfect' was not found in str2 ."
           << endl << endl;

   // The third member function searches a string
   // for a substring as specified by a C-string
   string str3 ( "It is a nice day. I am happy." );
   cout << "The original string str3 is: " << str3 << endl;
   basic_string <char>::size_type indexCh3a, indexCh3b;

   const char *cstr3a = "nice";
   indexCh3a = str3.rfind ( cstr3a );
   if ( indexCh3a != npos )
      cout << "The index of the 1st element of 'nice' "
           << "in str3 is: " << indexCh3a << endl;
      cout << "The substring 'nice' was not found in str3 ."
           << endl;

   const char *cstr3b = "am";
   indexCh3b = str3.rfind ( cstr3b , indexCh3a + 25 , 2 );
   if ( indexCh3b != npos )
      cout << "The index of the next occurrance of 'am' in "
           << "str3 begins at: " << indexCh3b << endl << endl;
      cout << "There is no next occurrence of 'am' in str3 ."
           << endl << endl;

   // The fourth member function searches a string
   // for a substring as specified by a string
   string str4 ( "This perfectly unclear." );
   cout << "The original string str4 is: " << str4 << endl;
   basic_string <char>::size_type indexCh4a, indexCh4b;

   string str4a ( "clear" );
   indexCh4a = str4.rfind ( str4a , 15 );
   if (indexCh4a != npos )
      cout << "The index of the 1st element of 'clear' "
           << "before\n the 15th position in str4 is: "
           << indexCh4a << endl;
      cout << "The substring 'clear' was not found in str4 "
           << "before the 15th position." << endl;

   string str4b ( "clear" );
   indexCh4b = str4.rfind ( str4b );
   if ( indexCh4b != npos )
      cout << "The index of the 1st element of 'clear' "
           << "in str4 is: "
           << indexCh4b << endl;
      cout << "The substring 'clear' was not found in str4 ."
           << endl << endl;


encabezado: <cadena>

espacio de nombres: std

Vea también


basic_string Class