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Filter and sort data in a Windows Forms application

Applies to: yesVisual Studio noVisual Studio for Mac


This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

You filter data by setting the Filter property to a string expression that returns the desired records.

You sort data by setting the Sort property to the column name on which you want to sort; append DESC to sort in descending order, or append ASC to sort in ascending order.


If your application does not use BindingSource components, you can filter and sort data by using DataView objects. For more information, see DataViews.

To filter data by using a BindingSource component

  • Set the Filter property to the expression you want to return. For example, the following code returns customers with a CompanyName that starts with "B":

    customersBindingSource.Filter = "CompanyName like 'B'";
    CustomersBindingSource.Filter = "CompanyName like 'B'"

To sort data by using a BindingSource component

  • Set the Sort property to the column you want to sort on. For example, the following code sorts customers on the CompanyName column in descending order:

    customersBindingSource.Sort = "CompanyName Desc";
    CustomersBindingSource.Sort = "CompanyName Desc"

See also