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Install Universal Windows Apps with the WinAppDeployCmd tool


Windows 10 Application Deployment (WinAppDeployCmd) is a command line tool that can deploy a Universal Windows app from a Windows 10 machine to any Windows 10 Mobile device. Deploy an .appx package file to any Windows 10 device connected by USB or available on the same subnet. You don’t need to install Visual Studio or have access to the Visual Studio solution for the app. For example, if a developer provides you with an .appx file, you can deploy it from your Windows 10 machine to any Windows 10 Mobile devices for testing without needing Visual Studio or the Visual Studio solution for that app.

You just need the Windows 10 SDK installed to run the WinAppDeployCmd tool from a command prompt or a script file. When you install an app with WinAppDeployCmd.exe, this uses the .appx file to sideload your app onto a Windows 10 Mobile device. This command does not install the certificate required for your app. To run the app, the Windows 10 Mobile device must be in developer mode or already have the certificate installed.

Before you can deploy your app to Windows 10 Mobile devices, create a package first.

The WinAppDeployCmd.exe is located here on your Windows 10 machine: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\WinAppDeployCmd.exe (based on your installation path for the SDK). First, connect your Windows 10 Mobile device to the same subnet or connect it directly to your Windows 10 machine with a USB connection. Then use the following syntax and examples for this command to deploy your .appx package:

This tool replaces the Windows 8.1 phone deployment tool AppDeployCmd.exe.

WinAppDeployCmd syntax and options

Here is the possible syntax that you can use for WinAppDeployCmd.exe:

WinAppDeployCmd command -option <argument> ...
    WinAppDeployCmd devices
    WinAppDeployCmd devices <x>
    WinAppDeployCmd install -file <path> -ip <address>
    WinAppDeployCmd install -file <path> -guid <address> -pin <p>
    WinAppDeployCmd install -file <path> -ip <address> -dependency <a> <b> ...
    WinAppDeployCmd install -file <path> -guid <address> -dependency <a> <b> ...
    WinAppDeployCmd uninstall -file <path>
    WinAppDeployCmd uninstall -package <name>
    WinAppDeployCmd update -file <path>
    WinAppDeployCmd list -ip <address>
    WinAppDeployCmd list -guid <address>

You can install or uninstall an app on the target device, or you can update an app that's already installed. To keep data or settings saved by an app that's already installed, use the update options instead of the install options.

This table describes the commands for WinAppDeployCmd.exe.




Show the list of available network devices.


Install a Windows 10 app package to the target device.


Update a Windows 10 app that is already installed on the target device.


Show the list of apps installed on the specified target device.


Uninstall the specified app package from the target device.

This table describes the options for WinAppDeployCmd.exe.



-h (-help)

Show the commands, options and arguments.


IP address of the target device.

-g (-guid)

Unique identifier of the target device.

-d (-dependency)

(Optional) Specifies the dependency path for each of the package dependencies. If no path is specified, the tool searches for dependencies in the root directory for the app package and the SDK directories.

-f (-file)

File path for the app package to install, update or uninstall.

-p (-package)

The full package name for the app package to uninstall. (You can use the list command to find the full names for packages already installed on the device.)

- pin

A pin if it is required to establish a connection with the target device. (You will be prompted to retry with the -pin option if authentication is required.)

This table describes the arguments for WinAppDeployCmd.exe.




Timeout in seconds. (Default is 10)


IP address or unique identifier of the target device.

<a> <b> …

Dependency path for each of the app package dependencies.


An alpha-numeric pin shown in the device settings to establish a connection.


File system path.


Full package name for the app package to uninstall.

WinAppDeployCmd examples

Here are some examples of how to deploy from the command-line using the syntax for WinAppDeployCmd.exe.

  • Shows the devices that are available for deployment. The command times out in 3 seconds.
    WinAppDeployCmd devices 3

  • Installs the app from the MyApp.appx package that is in your PC’s Downloads directory to a Windows 10 Mobile device with an IP address of, with a PIN of A1B2C3 to establish a connection with the device.
    WinAppDeployCmd install -file "Downloads\MyApp.appx" -ip -pin A1B2C3

  • Uninstalls the specified package (based on its full name) from a Windows 10 Mobile device with an IP address of You can use the list command to see the full names of any packages that are installed on a device.
    WinAppDeployCmd uninstall -package Company.MyApp_1.0.0.1_x64__qwertyuiop -ip

  • Updates the app that is already installed on the Windows 10 Mobile device with an IP address of using the specified .appx package.
    WinAppDeployCmd update -file "Downloads\MyApp.appx" -ip