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Describes data for a force-feedback effect stored in a file. It is used in conjunction with the IDirectInputDevice8::EnumEffectsInFile and IDirectInputDevice8::WriteEffectToFile methods.


typedef struct DIFILEEFFECT {
    DWORD dwSize;
    GUID GuidEffect;
    LPCDIEFFECT lpDiEffect;
    CHAR szFriendlyName[MAX_PATH];


  • dwSize
    Size, in bytes, of the structure. This member must be initialized before the structure is used.
  • GuidEffect
    Unique identifier of the effect type. This can be one of the standard GUIDs defined in Dinput.h, such as GUID_ConstantForce, or one created by the designer.
  • lpDiEffect
    Pointer to a DIEFFECT structure containing information about the effect.
  • szFriendlyName
    Name of the effect.