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How-to: add explicit owner rights

Your application should explicitly add "Owner" rights when creating a license from scratch (IpcCreateLicenseFromScratch).


When your application is creating a license handle using IpcCreateLicenseFromScratch, it must also grant the owner full rights (permissions) explicitly.


Setting a user as "owner" using IpcSetLicenseProperty with the IPC_LI_OWNER property does not grant the owner full permissions.


The following example code only represents the steps involved in creating and adding the specific rights to a given license.


Step 1: Example scenario

In this example, needed rights are added to a license created with IpcCreateLicenseFromScratch. The example shows the creation and assignment of the rights to the license through a rights list.

The following two rights are added to these users:

  • Read permissions assigned to
  • Full permissions assigned to
// Create User Rights structure 
IPC_USER_RIGHTS ownerRightForOwner = {0};

// Create rights
LPCWSTR rgwszOwnerRights[1] = {IPC_GENERIC_ALL};

// Assign values to members of Rights structure
ownerRightForOwner.User.dwType = IPC_USER_TYPE_IPC;
ownerRightForOwner.User.wszID = IPC_USER_ID_OWNER;
ownerRightForOwner.rgwszRights = rgwszOwnerRights;
ownerRightForOwner.cRights = 1;

// Create User Rights structure for Joe with Read permissions
IPC_USER_RIGHTS joeReadRight = {0};
LPCWSTR rgwszReadRights[1] = {IPC_GENERIC_READ};

// Assign values to members of Rights structure for Joe
joeReadRight.User.dwType = IPC_USER_TYPE_EMAIL;
joeReadRight.User.wszID = L"";
joeReadRight.rgwszRights = rgwszReadRights;
joeReadRight.cRights = 1;

// Create User Rights structure for Mary Kay with Full permissions
IPC_USER_RIGHTS mary_kayFullRight = {0};
LPCWSTR rgwszFullRights[1] = {IPC_GENERIC_ALL};

// Assign values to members of Rights structure for Mary Kay
mary_kayFullRight.User.dwType = IPC_USER_TYPE_EMAIL;
mary_kayFullRight.User.wszID = L"";
mary_kayFullRight.rgwszRights = rgwszFullRights;
mary_kayFullRight.cRights = 1;

// Create User Rights List and assign the above rights
size_t uNoOfUserRights = 3;
pUserRightsList = reinterpret_cast<PIPC_USER_RIGHTS_LIST>(new BYTE[ sizeof(IPC_USER_RIGHTS_LIST) +
    uNoOfUserRights * sizeof(IPC_USER_RIGHTS)]);

if(pUserRightsList == NULL)
    // Handle error

// Assign values to members of Rights List structure for Joe and Mary Kay
(*pUserRightsList).cbSize = sizeof(IPC_USER_RIGHTS_LIST);
(*pUserRightsList).cUserRights = uNoOfUserRights;
(*pUserRightsList).rgUserRights[0] = ownerRightForOwner;
(*pUserRightsList).rgUserRights[1] = joeReadRight;
(*pUserRightsList).rgUserRights[2] = mary_kayFullRight;

// Set the Rights List property on the license via its handle
// hLicense is a license handle created with IpcCreateLicenseFromScratch
hr = IpcSetLicenseProperty(hLicense, FALSE, IPC_LI_USER_RIGHTS_LIST, pUserRightsList);
    // Handle the error

Developer notes

