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Creating Custom Download Services (Windows CE 5.0)

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You can create a custom download services.

  1. To create a custom download, you must first create the files for the download.

  2. You can use the ICcBootstrap interface to design your download. This interface contains methods required to create the desktop-side part of the transport.

    For more information, see Download Interfaces.

  3. After you have developed a custom download, you must create XSL files in the Core Connectivity datastore that specify the new download, and register the new DLL. The new download XSL specification becomes part of the default datastore.

    For more information about the Core Connectivity datastore XML/XSL schema, see Core Connectivity Datastore.

  4. After your download is built, you can add it to the Target Device Connectivity Options dialog box in the IDE.

    For information about adding your kernel download service to the IDE, see Adding a Custom Download Service to the Connectivity Dialog.

See Also

Download Interfaces | Using the ICcBootstrap Interface | Core Connectivity Datastore

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