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Investigating a Failed or Aborted CETK Test Case (Windows CE 5.0)

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If a test case returns a TPR_ABORT or TPR_FAIL code, the test case aborted or failed. To investigate, verify that the OS design and hardware platform adequately support the CETK test case.

To investigate a failed or aborted test case

  1. Verify that the OS design includes the Catalog items that correspond to the functionality exercised by the CETK test. The CETK test might require more than one Catalog item.

    If you want the driver to support the functionality exercised by the CETK test, modify the OS design. Add the corresponding Catalog items to the OS design, and then build a run-time image. For more information, see Adding an Item from the Catalog and Building a Run-Time Image.

  2. Verify that the OS design supports the functionality exercised by the test case.

    This requirement is more specific than the requirement that the OS design include the corresponding Catalog items. A test case might test a unit of functionality within a driver that is optional for drivers in its category. For example, the OS design might include a Catalog item of the correct driver category without supporting the functionality assessed by this specific test case.

    If you want the driver to support this functionality, modify the OS design, for example, by including a different driver that supports the required functionality. For more information about categories of driver, see Windows CE Drivers.

  3. Verify that the hardware platform satisfies the requirements of the OS design and the CETK test. If the hardware platform does not satisfy these requirements, a TPR_FAIL result typically indicates that that target device does not adequately support the functionality being tested. Reconsider the hardware for the target device or the OS design.

See Also

How to Analyze CETK Test Results to Debug a Driver | Investigating a Skipped CETK Test Case | Test Result Codes for a CETK Test Case

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