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IRTCClient2:IRTCClient (Windows CE 5.0)

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This interface contains additional methods and properties for the Client object. It extends the IRTCClient interface.


The following table shows the methods for this interface in vtable order. This is the order in which the compiler calls the methods. This interface inherits the methods for the IUnknown and IRTCClient interfaces.

The following table shows the IRTCClient methods.

Method Description
Initialize Initializes the Client object.
Shutdown Cleans up the Client object.
PrepareForShutdown Asynchronously prepares the client for shutting down.
EventFilter Sets or gets the event filter that is used for all attached event sinks.
SetPreferredMediaTypes Sets the preferred media types for new sessions.
PreferredMediaTypes Gets the preferred media types for new sessions.
MediaCapabilities Gets the media types supported by the current hardware.
CreateSession Creates a session.
ListenForIncomingSessions Sets or gets the listening mode that the client uses for incoming sessions.
NetworkAddresses Gets the IP addresses and ports that the client is listening on.
Volume Sets or gets the volume on an audio device.
AudioMuted Sets or gets the muting on an audio device.
IVideoWindow Gets a video window for the client.
PreferredAudioDevice Sets or gets the preferred audio device for audio capturing or rendering.
PreferredVolume Sets or gets the preferred volume on an audio device.
PreferredAEC Sets or gets the preferred Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) mode.
PreferredVideoDevice Sets or gets the preferred video device for new sessions.
ActiveMedia Gets the media types for currently active streams in a session.
MaxBitrate Sets or gets the maximum bit rate (bps) for a session.
TemporalSpatialTradeOff Sets or gets the temporal-spatial tradeoff for a session.
NetworkQuality Gets the quality value of the network connection.
StartT120Applet Starts execution of a T120 add-in.
StopT120Applets Stops execution of all T120 add-ins that are currently running.
IsT120AppletRunning Determines if a T120 add-in is running for the client.
LocalUserURI Sets or gets the SIP URI used in the From: header of the messages sent from the client.
LocalUserName Sets or gets the displayable name used in the From: header of the messages sent from the client.
PlayRing Plays a ring on the operating system default audio device or on the RTC default audio device.
SendDTMF Sends a Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) tone to the active session and plays a feedback tone to the RTC default audio device.
InvokeTuningWizard Invokes the tuning wizard.
IsTuned Gets the tuning status of the tuning wizard.

The following table shows the IRTCClient2 methods.

Method Description
AllowedPorts Sets or gets the ports the client uses to listen for incoming sessions.
AnswerMode Sets or gets the answer mode for a session type.
InvokeTuningWizardEx This method is not supported in Windows CE.
Version Gets the version of the client.
ClientName Sets the name of the application that is used in the User-Agent header.
ClientCurVer Sets the version of the application for the User-Agent header.
InitializeEx Specifies additional information about the mode of initialization, such as disabling for the media stack or UPnP support.
CreateSessionWithDescription Creates a session and specifies that the application is responsible for all negotiations with the session.
SetSessionDescriptionManager Sets the application's Session Description Manager that handles session negotiations.
PreferredSecurityLevel Sets or gets the encryption level for each media type required for the session.

Obtaining a Pointer

The application can obtain the client object using CoCreateInstance for CLSID_RTCClient (GUID = {7a42ea29-a2b7-40c4-b091-f6f024aa89be}).

The RTC client object can be subsequently queried for the presence of IRTCClient2 using QueryInterface.

The object can be used as an inproc server only.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Rtccore.h, Rtccore.idl.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

See Also

RTC Client API Interfaces | CoCreateInstance | IRTCClient | IUnknown | QueryInterface

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