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Viewbin Tool (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Viewbin Tool (Viewbin.exe) is a tool you can use to discover information about a run-time image.

Examples of information that you can display include:

  • Exact length of the run-time image
  • Files and modules included in the run-time image
  • Symbol information

The following code example shows the usage syntax for Viewbin.exe:

viewbin [parameters] [filename]


  • -d[ata]
    Prints all data bytes.

    This can result in large amounts of output.

  • -t[oc]
    Prints a table of contents.

  • -o[bj]
    Prints a table of contents and object information.

  • -r[ec]
    Prints record information.

  • -sym
    Prints profiling symbol information.


The following command shows how to use Viewbin.exe to determine the files that are included in a run-time image, and routes the output to a text file for reference and easier viewing.

viewbin -toc nk.bin > output.txt

See Also

Utilities | How to Decrease Run-Time Image Size on a CEPC | Run-Time Image Build Process

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