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Appendix H - Pre-Implementation Checklists

Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2

The tables in this appendix are checklists that can be used while you build the initial environment. Each checklist here is designed for the following test environment computers:

  • RES-DC


  • RES-CLT1

  • ACC-DC

  • ACC-CLT1

  • ACC-CLT2

Although the detailed steps required to build the test environment are outside the scope of this document, these can be used to help guide the process. These steps represent those taken while developing this document.

RES-DC Checklist

Step Reference

Install Operating System

Hyper-V Getting Started Guide (

Install Hyper-V Integration Services

Hyper-V Getting Started Guide (

Change timezone/computer name/verify networking

Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (

Change IP Address

Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (


AD DS Installation and Removal Step-by-Step Guide (

Install Internet Information Services 7.0

Installing IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008 (

Install Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell (

Install Microsoft Exchange 2007 with Service Pack 1

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (

Install Microsoft SQL 2008

Installing SQL Server 2008 (

Install Microsoft SQL 2008 Service Pack 1

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1 (

Install Active Directory Migration Tool 3.1

ADMT v3.1 (

Install Visual Studio 2008

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Installation and Setup Essentials (

Install Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (

Install Identity Lifecycle Manager Feature Pack 1

Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007 (

Configure DNS Conditional Forwarding

Configure a DNS Server to Use Forwarders (

Create Trust between Forests

Create a Forest Trust (

Configure ADMT 3.1

ADMT v3.1 (

RES-ADRMS Checklist

Step Reference

Install Operating System

Hyper-V Getting Started Guide (

Install Hyper-V Integration Services

Hyper-V Getting Started Guide (

Change timezone/computer name/verify networking

Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (

Change IP Address

Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (

Join the RESOURCE domain

How to Join the Domain on the Domain Controller (

Install Internet Information Services 7.0

Installing IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008 (

Install Microsoft SQL 2008

Installing SQL Server 2008 (

Install Microsoft SQL 2008 Service Pack 1

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1 (

RES-CLT1 Checklist

Step Reference

Install Operating System

Hyper-V Getting Started Guide (

Change IP Address

Windows Client Networking (

Join the RESOURCE domain

Windows 7 Domain Join (

Install Microsoft Office 2007

How to install and activate 2007 Microsoft Office system programs (

Install Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 1

Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 1 (

ACC-DC Checklist

Step Reference

Install Operating System

Hyper-V Getting Started Guide (

Install Hyper-V Integration Services

Hyper-V Getting Started Guide (

Change timezone/computer name/verify networking

Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (

Change IP Address

Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (


AD DS Installation and Removal Step-by-Step Guide (

Install Rights Management Services Administration Toolkit with SP2

Rights Management Services Administration Toolkit with SP2 (

ACC-CLT1 Checklist

Step Reference

Install Operating System

Hyper-V Getting Started Guide (

Install Hyper-V Integration Services

Hyper-V Getting Started Guide (

Change IP Address

Windows Vista Networking (

Join the ACCOUNT domain

Joining a Windows Vista Wired Client to a Domain (

Install Microsoft Office 2007

How to install and activate 2007 Microsoft Office system programs (

Install Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 1

Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 1 (

ACC-CLT2 Checklist

Step Reference

Install Operating System

Hyper-V Getting Started Guide (

Install Hyper-V Integration Services

Hyper-V Getting Started Guide (

Change IP Address

Windows Vista Networking (

Join the ACCOUNT domain

Joining a Windows Vista Wired Client to a Domain (

Install Microsoft Office 2007

How to install and activate 2007 Microsoft Office system programs (

Install Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 1

Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 1 (

See Also


Scenario Overview
Prerequisites for AD RMS Deployment in a Resource Forest