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EnsembleRegressor Class

Description Train a regression ensemble model



EnsembleRegressor(sampling_type={'Name': 'BootstrapSelector', 'Settings': {'FeatureSelector': {'Name': 'AllFeatureSelector', 'Settings': {}}}}, num_models=None, sub_model_selector_type=None, output_combiner=None, normalize='Auto', caching='Auto', train_parallel=False, batch_size=-1, show_metrics=False, feature=None, label=None, **params)



see Columns.


see Columns.


Specifies how the training samples are created:

  • BootstrapSelector: takes a bootstrap sample of the training set (sampling with replacement). This is the default method.

  • RandomPartitionSelector: randomly partitions the training set into subsets.

  • AllSelector: every model is trained using the whole training set.

Each of these Subset Selectors has two options for selecting features:

  • AllFeatureSelector: selects all the features. This is the default


  • RandomFeatureSelector: selects a random subset of the features for each model.


Indicates the number models to train, i.e. the number of subsets of the training set to sample. The default value is 50. If batches are used then this indicates the number of models per batch.


Determines the efficient set of models the output_combiner uses, and removes the least significant models. This is used to improve the accuracy and reduce the model size. This is also called pruning.

  • RegressorAllSelector: does not perform any pruning and selects all models in the ensemble to combine to create the output. This is the default submodel selector.

  • RegressorBestDiverseSelector: combines models whose predictions are as diverse as possible. Currently, only diagreement diversity is supported.

  • RegressorBestPerformanceSelector: combines only the models with the best performance according to the specified metric. The metric can be "L1", "L2", "Rms", or "Loss", or "RSquared".


Indicates how to combine the predictions of the different models into a single prediction. There are five available output combiners for clasification:

  • RegressorAverage: computes the average of the scores produced by the trained models.

  • RegressorMedian: computes the median of the scores produced by the trained models.

  • RegressorStacking: computes the output by training a model on a training set where each instance is a vector containing the outputs of the different models on a training instance, and the instance's label.


Specifies the type of automatic normalization used:

  • "Auto": if normalization is needed, it is performed automatically. This is the default choice.

  • "No": no normalization is performed.

  • "Yes": normalization is performed.

  • "Warn": if normalization is needed, a warning message is displayed, but normalization is not performed.

Normalization rescales disparate data ranges to a standard scale. Feature scaling ensures the distances between data points are proportional and enables various optimization methods such as gradient descent to converge much faster. If normalization is performed, a MinMax normalizer is used. It normalizes values in an interval [a, b] where -1 <= a <= 0 and 0 <= b <= 1 and b - a = 1. This normalizer preserves sparsity by mapping zero to zero.


Whether trainer should cache input training data.


All the base learners will run asynchronously if the value is true.


Train the models iteratively on subsets of the training set of this size. When using this option, it is assumed that the training set is randomized enough so that every batch is a random sample of instances. The default value is -1, indicating using the whole training set. If the value is changed to an integer greater than 0, the number of trained models is the number of batches (the size of the training set divided by the batch size), times num_models.


True, if metrics for each model need to be evaluated and shown in comparison table. This is done by using validation set if available or the training set.


Additional arguments sent to compute engine.


   # EnsembleRegressor
   from nimbusml import Pipeline, FileDataStream
   from nimbusml.datasets import get_dataset
   from nimbusml.feature_extraction.categorical import OneHotVectorizer
   from nimbusml.ensemble import EnsembleRegressor
   from nimbusml.ensemble.feature_selector import RandomFeatureSelector
   from nimbusml.ensemble.output_combiner import RegressorMedian
   from nimbusml.ensemble.subset_selector import RandomPartitionSelector
   from nimbusml.ensemble.sub_model_selector import RegressorBestDiverseSelector

   # data input (as a FileDataStream)
   path = get_dataset('infert').as_filepath()
   data = FileDataStream.read_csv(path)
   #   age  case education  induced  parity  ... row_num  spontaneous  ...
   # 0   26     1    0-5yrs        1       6 ...       1            2  ...
   # 1   42     1    0-5yrs        1       1 ...       2            0  ...
   # 2   39     1    0-5yrs        2       6 ...       3            0  ...
   # 3   34     1    0-5yrs        2       4 ...       4            0  ...
   # 4   35     1   6-11yrs        1       3 ...       5            1  ...

   # define the training pipeline using default sampling and ensembling parameters
   pipeline_with_defaults = Pipeline([
       OneHotVectorizer(columns={'edu': 'education'}),
       EnsembleRegressor(feature=['induced', 'edu'], label='age', num_models=3)

   # train, predict, and evaluate
   metrics, predictions =, output_scores=True)

   # print predictions
   #        Score
   # 0  26.046741
   # 1  26.046741
   # 2  29.225840
   # 3  29.225840
   # 4  33.849384

   # print evaluation metrics
   #    L1(avg)    L2(avg)  RMS(avg)  Loss-fn(avg)  R Squared
   # 0  4.69884  33.346123   5.77461     33.346124  -0.214011

   # define the training pipeline with specific sampling and ensembling options
   pipeline_with_options = Pipeline([
       OneHotVectorizer(columns={'edu': 'education'}),
       EnsembleRegressor(feature=['induced', 'edu'],
                         sampling_type = RandomPartitionSelector(

   # train, predict, and evaluate
   metrics, predictions =, output_scores=True)

   # print predictions
   #        Score
   # 0  37.122200
   # 1  37.122200
   # 2  41.296204
   # 3  41.296204
   # 4  33.591423

   # print evaluation metrics
   # note that the converged loss function values are worse than with defaults as
   # this is a small dataset that we partition into 3 chunks for each regressor,
   # which decreases model quality
   #     L1(avg)    L2(avg)  RMS(avg)  Loss-fn(avg)  R Squared
   # 0  5.481676  44.924838  6.702599     44.924838   -0.63555


An Ensemble is a set of models, each trained on a sample of the training set. Training an ensemble instead of a single model can boost the accuracy of a given algorithm.

The quality of an Ensemble depends on two factors; Accuracy and Diversity. Ensemble can be analogous to Teamwork. If every team member is diverse and competent, then the team can perform very well. Here a team member is a base learner and the team is the Ensemble. In the case of regression ensembles, the base learner is an OnlineGradientDescentRegressor.



Get the parameters for this operator.


Get the parameters for this operator.



default value: False