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Render - Get Copyright For World

Use para obtener información sobre derechos de autor para el mundo.


Retirada del servicio Render v1 de Azure Maps

El servicio Render v1 de Azure Maps ya está en desuso y se retirará el 17/9/26. Para evitar interrupciones del servicio, todas las llamadas a Render v1 API se tendrán que actualizar para usar Render v2 API antes del 17/9/26.

La Get Copyright For World API es una solicitud HTTP GET diseñada para proporcionar información de copyright para el servicio Render Tile. Además de los derechos de autor básicos para todo el mapa, sirve a grupos específicos de derechos de autor para algunos países. Para obtener la información de copyright predeterminada para todo el mundo, no especifique un icono ni un rectángulo delimitador.


Parámetros de identificador URI

Nombre En Requerido Tipo Description
path True


Formato deseado de la respuesta. El valor puede ser json o xml.

query True


Número de versión de la API de Azure Maps.



Valor Sí/no para excluir los datos textuales de la respuesta. Solo las imágenes y los nombres de país o región estarán en respuesta.

Encabezado de la solicitud

Nombre Requerido Tipo Description


Especifica qué cuenta está pensada para su uso junto con el modelo de seguridad de Microsoft Entra ID. Representa un identificador único para la cuenta de Azure Maps y se puede recuperar de la API de cuenta del plano de administración de Azure Maps. Para usar Microsoft Entra ID seguridad en Azure Maps consulte los siguientes artículos para obtener instrucciones.


Nombre Tipo Description
200 OK



Other Status Codes


Se ha producido un error inesperado.



Estos son los flujos de OAuth 2.0 de Microsoft Entra. Cuando se empareja con el control de acceso basado en rol de Azure, se puede usar para controlar el acceso a Azure Maps API REST. Los controles de acceso basados en roles de Azure se usan para designar el acceso a una o varias Azure Maps cuenta de recursos o subrecursos. A cualquier usuario, grupo o entidad de servicio se le puede conceder acceso a través de un rol integrado o un rol personalizado compuesto por uno o varios permisos para Azure Maps API REST.

Para implementar escenarios, se recomienda ver los conceptos de autenticación. En resumen, esta definición de seguridad proporciona una solución para el modelado de aplicaciones a través de objetos capaces de controlar el acceso en determinadas API y ámbitos.


  • Esta definición de seguridad requiere el uso del x-ms-client-id encabezado para indicar a qué recurso Azure Maps la aplicación solicita acceso. Esto se puede adquirir desde la API de administración de Maps.

Authorization URL es específico de la instancia de nube pública de Azure. Las nubes soberanas tienen direcciones URL de autorización únicas y configuraciones de Microsoft Entra ID. * El control de acceso basado en rol de Azure se configura desde el plano de administración de Azure a través de Azure Portal, PowerShell, CLI, SDK de Azure o API REST. * El uso del SDK web de Azure Maps permite la configuración basada en la configuración de una aplicación para varios casos de uso.

Tipo: oauth2
Flujo: implicit
Dirección URL de autorización:


Nombre Description


Se trata de una clave compartida que se aprovisiona al crear una cuenta de Azure Maps en el Azure Portal o mediante PowerShell, la CLI, los SDK de Azure o la API REST.

Con esta clave, cualquier aplicación puede acceder a todas las API REST. En otras palabras, esta clave se puede usar como clave maestra en la cuenta en la que se emiten.

En el caso de las aplicaciones expuestas públicamente, nuestra recomendación es usar el enfoque de aplicaciones cliente confidenciales para acceder a Azure Maps API REST para que la clave se pueda almacenar de forma segura.

Tipo: apiKey
En: query

SAS Token

Se trata de un token de firma de acceso compartido que se crea a partir de la operación List SAS en el recurso de Azure Maps a través del plano de administración de Azure a través de Azure Portal, PowerShell, CLI, SDK de Azure o API REST.

Con este token, cualquier aplicación está autorizada para acceder a los controles de acceso basado en roles de Azure y al control específico de la expiración, la tasa y las regiones de uso para el token determinado. Es decir, el token de SAS se puede usar para permitir que las aplicaciones controlen el acceso de forma más segura que la clave compartida.

En el caso de las aplicaciones expuestas públicamente, nuestra recomendación es configurar una lista específica de orígenes permitidos en el recurso de la cuenta de mapa para limitar la representación de abusos y renovar periódicamente el token de SAS.

Tipo: apiKey
En: header


Solicitud de ejemplo


Respuesta de muestra

  "formatVersion": "0.0.1",
  "generalCopyrights": [
    "© 1992 - 2018 TomTom. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection, database right protection and other intellectual property rights owned by TomTom or its suppliers. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. Any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material will lead to criminal and civil liabilities.",
    "Data Source © 2018 TomTom",
    "based on"
  "regions": [
      "copyrights": [
        "This product contains cartographic information (geometry, street names, traffic flow, address points) made available by Govern d’Andorra under legal terms available here;"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "AND",
        "label": "Andorra"
      "copyrights": [
        "In New South Wales this product contains road centerline geometry from NSW Land Property Information licensed under CC-BY 3.0 AU. © Land and Property Information [2015]. Further information available here:",
        "In Queensland this product contains road centerline geometry from QLD Transport and Main Roads authority made available by the Queensland open data portal and licensed under CC-BY 3.0 AU. Further information available here:",
        "In South Australia this product contains road centerline geometry from SA Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure made available by the South Australian government and licensed under CC-BY 4.0. Further information available here:",
        "In Tasmania this product contains road centerline attribution from the Tasmanian Government Transport agency.",
        "In Victoria this product contains cartographic information (roads, speed restriction, vehicle restrictions) made available by the Victorian Government open data portal licensed under CC-BY 4.0. Further information here:",
        "In Western Australia this product contains medium scale road centerline geometry from Landgate made available by the Western Australian Government via their open that portal licensed under CC-BY 4.0",
        "This product contains address point data made available in the PSMA Geocoded National Address File (G- NAF) offered via the Australian Federal Government open data portal under EULA terms based on Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0 with the following special restriction. For Specifics please reference:"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "AUS",
        "label": "Australia"
      "copyrights": [
        "© BEV, GZ 1368/2017"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "AUT",
        "label": "Austria"
      "copyrights": [
        "© Source data. State committee on property of the Republic of Belarus, 2015 © Republic unitary organization <<Belgeodsia>>, 2016"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "BLR",
        "label": "Belarus"
      "copyrights": [
        "© 2006 – 2018 TomTom. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned or licensed to TomTom. The product includes information copied with permission from Canadian authorities, including © Canada Post Corporation and Department of Natural Resources Canada, All rights reserved. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a License Agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. Adapted from Statistics Canada: Boundary Files, 2016 Census; Road Network File, 2016; and Census Population and Dwelling Count Highlight Tables, 2016 Census. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product",
        "The following copyright notice applies to the use of Administrative Area: © 2006 – 2018 TomTom. All rights reserved. Adapted from Statistics Canada: Boundary Files, 2016 Census: Census Population and Dwelling Count Highlight Tables, 2016. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product.",
        "The following copyright notice applies to the use of Post- FSA layer and 6-digit layer: © 2006 – 2018 TomTom. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned or licensed to TomTom. The product includes information copied with permission from Canadian authorities, including © Canada Post Corporation, All rights reserved. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a License Agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material",
        "The following copyright notice applies to the use of Points of Interest: © 2006 – 2018 TomTom. All rights reserved. Portions of the POI database contained in Points of Interest North America have been provided by Neustar Localeze",
        "The following copyright notice applies to the use of Telecommunications: © 2017 Pitney Bowes. All rights reserved. In addition, for the following product layers Wire Center Boundaries, ILEC Boundaries, and Rate Center Boundaries, the following also applies: This product contains information and/or data of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. (Telcordia) licensed to be included herein.",
        "The following copyright notice applies to the use of TomTom Traffic: Portions of the data have been provided by Total Traffic & Weather Network, a division of iHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc. © 2017. Total Traffic & Weather Network, a division of iHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.",
        "This product contains address point data made available under the city of Vancouver’s Open Data framework as documented on August 6, 2012 in: Contains public sector Datasets made available under the City of Toronto's Open Data Licence v2.0. This is specified in their terms available here:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Strathcona County. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – County of Grande Prairie. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Canada. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Calgary Regional Partnership Open Data Licence. For specifics, please reference: Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Banff. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Data License – City of Grande Prairie. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – City of Victoria. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licenced under the Open Government Licence - Halifax. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information provided by the City of Guelph under an open government license. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Haldimand County. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information provided by the City of Hamilton under an open government license. For specifics, please reference: Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Niagara Region. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Town of Oakville. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - The Corporation of the City of Windsor. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – City of Regina. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government License - British Columbia. Contains information licensed under the Open Government License - City of Surrey. Contains public sector datasets made available under the City of Brandon's Open Data License. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government License - Winnipeg. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the GeoNB Open Data Licence. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - The Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Niagara Region. For specifics, please referec:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - City of Welland. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence - Prince Edward Island. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government License - Kamloops. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government License - Nanaimo. For specifics, please reference: Contains information licensed under the Open Government License – City of New Westminster. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains information licensed under the Open Government License – City of Prince George. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains Information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Brantford. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains data for Gatineau, QC made available through Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains data for Laval, QC made available through Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains data for Longueuil, QC made available through Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains data for Montreal, QC made available through Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains data for Rimouski, QC made available through Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. For specifics, please reference:"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "CAN",
        "label": "Canada"
      "copyrights": [
        "© Swisstopo"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "CHE",
        "label": "Switzerland"
      "copyrights": [
        "GeoBasis-DE/Geobasis NRW 2017"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "DEU",
        "label": "Germany"
      "copyrights": [
        "© DAV, violation of these copyrights shall cause legal proceedings"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "DNK",
        "label": "Denmark"
      "copyrights": [
        "© 2013-2018 TomTom-Nomago"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "DZA",
        "label": "Algeria"
      "copyrights": [
        "This product contains cartographic information (geometry, street names, traffic flow) made available by Ajuntament de Lleida under legal terms available here:",
        "This product contains cartographic information (geometry, street names, traffic flow) made available by Ayuntamiento de Logroño under legal terms available here:",
        "This product contains address point data made available under the Gobierno de Navarra and offered under Creative Commons- Attribution (CC-by 3.0) license in:",
        "This product contains address point data made available by la Comunidad de Madrid with the product NomeCalles offered by El Instituto de Estadística de la Comunidad de Madrid in:",
        "This product contains address point data made available by la Dirección General del Catastro del Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda in:",
        "This product contains cartographic information (geometry, street names, traffic flow, address points) made available by Ajuntament de El Prat de Llobregat under legal terms available here:",
        "This product contains cartographic information (geometry, street names, traffic flow, address points) made available by Ayuntamiento de Valencia under legal terms available here:",
        "This product contains cartographic information (geometry, street names, traffic flow, address points) made available by Ajuntament de Sant Feu de Llobregat under legal terms available here:",
        "This product contains cartographic information (geometry, street names, traffic flow) made available by Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz under Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 España available here: TT#0041606-16"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "ESP",
        "label": "Spain"
      "copyrights": [
        "(navigation devices only) Michelin data © Michelin 2017 The following copyright applies to the Advanced Navigable MAP, Address Points, 2D City Map and Buildings: Source: Direction générale des Finances Publiques – Cadastre; Updated 2017"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "FRA",
        "label": "France"
      "copyrights": [
        "Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland",
        "Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2017",
        "Code-Point® Open data; Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2017 Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right 2017"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "GBR",
        "label": "United Kingdom"
      "copyrights": [
        "© Base data Bakosurtanal"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "IDN",
        "label": "Indonesia"
      "copyrights": [
        "This product contains cartographic information (street names, address points) made available by the Regione Lombardia and offered under Italian Open Data License (IODL 2.0) available at the following address:",
        "This product contains cartographic information from Comune di Milano 1)– Servizio Sit e Statistica made available at under license Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 2,5) 2) Web portal available at Under license Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 3.0) (",
        "This product contains cartographic information (street names, address points) made available by Regione Emilia Romagna and offered under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 2.5) available at following address This product contains cartographic information (street names, address points) made available by Comune di Torino and offered under Italian Open Data License (IODL 2.0) available at following address",
        "This product contains cartographic information (street names, address points) made available by Regione Veneto and offered offered under Italian Open Data License (IODL 2.0) available at following address",
        "This product contains cartographic information (street names, address points) made available by Regione Toscana and offered offered under under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 2.5), according to the legislation available at and Regolamento;6/R&pr=idx,0;artic,1;articparziale,0, data available at following address",
        "This product contains cartographic information (area info) made available by Comune di Roma at under license Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0)",
        "This product contains data (house numbers, geographical and statistical info on administrative areas) made available under the Istituto Nazionale di Statistica and offered under Creative Commons- Attribution (CC-by 3.0) license in: and",
        "This product contains address point data made available under the Comune di Verona in:",
        "This product contains address point data made available under the Comune di Vicenza in:",
        "This product contains address point data from Comune di Milano – Servizio Sit e Statistica This product contains address point data made available under the Provincia di Biella in:",
        "This product contains address point data made available by Comune di Torino and offered under Italian Open Data License (IODL 2.0) available at following address",
        "This product contains address point data made available under the Comune di Firenze and offered under Creative Commons- Attribution (CC-by 3.0) license in:",
        "This product contains address point data made available by Regione Emilia Romagna and offered under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 2.5) available at following address",
        "This product contains address point data made available by Regione Toscana and offered under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 2.5), according to the legislation available at and Regolamento;6/R&pr=idx,0;artic,1;articparziale,0, data available at following address",
        "This product contains address point data made available by Regione Veneto and offered offered under Italian Open Data License (IODL 2.0) available at following address",
        "This product contains address point data made available by Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia and offered under ITALIA OPEN DATA LICENSE V2.0 (IODL 2.0). Data are available at following address :",
        "This product contains address point data made available by Regione Umbria and offered under CCBY License. Data are available at following address : This product contains address point data made available by Regione Lombardia and offered under Italian Open Data License (IODL 2.0 available at the following address:"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "ITA",
        "label": "Italy"
      "copyrights": [
        "© Royal Jordanian Geographic center"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "JOR",
        "label": "Jordan"
      "copyrights": [
        "© Shobunsha Publications, Inc. © Shobunsha"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "JPN",
        "label": "Japan"
      "copyrights": [
        "Based upon electronic data © Mappers Co., Ltd. All rights reserved"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "KOR",
        "label": "Republic of Korea"
      "copyrights": [
        "© FICHIER DE BASE DES ADRESSES GEOCODEES : ADM. DU CADASTRE ET DE LA TOPOGRAPHIE (2017) [© File taken from the database of geocoded addresses: Land Registry and Topography Administration (2017)]"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "LUX",
        "label": "Luxembourg"
      "copyrights": [
        "Macao Special Administrative Region Government – Cartography and Cadastre Bureau",
        "This product contains Road Geometry data made available by Macao Special Administrative Region Government – Cartography and Cadastre Bureau:"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "MAC",
        "label": "Macao SAR"
      "copyrights": [
        "The following copyright notice applies to the use of TomTom Traffic: Portions of the data have been provided by Total Traffic & Weather Network, a division of iHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc. © 2017. Total Traffic & Weather Network, a division of iHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved."
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "MEX",
        "label": "Mexico"
      "copyrights": [
        "This product includes data from Mapping Unit, Malta Environment and Planning Authority and licensed on behalf of them or © Mapping Unit, Malta Environment and Planning Authority"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "MLT",
        "label": "Malta"
      "copyrights": [
        "Topografische onderground Copyright © dienst voor het kadaster en de openbare registers, Apeldoorn 2017"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "NLD",
        "label": "Netherlands"
      "copyrights": [
        "Contains data under the Norwegian licence for Open Government data (NLOD) distributed by Statens Vegvesen"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "NOR",
        "label": "Norway"
      "copyrights": [
        "This product contains cartographic information (geometry, street names) made available by LINZ and sourced from the LINZ Data Service and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand license",
        "This product contains cartographic information (geometry) made with the help of Aerial Imagery made available by LINZ and sourced from the LINZ Data Service and licensed by various government agencies for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand license",
        "This product contains cartographic information (crash data) made available by New Zealand Transport Agency licensed under CC-BY 3.0 NZL. Further information here:",
        "This product contains cartographic information (geometry, lane information, street names) made available by New Zealand Transport Agency on agreement on a case by case basis. Further information here:",
        "This product contains address point data made available in the New Zealand Address Dataset which is sourced from New Zealand Post and Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). New Zealand Post copyright reserved. Data sourced from LINZ Data Service is subject to Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand license"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "NZL",
        "label": "New Zealand"
      "copyrights": [
        "This product contains postal code data of Poşta Română made available under Open Government License:"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "ROU",
        "label": "Romania"
      "copyrights": [
        "© ROSREESTR"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "RUS",
        "label": "Russian Federation"
      "copyrights": [
        "The following copyright notice applies to the use of Points of Interest: © 2006 – 2018 TomTom. All rights reserved. Portions of the POI database contained in Points of Interest North America have been provided by Neustar Localeze",
        "The following copyright notice applies to the use of Telecommunications: © 2017 Pitney Bowes. All rights reserved. In addition, for the following product layers Wire Center Boundaries, ILEC Boundaries, and Rate Center Boundaries, the following also applies: This product contains information and/or data of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. (Telcordia) licensed to be included herein.",
        "The following copyright notice applies to the use of TomTom Traffic: Portions of the data have been provided by Total Traffic & Weather Network, a division of iHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc. © 2017. Total Traffic & Weather Network, a division of iHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.",
        "© United States Postal Service 2017",
        "Contains data made available by the Rhode Island Geographic Information System (RIGIS) consortium, the State of Rhode Island, and the University of Rhode Island. For specifics, please reference:",
        "Contains Address Points data made available by State of Maryland and MD iMAP. For specifics, please reference:"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "USA",
        "label": "United States"


Nombre Description

Este objeto se devuelve de una solicitud de copyright correcta.


Propiedad Country


Información adicional sobre el error de administración de recursos.


Detalle del error.


Respuesta de error


Valor Sí/no para excluir los datos textuales de la respuesta. Solo las imágenes y los nombres de país o región estarán en respuesta.


Formato deseado de la respuesta. El valor puede ser json o xml.

Este objeto se devuelve de una solicitud de copyright correcta.

Nombre Tipo Description


Format Version (propiedad)



Matriz de derechos de autor generales



Matriz de regiones


Propiedad Country

Nombre Tipo Description


Propiedad ISO3



propiedad Etiqueta


Información adicional sobre el error de administración de recursos.

Nombre Tipo Description


Información adicional.



Tipo de información adicional.


Detalle del error.

Nombre Tipo Description


Información adicional del error.



Código de error.



Los detalles del error.



El mensaje de error.



Destino del error.


Respuesta de error

Nombre Tipo Description


Objeto de error.


Valor Sí/no para excluir los datos textuales de la respuesta. Solo las imágenes y los nombres de país o región estarán en respuesta.

Nombre Tipo Description


Excluya los datos textuales de la respuesta. Solo las imágenes y los nombres de país o región estarán en respuesta.



Incluya todos los datos textuales en respuesta.


Nombre Tipo Description


Matriz de copyrights



Propiedad Country


Formato deseado de la respuesta. El valor puede ser json o xml.

Nombre Tipo Description


Formato de intercambio de datos de notación de objetos JavaScript



Lenguaje de marcado extensible