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ISmsTextMessage.Timestamp Propiedad


Recupera la marca de tiempo del mensaje. Se determina localmente para una instancia de mensaje construida o desde la marca de tiempo del centro de servicios de un mensaje recibido.

 property DateTime Timestamp { DateTime get(); };
/// [get: Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Deprecated("SmsTextMessage may be altered or unavailable for releases after Windows 10. Instead, use SmsTextMessage2.", Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecationType.Deprecate, 65536, Windows.Devices.Sms.LegacySmsApiContract)]
DateTime Timestamp();
/// [get: Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Deprecated("SmsTextMessage may be altered or unavailable for releases after Windows 10. Instead, use SmsTextMessage2.", Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecationType.Deprecate, 65536, "Windows.Devices.Sms.LegacySmsApiContract")]
DateTime Timestamp();
public System.DateTimeOffset Timestamp { [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Deprecated("SmsTextMessage may be altered or unavailable for releases after Windows 10. Instead, use SmsTextMessage2.", Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecationType.Deprecate, 65536, typeof(Windows.Devices.Sms.LegacySmsApiContract))] get; }
public System.DateTimeOffset Timestamp { [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Deprecated("SmsTextMessage may be altered or unavailable for releases after Windows 10. Instead, use SmsTextMessage2.", Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecationType.Deprecate, 65536, "Windows.Devices.Sms.LegacySmsApiContract")] get; }
var dateTime = iSmsTextMessage.timestamp;
Public ReadOnly Property Timestamp As DateTimeOffset

Valor de propiedad

Valor del tipo DateTime.


Requisitos de Windows

Características de aplicaciones
cellularMessaging sms

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