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ToastNotification.Dismissed Evento


Se produce cuando una notificación del sistema deja la pantalla, ya sea expirando o descartando explícitamente por el usuario. Las aplicaciones que se ejecutan se suscriben a este evento.

// Register
event_token Dismissed(TypedEventHandler<ToastNotification, ToastDismissedEventArgs const&> const& handler) const;

// Revoke with event_token
void Dismissed(event_token const* cookie) const;

// Revoke with event_revoker
ToastNotification::Dismissed_revoker Dismissed(auto_revoke_t, TypedEventHandler<ToastNotification, ToastDismissedEventArgs const&> const& handler) const;
public event TypedEventHandler<ToastNotification,ToastDismissedEventArgs> Dismissed;
function onDismissed(eventArgs) { /* Your code */ }
toastNotification.addEventListener("dismissed", onDismissed);
toastNotification.removeEventListener("dismissed", onDismissed);
- or -
toastNotification.ondismissed = onDismissed;
Public Custom Event Dismissed As TypedEventHandler(Of ToastNotification, ToastDismissedEventArgs) 

Tipo de evento


En el ejemplo siguiente se muestra cómo escuchar y controlar el evento Dismissed.

var notifications = Windows.UI.Notifications;

yourToastNotification.addEventListener("dismissed", function (e) {
    switch (e.reason) {
        case notifications.ToastDismissalReason.applicationHidden:
            // The application hid the toast using ToastNotifier.hide.
        case notifications.ToastDismissalReason.userCanceled:
            // The user dismissed the toast.
        case notifications.ToastDismissalReason.timedOut:
            // The toast has expired.


ToastDismissalReason se incluye en el parámetro ToastDismissedEventArgs.

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