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ISupportIncrementalLoading Interfaz


Especifica un contrato de llamada para las vistas de colección que admiten la carga incremental.

public interface class ISupportIncrementalLoading
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, 65536)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Guid(2136926610, 30356, 20076, 165, 27, 227, 75, 244, 61, 231, 67)]
struct ISupportIncrementalLoading
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract), 65536)]
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Guid(2136926610, 30356, 20076, 165, 27, 227, 75, 244, 61, 231, 67)]
public interface ISupportIncrementalLoading
Public Interface ISupportIncrementalLoading

Requisitos de Windows

Familia de dispositivos
Windows 10 (se introdujo en la versión 10.0.10240.0)
API contract
Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (se introdujo en la versión v1.0)


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo implementar esta interfaz. Para obtener la lista de código completa, consulta el ejemplo de enlace de datos XAML.

#pragma region Overridable methods

        virtual Concurrency::task<Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<Platform::Object^>^> LoadMoreItemsOverride(Concurrency::cancellation_token c, unsigned int count)
            return Concurrency::task<Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<Platform::Object^>^>(
                [=]() -> Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<Platform::Object^>^ {
                    auto items = ref new Platform::Collections::Vector<Platform::Object^>();
                    return items;
        virtual bool HasMoreItemsOverride()
            return false;

#pragma endregion 

            _storage = ref new Platform::Collections::Vector<Platform::Object^>();
            _storage->VectorChanged += ref new Windows::Foundation::Collections::VectorChangedEventHandler<Platform::Object^>(this, &IncrementalLoadingBase::_storageVectorChanged);
            _busy = false;
            _isVectorChangedObserved = false;


        virtual Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<Windows::UI::Xaml::Data::LoadMoreItemsResult>^ LoadMoreItemsAsync(unsigned int count)
            if (_busy)
                throw ref new Platform::FailureException("Only one operation in flight at a time");

            _busy = true;

            return Concurrency::create_async([=](Concurrency::cancellation_token c) {
                return LoadMoreItemsAsync(c, count)
                    .then([=](Windows::UI::Xaml::Data::LoadMoreItemsResult result) -> Windows::UI::Xaml::Data::LoadMoreItemsResult {
                        _busy = false;
                        return result;

        property bool HasMoreItems
            virtual bool get() { return HasMoreItemsOverride(); }

#pragma endregion 
#region ISupportIncrementalLoading

public bool HasMoreItems
    get { return HasMoreItemsOverride(); }

public Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<LoadMoreItemsResult> LoadMoreItemsAsync(uint count)
    if (_busy)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Only one operation in flight at a time");

    _busy = true;

    return AsyncInfo.Run((c) => LoadMoreItemsAsync(c, count));


#region INotifyCollectionChanged

public event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;


#region Private methods

async Task<LoadMoreItemsResult> LoadMoreItemsAsync(CancellationToken c, uint count)
        var items = await LoadMoreItemsOverrideAsync(c, count);
        var baseIndex = _storage.Count;


        // Now notify of the new items
        NotifyOfInsertedItems(baseIndex, items.Count);

        return new LoadMoreItemsResult { Count = (uint)items.Count };
        _busy = false;

void NotifyOfInsertedItems(int baseIndex, int count)
    if (CollectionChanged == null)

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        var args = new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, _storage[i + baseIndex], i + baseIndex);
        CollectionChanged(this, args);


#region Overridable methods

protected abstract Task<IList<object>> LoadMoreItemsOverrideAsync(CancellationToken c, uint count);
protected abstract bool HasMoreItemsOverride();


#region State

List<object> _storage = new List<object>();
bool _busy = false;




Obtiene un valor de Sentinel que admite implementaciones de carga incremental.



Inicializa la carga incremental desde la vista.

Se aplica a

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