My web API in .NET 6 on an app service is sometimes slow and sometimes fast. I want it to always be fast!

Hugo Gilea 0 Puntos de reputación

I have a problem with my Azure app service. I deployed a web API created with .NET 6 and SQL Server on an Azure app service using a Premium v3 P1V3 195 2 8 250 plan. However, my web API is slow, and the database is an Azure SQL with 20 DTUs. There are moments when it is very fast, but it's like it goes to sleep and then gets fast again once usage starts. I investigated this issue, and the "always on" setting is activated, but that didn't solve my problem. What can I do to solve it? Also, CPU usage doesn't exceed 20%, and RAM usage doesn't exceed 35%, which are normal peaks. However, I don't know if I'm missing a configuration to avoid this behavior. It's worth noting that I am just starting to use it in Azure production, and the daily users do not exceed 10 on the application.

Plataforma e infraestructura de informática en la nube para crear, implementar y administrar aplicaciones y servicios a través de una red mundial de centros de datos administrados por Microsoft.
378 preguntas
Conjunto de tecnologías de .NET Framework para la creación de aplicaciones y servicios web XML.
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SQL Server
SQL Server
Familia de sistemas de análisis y administración de bases de datos relacionales de Microsoft para soluciones de comercio electrónico, línea de negocio y almacenamiento de datos.
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