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The Microsoft TechNet Guru Awards! (July 2015)

All the votes are in!  


And below are the results for the TechNet Guru Awards, July 2015 !!!!


The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!

Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet.

See the links at the bottom, to find out more about the competition and how to enter.


We have picked the top three highest scored contributions for each category to bestow our awards upon.

The awards are in gold, silver and bronze, the gold obviously being the top winner of the category.

The last column is just a few of the comments judges made during the judging process.

In some cases, we have not obtained permission to use the judges names, so they have been reduced to initials.


My fellow wiki ninjas will be digging deeper into some of these articles in this blog series, so watch out for those.

Starting this month you will notice some articles are marked as failing to meet our minimum bar for quality or content.

Any of our judges can exercise their right to veto an article, if they do not feel it meets minimum requirements for a medal.  

When this is the case, we will at least give an indication of the reason, so you understand why.


A big thank you also to the other authors who did not make the top three of each category.

Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.


Guru Award  BizTalk Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Johns-305 BizTalk: Suspend and Resume an Orchestration on Two Way Port Error SW: "Errorhandling is an important aspect in BizTalk Server. This article is another excellent addition to provide insight how to hanlde errors. Well done." Abhishek Kumar: "Thanks for your Contribution John,Interesting article and it will be one of the goodpattern to be implemented in BizTalk .Really a fresh thought ,loved reading it " TGN: "Great article, good work explaining and important aspect of BizTalk. My favorite this month" LG: "It is interesting sample for real-life porblem." Mandi Ohlinger: "Great sample. The screen shots help explain it perfectly. Very nice addition to the Wiki. "

Silver Award Winner


Kjetil Tonstad Automating BizTalk Stop Before Planned Maintenance LG: "Very helpfull article." Mandi Ohlinger: "I love some helpful Powershell scripts. A great resource for anyone and everyone who manages BizTaslk Server. " TGN: "Great script, could be very useful. I would love to see a link to the TechNet Gallery to download these scripts as a bundle." SW: "Good short article for a planned maintenance for BizTalk Server." Abhishek Kumar: "Good article fo scheduling BizTalk Maintenance..Thanks Kjetil"

Bronze Award Winner


Kjetil Tonstad How To Make BizTalk Process Messages Slowly Mandi Ohlinger: "Fantastic job Kjetil! You've answered a very common "how to" question AND included sample XML. In addition to Superman, you are also my hero. " SW: "Nice article on performance in BizTalk and how to tune." Abhishek Kumar: "Kjetil ,Thanks for sharing valuable infomration ,really well explained article. It can solve multiple scnerio within BizTalk " TGN: "I've seen this setup before.. ;). Great information. Important note is that playing and tweaking with throttling and thresholds should constantly be monitored to ensure the effect is perfect." LG: "I moved it down because this solution is controversal. Usually Singleton orchestration is used for such requirements, not throttling."
Guru Award  Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Wim Beck FIM2010: Writing Advanced Attribute Flows Søren Granfeldt: "Very good..." Ed Price: "Great! This is very clear and easy to read. The References section is helpful. The code is formatted very well. Valuable scenario. Great job on this article!"
Guru Award  Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Chervine Analyze Twitter data with Hive in Azure HDInsight JH: "I love the articles from Chervine. This one is really worth reading." André Dias: "Useful article, very well structured, with diagrams that help us to understand the context. and integrates several technologies to help us to solve everyday problems. Congrats." 

Silver Award Winner


Samir FARHAT Introducing the Azure Virtual Machines Service JH: "Good article on Azure VMs. Would love to see more." André Dias: "It is not simply an introduction to IaaS, you entered into many important details of the platform, details that make a difference in the composition of an architecture. Congrats." 

Bronze Award Winner


Chilberto Securely connecting to Azure ServiceBus using WebClient and OAuth WRAP

JH: "Good one, especially the code snippets." Ed Price: "This is great! The introduction and images are very helpful. The code is formatted well. The summary really ties it all up very well! It would benefit from a TOC and link sections at the end (See Also & Other Resources). This is a fantastic article!"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

Guru Award  Miscellaneous Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Carmelo La Monica Arduino Due and Mobile Service Philippe Levesque: "Good article, refreshing content" Richard Mueller: "This is a useful series of articles. Grammar can be improved, and it might help to have more links/references."

Silver Award Winner


Pooja Baraskar Getting Started With Realsense 3D Technology Richard Mueller: "Very interesting. Good use of article guidelines. Great images." Philippe Levesque: "Detailed step and well done article !"
Guru Award  SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - July 2014  

Gold Award Winner


Jaydeep Mungalpara Generating a PDF Document in SharePoint 2013 Ashutosh Singh: "Nice article it would have been better if sample code could have been made without hard coding the list name and it should have been genric for supporting libraries as well" Hezequias Vasconcelos: "Important article because it deals with the integration of SharePoint with Adobe PDF." Margriet Bruggeman: "Nice script! Well done!"

Silver Award Winner


John Naguib Configure Multiple App Domain Margriet Bruggeman: "Very clear, to the point article!!" Ashutosh Singh: "Nice article" Hezequias Vasconcelos: "Paper reports an important part of related infrastructure applying SharePoint fields"

Bronze Award Winner


John Naguib Install Workflow Manager Offline Margriet Bruggeman: "Good article on how to install the Workflow Manager and a link on how to proceed next, very thoughtfull!" Hezequias Vasconcelos: "Excellent article because it is the method of improving work processes."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

Guru Award  Small Basic Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Nonki Takahashi Small Basic: Timer Michiel Van Hoorn: "Great article on how to control "time" in your Small Basic projects" RZ: "Timer is not an easy subject to grasp. Nonki did a very good job simplifying that."

Silver Award Winner


Ed Price - MSFT Small Basic Sample: Nesting Subroutines RZ: "Excellent explanation of the concept of nesting!" 

Bronze Award Winner


Ed Price - MSFT Small Basic Sample: The Triangle Area Calculator RZ: "Very good walkthrough of the program."
Guru Award  SQL BI and Power BI Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Seth Moupre Power BI, Text Analytics and the United States Congress RB: "Very detailed walk through showing clearly some of the great capacities of PowerBI" Durval Ramos: "This is a very interesting article, very well illustrated and some sample query. You need to add more references to your contents." Ed Price: "Wow! What a great and helpful article! Great scenario! The TOC text is a little big. Could benefit from code formatting and a See Also section at the end. Incredibly thorough and great use of images!"

Silver Award Winner


Gaurav Gupta Using Custom assembly in SSAS Durval Ramos: "A good article, but needs more details about how came to this solution" Ed Price: "I love the breakdown of the sections and how easy this is to track! Also, great diagram and table! Could benefit from a TOC and See Also section." 

Bronze Award Winner


Abhinav Bisht SSISPerformanceRemoveSortAdditional Steps Ed Price: "Short and sweet. Good scenarios and great images and reference links. Could benefit from a See Also section. Great article!" Durval Ramos: "I just think there's certain aspects that need to be better, eg. creating "References" and "See Also" sections." 

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

Guru Award  SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Saeid Hasani SQL Server 2014: Step by Step Guide to Setup a Failover Cluster Virtual Lab UR: "Outstanding article with a detailed step by step instructions. Great!" Durval Ramos: "Nicely illustrated, a simple and intuitive article that helps you set up a server to use Failover Cluster"

Silver Award Winner


Daniel Janik A guide to SQL Server for beginners and beyond UR: "It's a good entry point to start the journey to Microsoft SQL Server. Need to be updated frequently by the community. Good idea." Durval Ramos: "Very useful for all SQL Server Community"
Guru Award  System Center Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Adin E Windows Azure Pack (WAP) - Update Rollup Challenge Ed Price: "Fantastic job on this! Great job explaining each section and including inline links! Great job breaking out the sections. This is an important and hot topic!"

Silver Award Winner


Prajwal Desai Create ADR rule in SCCM 2012 R2 Ed Price: "Great description and inline links! Great job on the instructions and use of bold and images! It could benefit from a TOC. Valuable topic. Great article!"

Bronze Award Winner


Darren Joyce Alerting in SCOM for misconfigured IIS Log Rollover for Operations Management Suite (OMS) clients Ed Price: "Great to have this content on this issue! Good job on the TOC and code formatting! Could benefit from link sections, like See Also at the end. Good execution!"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

Guru Award  Transact-SQL Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Visakh16 SQLServer Tips: How To Make a Table Read Only in Database Richard Mueller: "Great use of article guidelines. Good to list pros and cons. Could use a "See Also" section." DB: "Good rundown of the options" Durval Ramos: "A real lesson about security for data, setting tables as "read only""

Silver Award Winner


Patrick Hurst SQL Developers Toolbox – Splitter Function Richard Mueller: "Interesting function. We could use some links and references, and a screen shot of the result after using the function." DB: "Handy code" Durval Ramos: "This is a useful user function, but there are many similar in other TNWiki articles. Maybe it would be interesting to share a more complex sample"
Guru Award  Visual Basic Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Emiliano Musso Create and Using DataSet-independent reports in VB.NET Carmelo La Monica: "Fantastic article and content. Very useful to presonalizze one report with Dataset. Great Images. Congratulation." Richard Mueller: "Very interesting topic. Grammar can be improved. Competition very close in this category this month."

Silver Award Winner


.paul. Triangle Solver Richard Mueller: "Great use of article guidelines. Links in the "See Also" should all be Wiki articles. You can add an "Other resources" section. Competition very close in this category this month." Carmelo La Monica: "Very great Article also with vb net. the same opinion with article in C#."
Guru Award  Visual C# Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


.paul. C# Triangle Solver Carmelo La Monica: "Fantastic article, written very well in all parts, and very good images. Congrats." Jaliya Udagedara: "Good. It would have been great if more explanations were provided for code snippets. "

Silver Award Winner


Ken Cenerelli Using the Checked and Unchecked keywords in C# to perform overflow checking Jaliya Udagedara: "Just great! Good explanation to checked and unchecked keywords." Carmelo La Monica: "Cheched and Uncheched keywords, are very important for to prevent some exception at runtime. Great content and C# code."

Bronze Award Winner


Ken Cenerelli Toolbox searching in Visual Studio 2013 Carmelo La Monica: "Great content and images, very helpful for to find a lot of controls." 
Guru Award  Wiki and Portals Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Ed Price - MSFT Wiki: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Portal Durval Ramos: "A good collection of articles about System Center" Peter Laker: "Who does this Ed think he is? We don't just give away free gold medals! You have to earn them! You can do better than this!!!!"
Guru Award  Windows PowerShell Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Matt McNabb Disable Clutter For All Mailboxes in Exchange Online Richard Mueller: "Very useful information. Some references/links would help." Chen V: "Very good article and O365 Admin Module is excellent!" 

Silver Award Winner


DexterPOSH PowerShell Trick : Azure Cloud Service, Access custom settings Chen V: "Nice article and screen shot is clear and very explanatory!" Richard Mueller: "We need more explanation."

Bronze Award Winner


Pierre-Alexandre Braeken MCSE Making a complete inventory of your Windows servers in PowerShell Richard Mueller: "Good use of article guidelines. Perhaps better to link to the code and provide more explanation and how to use the code. Maybe sample output. The "See Also" should only have links to Wiki articles. Is it wise to use "SilentlyContinue"?" Chen V: "Excellent Stuff! Very impressive!"
Guru Award  Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Andy ONeill Inheriting Property Values Considered KJ: "Wow - this is deep and meaty stuff. nice work" Ed Price: "The depth here is truly amazing. You really exhausted this and gave us a fantastic deep dive into the different approaches to inheriting property values. Fantastic samples!"

Silver Award Winner


Tom Mohan WPF: Implement Change Notification Using INotifyPropertyChanged Interface

KJ: "would love to see some of the gnarlier aspects of INotifyPropertyChanged dealt with"  Ed Price: "You've got a great topic and structure here. It could be improved with more contextual information and some example uses. Great code formatting, and you have all the right sections in place. Great job!"

Guru Award  Windows Server Technical Guru - July 2015  

Gold Award Winner


Jefferson Castilho Disabling Windows Firewall on Hyper -V Server Core and Windows Server 2012 R2 Mark Parris: "Simple but effective guidance." JM: "This is a good article, however you need to add the commands to the text part of the document - they are hard to read in the screenshots" Richard Mueller: "Good information to know. Grammar can be improved. Also avoid first person. We could use more discussion of the pros and cons of doing this."

A huge thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to July's competition.

Hopefully we will see you ALL again in July 2015's listings?

If you haven't contributed an article for this month, and you think you can create a more useful, clever and better presented wiki article than the winners above, here's your chance! :D

Best regards,
Pete Laker

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