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Registry.Users Campo


Contiene información sobre la configuración de usuario predeterminada. Este campo lee la clave base HKEY_USERS del Registro de Windows.

public: static initonly Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey ^ Users;
public static readonly Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey Users;
 staticval mutable Users : Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
Public Shared ReadOnly Users As RegistryKey 

Valor de campo


En el ejemplo siguiente se muestra cómo recuperar las subclaves de esta clave e imprimir sus nombres en la pantalla. Use el OpenSubKey método para crear una instancia de la subclave concreta de interés. Después, puede usar otras operaciones en RegistryKey para manipular esa clave.

using namespace System;
using namespace Microsoft::Win32;
void PrintKeys( RegistryKey ^ rkey )
   // Retrieve all the subkeys for the specified key.
   array<String^>^names = rkey->GetSubKeyNames();
   int icount = 0;
   Console::WriteLine( "Subkeys of {0}", rkey->Name );
   Console::WriteLine( "-----------------------------------------------" );
   // Print the contents of the array to the console.
   System::Collections::IEnumerator^ enum0 = names->GetEnumerator();
   while ( enum0->MoveNext() )
      String^ s = safe_cast<String^>(enum0->Current);
      Console::WriteLine( s );
      // The following code puts a limit on the number
      // of keys displayed.  Comment it out to print the
      // complete list.
      if ( icount >= 10 )

int main()
   // Create a RegistryKey, which will access the HKEY_USERS
   // key in the registry of this machine.
   RegistryKey ^ rk = Registry::Users;
   // Print out the keys.
   PrintKeys( rk );
using System;
using Microsoft.Win32;

class Reg {
    public static void Main() {

        // Create a RegistryKey, which will access the HKEY_USERS
        // key in the registry of this machine.
        RegistryKey rk = Registry.Users;

        // Print out the keys.

    static void PrintKeys(RegistryKey rkey) {

        // Retrieve all the subkeys for the specified key.
        string [] names = rkey.GetSubKeyNames();

        int icount = 0;

        Console.WriteLine("Subkeys of " + rkey.Name);

        // Print the contents of the array to the console.
        foreach (string s in names) {

            // The following code puts a limit on the number
            // of keys displayed.  Comment it out to print the
            // complete list.
            if (icount >= 10)
Imports Microsoft.Win32

Class Reg
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Create a RegistryKey, which will access the HKEY_USERS
        ' key in the registry of this machine.
        Dim rk As RegistryKey = Registry.Users
        ' Print out the keys.
    End Sub    
    Shared Sub PrintKeys(rkey As RegistryKey)
        ' Retrieve all the subkeys for the specified key.
        Dim names As String() = rkey.GetSubKeyNames()
        Dim icount As Integer = 0
        Console.WriteLine("Subkeys of " & rkey.Name)
        ' Print the contents of the array to the console.
        Dim s As String
        For Each s In  names
            ' The following code puts a limit on the number
            ' of keys displayed.  Comment it out to print the
            ' complete list.
            icount += 1            
            If icount >= 10 Then
                Exit For
            End If
        Next s
    End Sub
End Class


Esta clave contiene una rama para cada usuario del equipo. La configuración predeterminada se proporciona para los nuevos usuarios del equipo local y para el usuario actual predeterminado si el usuario no ha cambiado las preferencias.

Se aplica a