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InstanceDataCollection.Item[String] Propiedad


Obtiene los datos de instancia asociados a este contador. Normalmente, es un conjunto de valores de contador sin formato.

 property System::Diagnostics::InstanceData ^ default[System::String ^] { System::Diagnostics::InstanceData ^ get(System::String ^ instanceName); };
public System.Diagnostics.InstanceData this[string instanceName] { get; }
member this.Item(string) : System.Diagnostics.InstanceData
Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(instanceName As String) As InstanceData



Nombre de la instancia de categoría del contador de rendimiento, o cadena vacía (""), si la categoría contiene una sola instancia.

Valor de propiedad

Elemento de InstanceData por el que se indiza el objeto InstanceDataCollection.


El parámetro instanceName es null.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se acepta un nombre de categoría, un nombre de contador y un PerformanceCounter nombre de instancia de la línea de comandos. Obtiene para InstanceDataCollectionCollection la categoría , que es una colección de InstanceDataCollection objetos . A partir de eso obtiene el determinado InstanceDataCollection para el contador especificado. A continuación, si la instancia existe, en el ejemplo se usa la propiedad (a la Item[] que se hace referencia como indizador) para obtener el objeto asociado InstanceData .

public static void Main(string[] args)
    // These values can be used as arguments.
    string categoryName = "Process";
    string counterName = "Private Bytes";
    string instanceName = "Explorer";

    InstanceDataCollection idCol;
    const string SINGLE_INSTANCE_NAME = "systemdiagnosticsperfcounterlibsingleinstance";

    // Copy the supplied arguments into the local variables.
        categoryName = args[0];
        counterName = args[1];
        instanceName = args[2];
        // Ignore the exception from non-supplied arguments.

        // Get the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for this category.
        PerformanceCounterCategory pcc = new PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName);
        InstanceDataCollectionCollection idColCol = pcc.ReadCategory();

        // Get the InstanceDataCollection for this counter.
        idCol = idColCol[counterName];
        if (idCol==null)
            throw new Exception("Counter does not exist.");
    catch(Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("An error occurred getting the InstanceDataCollection for " +
            "category \"{0}\", counter \"{1}\"." +  "\n" + ex.Message, categoryName, counterName);

    // If the instance name is empty, use the single-instance name.
    if (instanceName.Length==0)
        instanceName = SINGLE_INSTANCE_NAME;

    // Check if this instance name exists using the Contains
    // method of the InstanceDataCollection.
    if (!idCol.Contains(instanceName))
        Console.WriteLine("Instance \"{0}\" does not exist in counter \"{1}\", " +
            "category \"{2}\".", instanceName, counterName, categoryName);
        // The instance name exists, now get its InstanceData object
        // using the indexer (Item property) for the InstanceDataCollection.
        InstanceData instData = idCol[instanceName];

        Console.WriteLine("CategoryName: {0}", categoryName);
        Console.WriteLine("CounterName:  {0}", counterName);
        Console.WriteLine("InstanceName: {0}", instData.InstanceName);
        Console.WriteLine("RawValue:     {0}", instData.RawValue);
Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
    ' These values can be used as arguments.
    Dim categoryName As String = "Process"
    Dim counterName As String = "Private Bytes"
    Dim instanceName As String = "Explorer"

    Dim idCol As InstanceDataCollection
    Const SINGLE_INSTANCE_NAME As String = _

    ' Copy the supplied arguments into the local variables.
        categoryName = args(0)
        counterName = args(1)
        instanceName = args(2)
    Catch ex As Exception
        ' Ignore the exception from non-supplied arguments.
    End Try

        ' Get the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for this category.
        Dim pcc As New PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName)
        Dim idColCol As InstanceDataCollectionCollection = _

        ' Get the InstanceDataCollection for this counter.
        idCol = idColCol(counterName)
        If idCol Is Nothing Then
            Throw New Exception("Counter does not exist.")
        End If
    Catch ex As Exception
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "An error occurred getting the InstanceDataCollection for " & _
            "category ""{0}"", counter ""{1}""." & vbCrLf & ex.Message, _
            categoryName, counterName)
    End Try

    ' If the instance name is empty, use the single-instance name.
    If instanceName.Length = 0 Then
        instanceName = SINGLE_INSTANCE_NAME
    End If

    ' Check if this instance name exists using the Contains
    ' method of the InstanceDataCollection.
    If Not idCol.Contains(instanceName) Then
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "Instance ""{0}"" does not exist in counter ""{1}"", " & _
            "category ""{2}"".", instanceName, counterName, categoryName)
        ' The instance name exists, now get its InstanceData object
        ' using the indexer (Item property) for the InstanceDataCollection.
        Dim instData As InstanceData = idCol(instanceName)

        Console.WriteLine("CategoryName: {0}", categoryName)
        Console.WriteLine("CounterName:  {0}", counterName)
        Console.WriteLine("InstanceName: {0}", instData.InstanceName)
        Console.WriteLine("RawValue:     {0}", instData.RawValue)
    End If
End Sub


El instanceName parámetro no distingue mayúsculas de minúsculas.

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