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Color.GetHue Método


Obtiene el valor de matiz HSL (matiz-saturación-luminosidad), en grados, de esta estructura Color.

 float GetHue();
public float GetHue ();
member this.GetHue : unit -> single
Public Function GetHue () As Single


El matiz, en grados, de esta estructura Color. El matiz se mide en grados, de 0,0 a 360,0, en el espacio de colores HSL.


El ejemplo de código siguiente está diseñado para su uso con Windows Forms y requiere PaintEventArgse, que es un parámetro del Paint controlador de eventos. El código realiza las siguientes acciones:

  • Crea una instancia de una Color estructura, redShade, que se usará para las comparaciones.

  • Recorre en iteración los elementos de KnownColor enumeración para buscar todos los colores conocidos que tienen el mismo tono redShadeque . Las iteraciones se finalizan cuando se encuentran 15 coincidencias o el valor del contador de bucle es mayor que el último KnownColor elemento.

  • Durante cada iteración, guarda el KnownColor elemento (si coincide con los criterios) en una matriz.

  • Usa un pincel para pintar rectángulos.

El primer rectángulo se pinta el color representado por redShade. Cada uno de los otros rectángulos se pinta un KnownColor que coincide con el matiz de redShade.

void GetHueExample( PaintEventArgs^ e )
   Graphics^ g = e->Graphics;

   // Color structures. One is a variable used for temporary storage. The other
   // is a constant used for comparisons.
   Color someColor = Color::FromArgb( 0 );
   Color redShade = Color::FromArgb( 255, 200, 0, 100 );

   // Array to store KnownColor values that match the hue of the redShade
   // color.
   array<KnownColor>^colorMatches = gcnew array<KnownColor>(15);

   // Number of matches found.
   int count = 0;

   // Iterate through the KnownColor enums until 15 matches are found.
   for ( KnownColor enumValue = (KnownColor)0; enumValue <= KnownColor::YellowGreen && count < 15; enumValue = enumValue + (KnownColor)1 )
      someColor = Color::FromKnownColor( enumValue );
      if ( someColor.GetHue() == redShade.GetHue() )
               colorMatches[ count++ ] = enumValue;

   // Display the redShade color and its argb value.
   SolidBrush^ myBrush1 = gcnew SolidBrush( redShade );
   System::Drawing::Font^ myFont = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",12 );
   int x = 20;
   int y = 20;
   someColor = redShade;
   g->FillRectangle( myBrush1, x, y, 100, 30 );
   g->DrawString( someColor.ToString(), myFont, Brushes::Black, (float)x + 120, (float)y );

   // Iterate through the matches that were found and display each color that
   // corresponds with the enum value in the array. also display the name of
   // the KnownColor.
   for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
      y += 40;
      someColor = Color::FromKnownColor( colorMatches[ i ] );
      myBrush1->Color = someColor;
      g->FillRectangle( myBrush1, x, y, 100, 30 );
      g->DrawString( someColor.ToString(), myFont, Brushes::Black, (float)x + 120, (float)y );
public void GetHueExample(PaintEventArgs e)
    Graphics     g = e.Graphics;
    // Color structures. One is a variable used for temporary storage. The other
    // is a constant used for comparisons.
    Color   someColor = Color.FromArgb(0);
    Color   redShade = Color.FromArgb(255, 200, 0, 100);
    // Array to store KnownColor values that match the hue of the redShade
    // color.
    KnownColor[]  colorMatches = new KnownColor[15];

    // Number of matches found.
    int  count = 0;   
    // Iterate through the KnownColor enums until 15 matches are found.
    for (KnownColor enumValue = 0;
        enumValue <= KnownColor.YellowGreen && count < 15; enumValue++)
        someColor = Color.FromKnownColor(enumValue);
        if (someColor.GetHue() == redShade.GetHue())
            colorMatches[count++] = enumValue;
    // Display the redShade color and its argb value.
    SolidBrush  myBrush1 = new SolidBrush(redShade);
    Font        myFont = new Font("Arial", 12);
    int         x = 20;
    int         y = 20;
    someColor = redShade;
    g.FillRectangle(myBrush1, x, y, 100, 30);
    g.DrawString(someColor.ToString(), myFont, Brushes.Black, x + 120, y);
    // Iterate through the matches that were found and display each color that
    // corresponds with the enum value in the array. also display the name of
    // the KnownColor.
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        y += 40;
        someColor = Color.FromKnownColor(colorMatches[i]);
        myBrush1.Color = someColor;
        g.FillRectangle(myBrush1, x, y, 100, 30);
        g.DrawString(someColor.ToString(), myFont, Brushes.Black, x + 120, y);
Public Sub GetHueExample(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
    Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics

    ' Color structures. One is used for temporary storage. The other
    ' is a constant used for comparisons.
    Dim someColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(0)
    Dim redShade As Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 200, 0, 100)

    ' Array for KnownColor values that match the hue of redShade
    ' color.
    Dim colorMatches(15) As KnownColor

    ' Number of matches found.
    Dim count As Integer = 0

    ' Iterate through the KnownColor enums until 15 matches are found.
    Dim enumValue As KnownColor
    For enumValue = 0 To KnownColor.YellowGreen
        someColor = Color.FromKnownColor(enumValue)
        If (someColor.GetHue()) = (redShade.GetHue()) Then
            colorMatches(count) = enumValue
            count += 1
            If count > 15 Then
                Exit For
            End If
        End If
    Next enumValue

    ' Display the redShade color and its argb value.
    Dim myBrush1 As New SolidBrush(redShade)
    Dim myFont As New Font("Arial", 12)
    Dim x As Integer = 20
    Dim y As Integer = 20
    someColor = redShade
    g.FillRectangle(myBrush1, x, y, 100, 30)
    g.DrawString(someColor.ToString(), myFont, Brushes.Black, _
    x + 120, y)

    ' Iterate through the matches that were found and display each
    ' color that corresponds with the enum value in the array. Also
    ' display the name of the KnownColor.
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To count - 1
        y += 40
        someColor = Color.FromKnownColor(colorMatches(i))
        myBrush1.Color = someColor
        g.FillRectangle(myBrush1, x, y, 100, 30)
        g.DrawString(someColor.ToString(), myFont, Brushes.Black, _
        x + 120, y)
    Next i
End Sub

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