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ObjectPoolingAttribute.CreationTimeout Propiedad


Obtiene o establece el tiempo que hay que esperar a que un objeto esté disponible en la agrupación antes de provocar una excepción. El valor se expresa en milisegundos.

 property int CreationTimeout { int get(); void set(int value); };
public int CreationTimeout { get; set; }
member this.CreationTimeout : int with get, set
Public Property CreationTimeout As Integer

Valor de propiedad

Valor del tiempo de espera en milisegundos.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra el uso de esta propiedad.

public ref class ObjectInspector: public ServicedComponent
   String^ IdentifyObject( Object^ obj )
      // Return this object to the pool after use.
      ContextUtil::DeactivateOnReturn = true;

      // Get the supplied object's type.        
      Type^ objType = obj->GetType();

      // Return its name.
      return (objType->FullName);

   virtual void Activate() override
      MessageBox::Show( String::Format( "Now entering...\nApplication: {0}\nInstance: {1}\nContext: {2}\n", ContextUtil::ApplicationId.ToString(), ContextUtil::ApplicationInstanceId.ToString(), ContextUtil::ContextId.ToString() ) );

   virtual void Deactivate() override
      MessageBox::Show( "Bye Bye!" );

   // This object can be pooled.
   virtual bool CanBePooled() override
      return (true);
[ObjectPooling(MinPoolSize=2, MaxPoolSize=100, CreationTimeout=1000)]
public class ObjectInspector : ServicedComponent

    public string IdentifyObject (Object obj)
        // Return this object to the pool after use.
        ContextUtil.DeactivateOnReturn = true;

        // Get the supplied object's type.
        Type objType = obj.GetType();

        // Return its name.

    protected override void Activate()
        MessageBox.Show( String.Format("Now entering...\nApplication: {0}\nInstance: {1}\nContext: {2}\n",
                                       ContextUtil.ApplicationId.ToString(), ContextUtil.ApplicationInstanceId.ToString(),
                                       ContextUtil.ContextId.ToString() ) );

    protected override void Deactivate()
        MessageBox.Show("Bye Bye!");

    // This object can be pooled.
    protected override bool CanBePooled()
<JustInTimeActivation(), ObjectPooling(MinPoolSize := 2, MaxPoolSize := 100, CreationTimeout := 1000)>  _
Public Class ObjectInspector
    Inherits ServicedComponent
    Public Function IdentifyObject(ByVal obj As [Object]) As String 
        ' Return this object to the pool after use.
        ContextUtil.DeactivateOnReturn = True
        ' Get the supplied object's type.        
        Dim objType As Type = obj.GetType()
        ' Return its name.
        Return objType.FullName
    End Function 'IdentifyObject

    Protected Overrides Sub Activate() 
        MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Now entering..." + vbLf + "Application: {0}" + vbLf + "Instance: {1}" + vbLf + "Context: {2}" + vbLf, ContextUtil.ApplicationId.ToString(), ContextUtil.ApplicationInstanceId.ToString(), ContextUtil.ContextId.ToString()))
    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub Deactivate() 
        MessageBox.Show("Bye Bye!")
    End Sub

    ' This object can be pooled.
    Protected Overrides Function CanBePooled() As Boolean 
        Return True
    End Function 'CanBePooled

End Class


Especifica cuánto tiempo esperará un cliente, en milisegundos, para que se devuelva un objeto desde el grupo.

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