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HttpListenerRequest.AcceptTypes Propiedad


Obtiene los tipos MIME aceptados por el cliente.

 property cli::array <System::String ^> ^ AcceptTypes { cli::array <System::String ^> ^ get(); };
public string[]? AcceptTypes { get; }
public string[] AcceptTypes { get; }
member this.AcceptTypes : string[]
Public ReadOnly Property AcceptTypes As String()

Valor de propiedad


Una matriz String que contiene los nombres de tipo especificados en el encabezado Accept de la solicitud o bien null, si la solicitud de cliente no incluía un encabezado Accept.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra el uso de esta propiedad.

public static void ShowRequestProperties1 (HttpListenerRequest request)
    // Display the MIME types that can be used in the response.
    string[] types = request.AcceptTypes;
    if (types != null)
        Console.WriteLine("Acceptable MIME types:");
        foreach (string s in types)
    // Display the language preferences for the response.
    types = request.UserLanguages;
    if (types != null)
        Console.WriteLine("Acceptable natural languages:");
        foreach (string l in types)

    // Display the URL used by the client.
    Console.WriteLine("URL: {0}", request.Url.OriginalString);
    Console.WriteLine("Raw URL: {0}", request.RawUrl);
    Console.WriteLine("Query: {0}", request.QueryString);

    // Display the referring URI.
    Console.WriteLine("Referred by: {0}", request.UrlReferrer);

    //Display the HTTP method.
    Console.WriteLine("HTTP Method: {0}", request.HttpMethod);
    //Display the host information specified by the client;
    Console.WriteLine("Host name: {0}", request.UserHostName);
    Console.WriteLine("Host address: {0}", request.UserHostAddress);
    Console.WriteLine("User agent: {0}", request.UserAgent);
Public Shared Sub ShowRequestProperties1(ByVal request As HttpListenerRequest)
    ' Display the MIME types that can be used in the response.
    Dim types As String() = request.AcceptTypes

    If types IsNot Nothing Then
        Console.WriteLine("Acceptable MIME types:")

        For Each s As String In types
    End If

    ' Display the language preferences for the response.
    types = request.UserLanguages

    If types IsNot Nothing Then
        Console.WriteLine("Acceptable natural languages:")

        For Each l As String In types
    End If

    ' Display the URL used by the client.
    Console.WriteLine("URL: {0}", request.Url.OriginalString)
    Console.WriteLine("Raw URL: {0}", request.RawUrl)
    Console.WriteLine("Query: {0}", request.QueryString)

    ' Display the referring URI.
    Console.WriteLine("Referred by: {0}", request.UrlReferrer)

    ' Display the HTTP method.
    Console.WriteLine("HTTP Method: {0}", request.HttpMethod)

    ' Display the host information specified by the client.
    Console.WriteLine("Host name: {0}", request.UserHostName)
    Console.WriteLine("Host address: {0}", request.UserHostAddress)
    Console.WriteLine("User agent: {0}", request.UserAgent)
End Sub


El Accept encabezado es una cadena de nombres de tipo Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) separados por espacios (por ejemplo, image/jpeg), que indican los tipos MIME que el cliente está preparado para aceptar y procesar en una respuesta. La */* entrada indica que el cliente acepta cualquier tipo MIME. Para obtener una descripción detallada del Accept encabezado, consulte RFC 2616, disponible en

Para obtener una lista completa de los encabezados de solicitud, consulte la HttpRequestHeader enumeración .

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