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Splitter Constructor


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase Splitter. El control Splitter ha sido reemplazado por el control SplitContainer, y únicamente se proporciona para ofrecer compatibilidad con versiones anteriores.

public Splitter ();
Public Sub New ()


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se usa un Splitter control en combinación con TreeView los controles y ListView para crear una ventana similar a Windows Explorer. Para identificar los TreeView controles y ListView , los nodos y los elementos se agregan a ambos controles. En el ejemplo se usan las MinExtra propiedades y MinSize de Splitter para evitar que el TreeView tamaño del control o ListView sea demasiado pequeño o demasiado grande. En este ejemplo se requiere que el método creado en este ejemplo se defina dentro Form de y que se llame al método desde el constructor de Form.

   void CreateMySplitControls()
      // Create TreeView, ListView, and Splitter controls.
      TreeView^ treeView1 = gcnew TreeView;
      ListView^ listView1 = gcnew ListView;
      Splitter^ splitter1 = gcnew Splitter;

      // Set the TreeView control to dock to the left side of the form.
      treeView1->Dock = DockStyle::Left;

      // Set the Splitter to dock to the left side of the TreeView control.
      splitter1->Dock = DockStyle::Left;

      // Set the minimum size the ListView control can be sized to.
      splitter1->MinExtra = 100;

      // Set the minimum size the TreeView control can be sized to.
      splitter1->MinSize = 75;

      // Set the ListView control to fill the remaining space on the form.
      listView1->Dock = DockStyle::Fill;

      // Add a TreeView and a ListView item to identify the controls on the form.
      treeView1->Nodes->Add( "TreeView Node" );
      listView1->Items->Add( "ListView Item" );

      // Add the controls in reverse order to the form to ensure proper location.
      array<Control^>^temp0 = {listView1,splitter1,treeView1};
      this->Controls->AddRange( temp0 );
private void CreateMySplitControls()
    // Create TreeView, ListView, and Splitter controls.
    TreeView treeView1 = new TreeView();
    ListView listView1 = new ListView();
    Splitter splitter1 = new Splitter();

    // Set the TreeView control to dock to the left side of the form.
    treeView1.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
    // Set the Splitter to dock to the left side of the TreeView control.
    splitter1.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
    // Set the minimum size the ListView control can be sized to.
    splitter1.MinExtra = 100;
    // Set the minimum size the TreeView control can be sized to.
    splitter1.MinSize = 75;
    // Set the ListView control to fill the remaining space on the form.
    listView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
    // Add a TreeView and a ListView item to identify the controls on the form.
    treeView1.Nodes.Add("TreeView Node");
    listView1.Items.Add("ListView Item");

    // Add the controls in reverse order to the form to ensure proper location.
    this.Controls.AddRange(new Control[]{listView1, splitter1, treeView1});
Private Sub CreateMySplitControls()
   ' Create TreeView, ListView, and Splitter controls.
   Dim treeView1 As New TreeView()
   Dim listView1 As New ListView()
   Dim splitter1 As New Splitter()
   ' Set the TreeView control to dock to the left side of the form.
   treeView1.Dock = DockStyle.Left
   ' Set the Splitter to dock to the left side of the TreeView control.
   splitter1.Dock = DockStyle.Left
   ' Set the minimum size the ListView control can be sized to.
      splitter1.MinExtra = 100
   ' Set the minimum size the TreeView control can be sized to.
      splitter1.MinSize = 75
   ' Set the ListView control to fill the remaining space on the form.
      listView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill

      ' Add a TreeView and a ListView item to identify the controls on the form.
      treeView1.Nodes.Add("TreeView Node")
      listView1.Items.Add("ListView Item")
   ' Add the controls in reverse order to the form to ensure proper location.
   Me.Controls.AddRange(New Control() {listView1, splitter1, treeView1})
End Sub


De forma predeterminada, las MinSize propiedades y MinExtra se establecen en 25. La Dock propiedad se establece DockStyle.Left en de forma predeterminada.

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