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Cómo: Crear una forma utilizando StreamGeometry

StreamGeometry es una alternativa ligera a PathGeometry para crear formas geométricas. Use StreamGeometry cuando tenga que describir una geometría compleja pero no quiera la sobrecarga de admitir enlaces de datos, animaciones o modificaciones. Por ejemplo, debido a su eficacia, la clase StreamGeometry es una buena opción para describir adornos.

Creación de un StreamGeometry triangular

En el siguiente ejemplo, se usa la sintaxis de atributo para crear un objeto StreamGeometry triangular en XAML.

<Page xmlns=""
    <Path Data="F0 M10,100 L100,100 100,50Z" 
      StrokeThickness="1" Stroke="Black"/>


Para más información sobre StreamGeometry, consulte la página Sintaxis de marcado de trazados.

Uso de StreamGeometry para definir un triángulo

En el ejemplo siguiente se usa StreamGeometry para definir un triángulo en el código. En primer lugar, el ejemplo crea StreamGeometry, después obtiene una clase StreamGeometryContext y la usa para describir el triángulo.

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Shapes;

namespace SDKSample
    // Use StreamGeometry with StreamGeometryContext to define a triangle shape.
    public partial class StreamGeometryTriangleExample : Page
        public StreamGeometryTriangleExample()
            // Create a path to draw a geometry with.
            Path myPath = new Path();
            myPath.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
            myPath.StrokeThickness = 1;

            // Create a StreamGeometry to use to specify myPath.
            StreamGeometry geometry = new StreamGeometry();
            geometry.FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd;

            // Open a StreamGeometryContext that can be used to describe this StreamGeometry
            // object's contents.
            using (StreamGeometryContext ctx = geometry.Open())

                // Begin the triangle at the point specified. Notice that the shape is set to
                // be closed so only two lines need to be specified below to make the triangle.
                ctx.BeginFigure(new Point(10, 100), true /* is filled */, true /* is closed */);

                // Draw a line to the next specified point.
                ctx.LineTo(new Point(100, 100), true /* is stroked */, false /* is smooth join */);

                // Draw another line to the next specified point.
                ctx.LineTo(new Point(100, 50), true /* is stroked */, false /* is smooth join */);

            // Freeze the geometry (make it unmodifiable)
            // for additional performance benefits.

            // Specify the shape (triangle) of the Path using the StreamGeometry.
            myPath.Data = geometry;

            // Add path shape to the UI.
            StackPanel mainPanel = new StackPanel();
            this.Content = mainPanel;

Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Media
Imports System.Windows.Shapes

Namespace SDKSample
    ' Use StreamGeometry with StreamGeometryContext to define a triangle shape.
    Partial Public Class StreamGeometryTriangleExample
        Inherits Page
        Public Sub New()
            ' Create a path to draw a geometry with.
            Dim myPath As New Path()
            myPath.Stroke = Brushes.Black
            myPath.StrokeThickness = 1

            ' Create a StreamGeometry to use to specify myPath.
            Dim geometry As New StreamGeometry()
            geometry.FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd

            ' Open a StreamGeometryContext that can be used to describe this StreamGeometry 
            ' object's contents.
            Using ctx As StreamGeometryContext = geometry.Open()

                ' Begin the triangle at the point specified. Notice that the shape is set to 
                ' be closed so only two lines need to be specified below to make the triangle.
                ctx.BeginFigure(New Point(10, 100), True, True) ' is closed  -  is filled 

                ' Draw a line to the next specified point.
                ctx.LineTo(New Point(100, 100), True, False) ' is smooth join  -  is stroked 

                ' Draw another line to the next specified point.
                ctx.LineTo(New Point(100, 50), True, False) ' is smooth join  -  is stroked 
            End Using

            ' Freeze the geometry (make it unmodifiable)
            ' for additional performance benefits.

            ' Specify the shape (triangle) of the Path using the StreamGeometry.
            myPath.Data = geometry

            ' Add path shape to the UI.
            Dim mainPanel As New StackPanel()
            Me.Content = mainPanel
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

Creación de una forma geométrica en el código

En el ejemplo siguiente se crea un método que usa StreamGeometry y StreamGeometryContext para definir una forma geométrica basada en parámetros especificados.

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Shapes;

namespace SDKSample
    public partial class StreamGeometryExample : Page
        public StreamGeometryExample()
            // Create a path to draw a geometry with.
            Path myPath = new Path();
            myPath.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
            myPath.StrokeThickness = 1;

            // Create a StreamGeometry to use to specify myPath.
            StreamGeometry theGeometry = BuildRegularPolygon(new Point(200, 200), 200, 8, 0);
            theGeometry.FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd;

            // Freeze the geometry (make it unmodifiable)
            // for additional performance benefits.

            // Use the StreamGeometry returned by the BuildRegularPolygon to
            // specify the shape of the path.
            myPath.Data = theGeometry;

            // Add path shape to the UI.
            StackPanel mainPanel = new StackPanel();
            this.Content = mainPanel;

        StreamGeometry BuildRegularPolygon(Point c, double r, int numSides, double offsetDegree)
            // c is the center, r is the radius,
            // numSides the number of sides, offsetDegree the offset in Degrees.
            // Do not add the last point.

            StreamGeometry geometry = new StreamGeometry();

            using (StreamGeometryContext ctx = geometry.Open())
                double step = 2 * Math.PI / Math.Max(numSides, 3);
                Point cur = c;

                double a = Math.PI * offsetDegree / 180.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < numSides; i++, a += step)
                    cur.X = c.X + r * Math.Cos(a);
                    cur.Y = c.Y + r * Math.Sin(a);
                    if (i == 0)
                        ctx.BeginFigure(cur, true /* is filled */, true /* is closed */);
                        ctx.LineTo(cur, true /* is stroked */, false /* is smooth join */);

            return geometry;

Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Media
Imports System.Windows.Shapes

Namespace SDKSample
    Partial Public Class StreamGeometryExample
        Inherits Page
        Public Sub New()
            ' Create a path to draw a geometry with.
            Dim myPath As New Path()
            myPath.Stroke = Brushes.Black
            myPath.StrokeThickness = 1

            ' Create a StreamGeometry to use to specify myPath.
            Dim theGeometry As StreamGeometry = BuildRegularPolygon(New Point(200, 200), 200, 8, 0)
            theGeometry.FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd

            ' Freeze the geometry (make it unmodifiable)
            ' for additional performance benefits.

            ' Use the StreamGeometry returned by the BuildRegularPolygon to 
            ' specify the shape of the path.
            myPath.Data = theGeometry

            ' Add path shape to the UI.
            Dim mainPanel As New StackPanel()
            Me.Content = mainPanel
        End Sub

        Private Function BuildRegularPolygon(ByVal c As Point, ByVal r As Double, ByVal numSides As Integer, ByVal offsetDegree As Double) As StreamGeometry
            ' c is the center, r is the radius,
            ' numSides the number of sides, offsetDegree the offset in Degrees.
            ' Do not add the last point.

            Dim geometry As New StreamGeometry()

            Using ctx As StreamGeometryContext = geometry.Open()

                Dim [step] As Double = 2 * Math.PI / Math.Max(numSides, 3)
                Dim cur As Point = c

                Dim a As Double = Math.PI * offsetDegree / 180.0
                Dim i As Integer = 0

                For i = 0 To numSides - 1
                    cur.X = c.X + r * Math.Cos(a)
                    cur.Y = c.Y + r * Math.Sin(a)
                    If i = 0 Then
                        ctx.BeginFigure(cur, True, True) ' is closed  -  is filled 
                        ctx.LineTo(cur, True, False) ' is smooth join  -  is stroked 
                    End If
                    a += [step]

            End Using

            Return geometry
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace

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