Ejemplo de interoperabilidad COM: cliente .NET y servidor COM
En este ejemplo se muestra cómo un cliente .NET, creado para tener acceso a un servidor COM, crea una instancia de una coclase COM y llama a los miembros de clase para realizar cálculos de hipotecas.
En este ejemplo, el cliente crea y llama a una instancia de la coclase Loan, pasa cuatro argumentos (uno de ellos igual a cero) a la instancia y muestra los cálculos. A lo largo de esta sección aparecen fragmentos de código de este ejemplo.
Cliente .NET
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports LoanLib
Public Class LoanApp
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim Args As String()
Args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
Dim ln As New Loan()
If Args.Length < 5 Then
Console.WriteLine("Usage: ConLoan Balance Rate Term Payment")
Console.WriteLine(" Either Balance, Rate, Term, or Payment " _
& "must be 0")
Exit Sub
End If
ln.OpeningBalance = Convert.ToDouble(Args(1))
ln.Rate = Convert.ToDouble(Args(2)) / 100.0
ln.Term = Convert.ToInt16(Args(3))
ln.Payment = Convert.ToDouble(Args(4))
If ln.OpeningBalance = 0.0 Then
End If
If ln.Rate = 0.0 Then
End If
If ln.Term = 0 Then
End If
If ln.Payment = 0.0 Then
End If
Console.WriteLine("Balance = {0,10:0.00}", ln.OpeningBalance)
Console.WriteLine("Rate = {0,10:0.0%}", ln.Rate)
Console.WriteLine("Term = {0,10:0.00}", ln.Term)
Console.WriteLine("Payment = {0,10:0.00}" & ControlChars.Cr, _
Dim MorePmts As Boolean
Dim Balance As Double = 0.0
Dim Principal As Double = 0.0
Dim Interest As Double = 0.0
Console.WriteLine("{0,4}{1,10}{2,12}{3,10}{4,12}", _
"Nbr", "Payment", "Principal", "Interest", "Balance")
Console.WriteLine("{0,4}{1,10}{2,12}{3,10}{4,12}", _
"---", "-------", "---------", "--------", "-------")
MorePmts = ln.GetFirstPmtDistribution(ln.Payment, Balance, _
Principal, Interest)
Dim PmtNbr As Short
While MorePmts
Console.WriteLine("{0,4}{1,10:0.00}{2,12:0.00}{3,10:0.00}" _
& "{4,12:0.00}", PmtNbr, ln.Payment, Principal, Interest,
MorePmts = ln.GetNextPmtDistribution(ln.Payment, Balance, _
Principal, Interest)
PmtNbr += CShort(1)
End While
End Sub
End Class
using System;
using LoanLib;
public class LoanApp {
public static void Main(String[] Args) {
Loan ln = new Loan();
if (Args.Length < 4)
Console.WriteLine("Usage: ConLoan Balance Rate Term Payment");
Console.WriteLine(" Either Balance, Rate, Term, or Payment
must be 0");
ln.OpeningBalance = Convert.ToDouble(Args[0]);
ln.Rate = Convert.ToDouble(Args[1])/100.0;
ln.Term = Convert.ToInt16(Args[2]);
ln.Payment = Convert.ToDouble(Args[3]);
if (ln.OpeningBalance == 0.00) ln.ComputeOpeningBalance();
if (ln.Rate == 0.00) ln.ComputeRate();
if (ln.Term == 0) ln.ComputeTerm();
if (ln.Payment == 0.00) ln.ComputePayment();
Console.WriteLine("Balance = {0,10:0.00}", ln.OpeningBalance);
Console.WriteLine("Rate = {0,10:0.0%}", ln.Rate);
Console.WriteLine("Term = {0,10:0.00}", ln.Term);
Console.WriteLine("Payment = {0,10:0.00}\n", ln.Payment);
bool MorePmts;
double Balance = 0.0;
double Principal = 0.0;
double Interest = 0.0;
Console.WriteLine("{0,4}{1,10}{2,12}{3,10}{4,12}", "Nbr", "Payment",
"Principal", "Interest", "Balance");
Console.WriteLine("{0,4}{1,10}{2,12}{3,10}{4,12}", "---", "-------",
"---------", "--------", "-------");
MorePmts = ln.GetFirstPmtDistribution(ln.Payment, out Balance,
out Principal, out Interest);
for (short PmtNbr = 1; MorePmts; PmtNbr++) {
{4,12:0.00}", PmtNbr, ln.Payment, Principal, Interest,
MorePmts = ln.GetNextPmtDistribution(ln.Payment, ref Balance,
out Principal, out Interest);
Servidor COM
// Loan.cpp : Implementation of CLoan
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "LoanLib.h"
#include "Loan.h"
static double Round(double value, short digits);
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::get_OpeningBalance(double *pVal)
*pVal = OpeningBalance;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::put_OpeningBalance(double newVal)
OpeningBalance = newVal;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::get_Rate(double *pVal)
*pVal = Rate;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::put_Rate(double newVal)
Rate = newVal;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::get_Payment(double *pVal)
*pVal = Payment;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::put_Payment(double newVal)
Payment = newVal;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::get_Term(short *pVal)
*pVal = Term;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::put_Term(short newVal)
Term = newVal;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::ComputePayment(double *pVal)
Payment = Round(OpeningBalance * (Rate /
(1 - pow((1 + Rate), -Term))),2);
*pVal = Payment;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::ComputeOpeningBalance(double *pVal)
OpeningBalance = Round(Payment / (Rate /
(1 - pow((1 + Rate), -Term))),2);
*pVal = OpeningBalance ;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::ComputeRate(double *pVal)
double DesiredPayment = Payment;
for (Rate = 0.001; Rate < 28.0; Rate += 0.001)
Payment = Round(OpeningBalance * (Rate /
(1 - pow((1 + Rate), -Term))),2);
if (Payment >= DesiredPayment)
*pVal = Rate;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::ComputeTerm(short *pVal)
double DesiredPayment = Payment;
for (Term = 1; Term < 480 ; Term ++)
Payment = Round(OpeningBalance * (Rate /
(1 - pow((1 + Rate), -Term))),2);
if (Payment <= DesiredPayment)
*pVal = Term;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::GetFirstPmtDistribution(double PmtAmt, double *Balance, double *PrinPortion, double *IntPortion, VARIANT_BOOL *pVal)
*Balance = OpeningBalance;
GetNextPmtDistribution(PmtAmt, Balance, PrinPortion, IntPortion,
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::GetNextPmtDistribution(double PmtAmt, double *Balance, double *PrinPortion, double *IntPortion, VARIANT_BOOL *pVal)
*IntPortion = Round(*Balance * Rate, 2);
*PrinPortion = Round(PmtAmt - *IntPortion, 2);
*Balance = Round(*Balance - *PrinPortion, 2);
if (*Balance <= 0.0)
*pVal = FALSE;
*pVal = TRUE;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::get_RiskRating(BSTR *pVal)
*pVal = (BSTR)RiskRating;
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::put_RiskRating(BSTR newVal)
RiskRating = newVal;
return S_OK;
static double Round(double value, short digits)
double factor = pow(10, digits);
return floor(value * factor + 0.5)/factor;
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