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Extending Pages Previously Based on the Date Virtual Table

INTRODUCED IN: Business Central 2020 release wave 1

Pages that previously had the Date virtual table as their source table have been redesigned so that they are based on buffer tables instead. This way, base application pages such as Item Availability Lines and Res. Availability Lines can now be extended.

To perform extensions on such pages, you must first extend the underlying buffer table. Then you create a method that calculates and updates the values of the extended fields and subscribe it to the OnAfterCalcLine event of the page.


The following example illustrates how to add two new fields, "Add. -Currency Debit Amount" and "Add. -Currency Credit Amount", to the G/L Account Balance Lines page, which used to be based on the Date table.

The first step is to create a Table Extension object and add the two fields, "Add.-Currency Debit Amount" and "Add.-Currency Credit Amount", to the G/L Account Balance Buffer source table. Then you create a Page Extension object to display the fields in the G/L Account Balance Lines page. This is shown in the following code.

tableextension 50001 GLAccBalanceBufferExt extends "G/L Acc. Balance Buffer"
        field(50001; "Add.-Currency Debit Amount"; Decimal)

        field(50002; "Add.-Currency Credit Amount"; Decimal)


pageextension 50001 GLAccountBalanceLinesExt extends "G/L Account Balance Lines"

            field(AddCurrencyDebitAmount; "Add.-Currency Debit Amount")

                ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                Caption = 'Debit Amount (ACY)';

            field(AddCurrencyCreditAmount; "Add.-Currency Credit Amount")
                ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                Caption = 'Credit Amount (ACY)';

The subscriber method GLAccountBalanceLinesOnAfterCalcLine computes the values of the "Add.-Currency Credit Amount" and "Add.-Currency Debit Amount" fields and updates the G/L Acc. Balance Buffer table. This method is called when the OnAfterCalcLine event in the G/L Account Balance Lines page is raised.

codeunit 50001 GLAccountBalanceLinesExt
    // Subscribe to OnAfterCalcLine event
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Page, Page::"G/L Account Balance Lines", 'OnAfterCalcLine', '', false, false)]
    local procedure GLAccountBalanceLinesOnAfterCalcLine(var GLAccount: Record "G/L Account"; var GLAccBalanceBuffer: Record "G/L Acc. Balance Buffer")

        // Calculate values
        GLAccount.CalcFields("Add.-Currency Credit Amount", "Add.-Currency Debit Amount");

        // Assign calculated values to the new fields of the buffer table
        GLAccBalanceBuffer."Add.-Currency Debit Amount" := GLAccount."Add.-Currency Debit Amount";
        GLAccBalanceBuffer."Add.-Currency Credit Amount" := GLAccount."Add.-Currency Credit Amount";


See Also

Page Extension object
Page object
CalcFields Method
Date virtual table