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SharedLayout Property

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 4.0.

Specifies whether the view has the same layout as the default view 'All'. When set to true, user personalization on the page is also applied when the view is selected. When set to false, the view defines its own layout and is not affected by user personalization.

Applies to

  • Page View

Property Values

When set to true, user personalization on the page is also applied when the view is selected. When set to false, the view defines its own layout and is not affected by user personalization.


SharedLayout = false;


Shared layout view

A view with SharedLayout = true follows the design of the All page and any user personalization made on All or any of the views marked with SharedLayout are applied on the view. They all share the same layout. This is a basic experience in the case where defining a specific layout for the view is not important. The view is then filter only.

Example 1


    // This view only define filters, but no specific layout. 
    // User personalization are applied on this view. 
    Caption = 'View With Shared Layout'; 
    Filters = where("Balance Due (LCY)" = filter(> 10000)); 

Unique layout view

A view with unique layout SharedLayout = false defines its own layout and is independent from all other views. Any changes coded in the layout sections are applied in the view. User personalization made on the page are not applied on that view.

Example 2

    Caption = 'View With Unique Layout';
    Filters = where("Balance Due (LCY)" = filter(> 10000));
    // By settings this property to false, the view gets its own independent layout.
    // User personalization are not applied on this view.
    // Instead, the layout defined below is applied.
    SharedLayout = false;
        movefirst(Control1; "Balance Due (LCY)")


SharedLayout = false must be specified in order to use a custom layout on the view (the layout section). A compiler error is reported otherwise.
