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Deprecated Features in the Czech Version of Dynamics 365 Business Central

This topic lists and describes the local functionality for Czech that has been removed from Business Central, made available from a new page or report, or replaced by a new feature.

Statutory Company Information

With this feature, users can:

  • define company officials and designate them as General Manager, Accounting Managers, and Finance Managers for usage in internal and external documents.
  • define document footers in different languages. Such footers can be used in different reports and documents.
  • additional company registration numbers and other registration information can be stored in Company Information, for customers and vendors, and used in documents.
Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Moved The Statutory Company Information is no longer specific to Czech, so we have made it generally available in the standard product. 2020 release wave 2

Different types of disposal and maintenance

In the Czech accounting, it is necessary to post different types of disposal and different types of maintenance of Fixed Assets to specific G/L Accounts. A standard way offers only one method of disposal and maintenance posting.

A new setup was added for this feature – FA Extended Posting Group table. This table allows to set up for each FA Posting group different G/L accounts for:

  • posting disposal in combination with Reason Code used in disposal transaction.
  • posting maintenance in combination with Maintenance Code used in maintenance transaction.
Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Moved The functionality for Different types of disposal and maintenance in the Czech version will be moved to the Fixed Asset Localization for Czech extension. 2021 release wave 1

Posting Description

This feature enables users to customize the way Dynamics NAV is storing Posting Descriptions during posting to General Ledger Entries.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Removed This feature is deprecated and no longer needed and as not mandatory it will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 release 2020 wave 2

General Entry Description

This feature transfers Sales and Purchase document line descriptions to G/L Entry description (instead of document header defined Posting Description). This functionality can be set separately for each account type in the document line.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Moved The General Entry Description is no longer specific to Czech, so we have made it generally available in the standard product. In standard product is available only for G/L Accounts. 2019 release wave 2

General Journal Reconciliation

This functionality has been extended. Net Change in Jnl. and Balance after Posting are not designated for G/L Accounts marked as Reconciliation Account only, but for all G/L Accounts used in the general journal, and also for other account types - Bank Account, Customer, Vendor, Fixed Asset and IC Partner. The functionality works with amounts in general journal lines and does not calculate VAT amounts for VAT Accounts.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Removed This feature is deprecated and no longer needed and as not mandatory it will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 release 2020 wave 2

Industry Classification

This feature adds Industry Code classification field to Customer/Vendor tables and Sales/Purchase documents.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Removed Lack of use. The business need that this functionality was introduced to cover is no longer relevant. Functionality will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 release 2020 wave 2

VAT Rounding Improvements

Necessary standard functionality modification to round the VAT amount according to the Czech Republic law requirements. The VAT Rounding is subject of VAT Law 235/2004 (§37). The rounding procedure uses rounding precision in order to calculate the result. Further additions include an ability to select special rounding precisions (special rounding is identified by a new field Round VAT Coeff. on the General Ledger Setup form) during VAT calculation for the following entities in G/L posting, Sales and Purchase.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Removed This feature is no longer mandatory by law from 2019 and will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 release 2020 wave 2

Postponing VAT on Sales Credit Memo

Special function for the Sales Credit memo documents can be used. It is important to know (by §42 part 3b) of VAT Law 235/2004) the delivery date of the Sales Credit memo document. User can fill in the delivery date in the Posted Sales Credit Memo as the new VAT Date.
Sales VAT Postponed Account field has been added in the VAT Posting Setup. The Postponed VAT field was filled in the VAT Entry.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Removed This feature is no longer mandatory by law from 2019 and will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 release 2020 wave 2

Non-deductible VAT

This functionality is important due to §76 of VAT Law 235/2004 – the shortened claim to deduction. The functionality includes:

  • extension of VAT Posting Setup – allow Non-deductible VAT.
  • special Non-deductible VAT Setup – user can set up Non Deductible VAT % and applicability.
  • user can see VAT % (Non-deductible), VAT Base (Non-deductible), VAT Amount (Deductible) in the VAT Entry.
  • extension of VAT Statement functionality.
Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Removed This feature will be not supported in extension-based Czech online tenants and will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 release 2020 wave 2

VAT Registration in Other Countries

This functionality extends the possibility to work with VAT and allows the user to:

  • set up the company as the VAT payer in the another EU country.
  • set up exchange rates for Fulfillment Country.
  • set up Registration Country for Customers and Vendors.
  • set up Registration Country Routes for changing VAT Bus. Posting Group.
  • define the VAT Country and the VAT Fulfillment Country on Documents.
  • work with VAT Statement and VAT Settlement for fulfillments in another VAT Fulfillment Country.
Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Removed This feature will be not supported in extension-based Czech online tenants and will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 release 2020 wave 2

VAT Identifier

This feature extends VAT Identifier within VAT Posting Setup. Adds source table for VAT Identifier and allow specify additional legal texts for printing in VAT recapitulation on tax documents. The VAT Identifier field is the part of the VAT Entry.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Replaced This feature was replaced by standard functionality of VAT Clauses and is no longer used and it will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 release 2020 wave 2

Reverse Charge Statement

The amendment of VAT Law 235/2004 (§ 92a – 92e) introduced the VAT reverse charge calculation also for specific domestic fulfillments. A Reverse Charge Statement has to be submitted to the Tax Office electronically.

This feature allows user to:

  • select combinations in VAT Posting Setup to include into the Reverse Charge Statement.
  • set the Tariff Number Statement Code and Unit of Measures for Reverse Charge Statement.
  • input all information on Sales and Purchase documents needed for electronic file submission.
  • print Reverse Charge Statement and export statement data into the file for electronic submission.
Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Removed This feature is no longer mandatory by law and will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 release 2020 wave 2

Fixed Assets Classification - SKP codes

SKP code is a code from the Standard Production Classification register. The Standard Production Classification was established by the Czech Statistical Office. This code is used for Fixed Asset classification and categorizing to the tax depreciation group. New SKP Code table and SKP Code field on Fixed Asset were added.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Removed This feature is no longer mandatory by law and will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 release 2020 wave 2

Fixed Assets - Depreciation FA Appreciation From

This feature allows you calculate depreciation for additional FA appreciation on fully depreciated fixed asset.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Removed This feature will be not supported in extension based Czech SaaS environment and will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 release 2020 wave 2

Fixed Assets – item consumption for maintenance

Fixed Asset Maintenance functionality was improved by extending the functionality in Item Journal. New fields FA No. and Maintenance Code added to Item Journal Line table. These fields are used if purpose of item consumption is Fixed Asset Maintenance.

When the Item Negative Adjustment is posted in Item Journal, the Maintenance Ledger Entry will be created and posted automatically, based on Automatic Maintenance Posting field in Inventory Setup. For manually posting and/or item costs adjusting to maintenance, the report Adj. Maintenance-Item Entries was created.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When
Removed This feature is deprecated and no longer needed and as not mandatory it will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 2019 release wave 2

Multiple Interest Rates

When you create finance charge terms and reminder terms, for delayed payment penalty, you can specify multiple interest rates so that the penalty fee is calculated from different interest rates in different periods.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When
Moved The Multiple Interest Rates feature is no longer specific to Czech, so we have made it generally available in the standard product. 2020 release wave 2

Deletion of Posted Documents feature

The majority of legislation's requires companies to keep their electronic record indefinitely or for a specific period of time. In order to avoid situation of accidental deletion of Sales and Purchase documents, Business Central prevents users to do this.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Replaced This Deletion of Posted Documents feature is no longer specific to Czech, so we have made it generally available in the standard product. 2019 release wave 2

Tax corrective documents for VAT

According to the VAT law amendment (Act No 235/2004 Coll.; amended with Act No 47/2011 Coll.), companies must correct the VAT base and amount when they are changed due to different reason (financial discount, payment discount and other corrections).

The printout of the correction document is named Tax Correction Document.

In the moment of paying the invoice with a defined payment discount, a Sales (or Service) Credit-Memo will be created. The document will reflect payment discount amount and calculated VAT Amount. The document can be printed in an ordinary way. The printout of the created Credit-Memo is a Tax Corrective Document. A Tax Corrective Document for payment discounts will be created if a payment discount is calculated based on an amount including VAT (it means the Adjust for Payment Disc. field is active in the General Ledger Setup form) and for those combinations which are active in the Adjust for Payment Discount fields in the VAT Posting Setup. In other cases payment discount will be calculated in an ordinary way.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Removed This feature will be not supported in extension based Czech SaaS environment and will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 release 2020 wave 2

Vendor Templates

New feature for creating templates for different group of vendors has been added - Vendor Templates. This feature copies similar functionality for customers – Customer templates. The Vendor Template feature makes creating vendors from contacts easy and decreases amount of mistakes. When the user creates a new Vendor, Apply Template function can be used. Some fields will be automatically filled in thanks to that.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When
Removed This feature is deprecated and no longer needed and as not mandatory it will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 2019 release wave 2

Item Charges Enhancements

This feature allows the user to set and check the usage of item charges in Sales and Purchase. You can set the following options:

  • assign item charge for the usage only in Sales or only in Purchase.
  • disable assigning to different source lines – Receipt Lines, Transfer Receipt Lines, Return Shipment Lines, Sales Shipment Lines, Return Receipt Lines.
  • check if item charge is assigned at Receive/Shipment posting.
Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When
Removed Lack of use. The business need that this functionality was introduced to cover is no longer relevant. Functionality will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 2019 release wave 2

No. Series Enhancements

The majority of companies in the Czech Republic request the following improvements to be implemented in No. Series setup.

No. Series Mask

New field Mask for No. Series structure mask added to the No. Series table where the user defines a position structure of the number generated in this No. Series. This feature makes creating new No. Series lines for new fiscal year easy and decreases the amount of mistakes.

This Mask creates a new No. Series line using the new No. Series Mask Generator function.

New No. Series Link table added. The table contains setup of No. Series links for various system functions.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When
Removed Lack of use. The business need that this functionality was introduced to cover is no longer relevant. Functionality will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 2019 release wave 2

Certificate Management

For Electronic Registration of Sales (EET) functionality was introduced Certificate Management functionality to allow storing and assignment of certificates in EET.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When?
Moved The Certificate Management feature is no longer specific to Czech, so we have made it generally available in the standard product. 2019 release wave 2

Packaging Tax Calculation

Companies selling or consuming goods on local market are liable of declaring package tax to the authorities. To do this Dynamics NAV enables users to:

  • set package materials.
  • collect data about sales and consumption of items with packages.
  • calculate and report package tax for above mentioned transactions and items.
Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When
Removed Lack of use. The business need that this functionality was introduced to cover is no longer relevant. Functionality will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 2019 release wave 2

Small regulatory features and best practices

Following small regulatory features and local practices of Czech companies will be removed.

Dimension for VAT Entry

New field Dimension Set ID added to VAT Ledger Entry table.

Disable Cards Deleting

This feature enhance standard functionality to completely disallows the user to delete records in master data with entries (such as G/L accounts, Customers, Vendors, Items). This is driven by Delete Card with Entries field in General Ledger Setup.

Field for Full Description

In earlier versions, the character limit for Description and Name fields was 50. Therefore was a new field Full Description in all master data tables introduced to fulfill legal requirements for master data naming.

You can now enter up to 100 characters in all Description and Name fields across Business Central and it covers now the business need that this functionality was introduced.

Posted Warehouse Documents cannot be deleted

The majority of legislation's requires companies to keep their electronic record indefinitely or for a specific period of time. In order to avoid situation of accidental deletion of Warehouse documents, Business Central prevents users to do this.

Indivisible Unit of Measure

New field Indivisible Unit in Unit of Measure and Item Unit of Measure tables is added to avoid entering a decimal numbers in Quantity field in documents when Item should be posted in specific unit of measure.

Customer Template extension

New fields added to Customer Template to enhance data set populated in new customer card created from contact.

Quote Validity field on the Sales/Purchase Quote

New Quote Validity date field added to Sales/Purchase Quote documents to identify quote expiration.

This feature is replaced by Quote Validity feature introduced in standard product in 2019 release wave 1.

Original User ID on Sales/Purchase documents

New Original User ID field added to Sales/Purchase documents to identify creator of the document.

Check Balance in General Ledger Journal

Additional feature for disabling balance check by Correction field in General Ledger Journal posting.

Moved, Removed, or Replaced? Why? When
Removed Lack of use. The business need that this functionality was introduced to cover is no longer relevant. Functionality will be deleted. CU for 01.2021 2019 release wave 2

Objects and Fields that are deleted in Dynamics 365 Business Central

The following list shows additional fields that are deleted as a result of the features that have been removed.

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteState ObsoleteReason
18 Customer 11793 Default Ship-to Address Code Removed Replaced by Ship-to Code
32 Item Ledger Entry 31065 Shipment Method Code Pending Merge to W1
36 Sales Header 11793 Quote Validity Removed Replaced by Quote Valid Until Date
49 Invoice Post. Buffer 11761 Description Pending Merge to W1
83 Item Journal Line 31065 Shipment Method Code Pending Merge to W1
86 Exch. Rate Adjmt. Reg. 11760 Starting Date Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
86 Exch. Rate Adjmt. Reg. 11761 Ending Date Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
86 Exch. Rate Adjmt. Reg. 11762 Running Date Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
98 General Ledger Setup 11793 Reg. No. Validation URL Removed This field has been replaced by Table 11757 Reg. No. Srv Config.
110 Sales Shipment Header 11700 Bank Account Code Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
110 Sales Shipment Header 11701 Bank Account No. Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
110 Sales Shipment Header 11702 Bank Branch No. Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
110 Sales Shipment Header 11707 IBAN Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
110 Sales Shipment Header 11708 SWIFT Code Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
110 Sales Shipment Header 11709 Bank Name Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
263 Intrastat Jnl. Line 31069 Shipment Method Code Pending Merge to W1
270 Bank Account 11703 Specific Symbol Pending Duplicated with Field 11701.
270 Bank Account 11735 User ID Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
270 Bank Account 11762 Direct Posting Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
287 Customer Bank Account 11700 Priority Pending This field is not needed and it should not be used.
270 Customer Bank Account 11762 Specific Symbol Pending This field is not needed and it should not be used.
270 Vendor Bank Account 11700 Priority Pending This field is not needed and it should not be used.
270 Vendor Bank Account 11762 Specific Symbol Pending This field is not needed and it should not be used.
325 VAT Posting Setup 31102 Insolvency Proceedings (p.44) Removed Replaced by Corrections for Bad Receivable
1200 Bank Export/Import Setup 11705 Default Folder Path Removed Folder path isn't supported to use in DownloadFromStream, UploadToStream, Download and Upload functions for web client
6660 Return Receipt Header 11700 Bank Account Code Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
6660 Return Receipt Header 11701 Bank Account No. Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
6660 Return Receipt Header 11702 Bank Branch No. Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
6660 Return Receipt Header 11707 IBAN Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
6660 Return Receipt Header 11708 SWIFT Code Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
6660 Return Receipt Header 11709 Bank Name Pending This field is not needed and it is not used anymore.
11761 Electronically Govern. Setup 30 Proxy Server Pending This field is not needed and it should not be used.
11761 Electronically Govern. Setup 31 Proxy User Pending This field is not needed and it should not be used.
11761 Electronically Govern. Setup 32 Proxy Password Removed Moved to Service Password
11761 Electronically Govern. Setup 33 Proxy Password Key Pending This field is not needed and it should not be used.
31101 VAT Control Report Line 44 Insolvency Proceedings (p.44) Removed Replaced by Corrections for Bad Receivable
31103 VAT Control Report Buffer 44 Insolvency Proceedings (p.44) Removed Replaced by Corrections for Bad Receivable
31101 Certificate CZ All All Fields Removed Moved to standard table 1262 Isolated Certificate

Fields marked as ObsoleteState:Pending

The following fields are marked as ObsoleteState = Pending; in the CZ version.

Different types of disposal and maintenance:

Table ID Table Name Field ID Field Name Comments
5603 FA Setup 31043 FA Maintenance By Maint. Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5603 FA Setup 31045 FA Disposal By Reason Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5606 FA Posting Group 31042 Use Standard Disposal Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Posting Description:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
18 Customer 31063 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
23 Vendor 31063 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
36 Sales Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
36 Sales Header 11765 Posting Desc. Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
38 Purchase Header 11765 Posting Desc. Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
302 Finance Charge Memo Header 11765 Posting Desc. Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
311 Sales & Receivables Setup 11765 Posting Desc. Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
311 Sales & Receivables Setup 11779 Fin. Charge Posting Desc. Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
312 Purchases & Payables Setup 11765 Posting Desc. Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
313 Inventory Setup 11765 Posting Desc. Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5107 Sales Header Archive 11765 Posting Desc. Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5109 Purchase Header Archive 11765 Posting Desc. Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5900 Service Header 11765 Posting Desc. Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5911 Service Mgt. Setup 11765 Posting Desc. Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11785 Posting Description All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11786 Posting Desc. Parameter All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

General Journal Reconciliation:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
269 G/L Account Net Change 11760 Type Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Industry Classification:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
18 Customer 31063 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
23 Vendor 31063 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
36 Sales Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
38 Purchase Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
79 Company Information 11793 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
110 Sales Shipment Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
112 Sales Invoice Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
114 Sales Cr.Memo Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
120 Purch. Rcpt. Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
122 Purch. Inv. Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
124 Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr. 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5900 Service Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5990 Service Shipment Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5994 Service Cr.Memo Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
6650 Return Shipment Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
6660 Return Receipt Header 31065 Industry Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11791 Industry Code All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

VAT Rounding Improvements:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
98 General Ledger Setup 11765 Round VAT Coeff. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
98 General Ledger Setup 11766 VAT Coeff. Rounding Precision Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Postponing VAT on Sales Credit Memo:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
36 Sales Header 11763 Postponed VAT Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
91 Gen. Journal Line 11763 Postponed VAT Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
114 Sales Cr.Memo Header 11763 Postponed VAT Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
114 Sales Cr.Memo Header 11764 Postponed VAT Realized Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
254 VAT Entry 11763 Postponed VAT Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
311 Sales & Receivables Setup 11777 Credit Memo Confirmation Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
325 VAT Posting Setup 11764 Sales VAT Postponed Account Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5900 Service Header 11763 Postponed VAT Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5911 Service Mgt. Setup 11777 Credit Memo Confirmation Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5994 Service Cr.Memo Header 11763 Postponed VAT Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5994 Service Cr.Memo Header 11764 Postponed VAT Realized Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Non-deductible VAT:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
39 Purchase Line 11765 VAT % (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
39 Purchase Line 11766 VAT Base (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
39 Purchase Line 11767 VAT Amount (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
49 Invoice Post. Buffer 11765 VAT % (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
49 Invoice Post. Buffer 11766 VAT Base (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
49 Invoice Post. Buffer 11767 VAT Amount (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
81 Gen. Journal Line 11765 VAT % (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
81 Gen. Journal Line 11766 VAT Base (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
81 Gen. Journal Line 11767 VAT Amount (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
81 Gen. Journal Line 11772 VAT Base LCY (Non Deduct.) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
81 Gen. Journal Line 11773 VAT Amount LCY (Non Deduct.) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
98 General Ledger Setup 11762 Statement Templ. Name Coeff. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
98 General Ledger Setup 11763 Statement Name Coeff. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
98 General Ledger Setup 11764 Statement Line No. Coeff. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
123 Purch. Inv. Line 11765 VAT % (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
123 Purch. Inv. Line 11766 VAT Base (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
123 Purch. Inv. Line 11767 VAT Amount (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
125 Purch. Cr. Memo Line 11765 VAT % (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
125 Purch. Cr. Memo Line 11766 VAT Base (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
125 Purch. Cr. Memo Line 11767 VAT Amount (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
242 Source Code Setup 11762 VAT Coefficient Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
254 VAT Entry 11765 VAT % (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
254 VAT Entry 11766 VAT Base (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
254 VAT Entry 11767 VAT Amount (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
254 VAT Entry 11770 Primary Entry No. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
290 VAT Amount Line 11765 VAT % (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
290 VAT Amount Line 11766 VAT Base (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
290 VAT Amount Line 11767 VAT Amount (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
325 VAT Posting Setup 11763 Non Deduct. VAT Corr. Account Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
325 VAT Posting Setup 11766 Allow Non Deductible VAT Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11731 Cash Document Line 602 VAT % (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11731 Cash Document Line 603 VAT Base (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11731 Cash Document Line 604 VAT Amount (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11736 Posted Cash Document Line 602 VAT % (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11736 Posted Cash Document Line 603 VAT Base (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11736 Posted Cash Document Line 604 VAT Amount (Non Deductible) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11784 Non Deductible VAT Setup 1 VAT Bus. Posting Group Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11784 Non Deductible VAT Setup 2 VAT Prod. Posting Group Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11784 Non Deductible VAT Setup 3 From Date Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11784 Non Deductible VAT Setup 4 Non Deductible VAT % Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

VAT Registration in Other Countries/Regions:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
32 Item Ledger Entry 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
36 Sales Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
36 Sales Header 31061 Perf. Country Currency Factor Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
38 Purchase Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
38 Purchase Header 31061 Perf. Country Currency Factor Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
81 Gen. Journal Line 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
83 Item Journal Line 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
110 Sales Shipment Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
112 Sales Invoice Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
112 Sales Invoice Header 31061 Curr. Factor Perf. Country/Reg Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
114 Sales Cr.Memo Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
114 Sales Cr.Memo Header 31061 Curr. Factor Perf. Country/Reg Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
120 Purch. Rcpt. Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
122 Purch. Inv. Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
122 Purch. Inv. Header 31061 Perf. Country Currency Factor Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
124 Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr. 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
124 Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr. 31061 Curr. Factor Perf. Country/Reg Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
254 VAT Entry 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
254 VAT Entry 31061 Currency Factor Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
254 VAT Entry 31062 Currency Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
261 Intrastat Jnl. Template 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
262 Intrastat Jnl. Batch 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5107 Sales Header Archive 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5107 Sales Header Archive 31061 Curr. Factor Perf. Country/Reg Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5109 Purchase Header Archive 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5109 Purchase Header Archive 31061 Curr. Factor Perf. Country/Reg Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5900 Service Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5900 Service Header 31061 Perf. Country Currency Factor Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5990 Service Shipment Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5990 Service Shipment Header 31061 Curr. Factor Perf. Country/Reg Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5992 Service Invoice Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5992 Service Invoice Header 31061 Curr. Factor Perf. Country/Reg Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5994 Service Cr.Memo Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5994 Service Cr.Memo Header 31061 Curr. Factor Perf. Country/Reg Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
6650 Return Shipment Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
6660 Return Receipt Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11762 Registration Country/Region All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11763 Registr. Country/Region Route All All fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11764 Perf. Country Curr. Exch. Rate All All fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
31000 Sales Advance Letter Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
31000 Sales Advance Letter Header 31061 Perf. Country Currency Factor Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
31020 Purch. Advance Letter Header 31060 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
31020 Purch. Advance Letter Header 31061 Perf. Country Currency Factor Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
31066 VIES Declaration Header 80 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
31100 VAT Control Report Header 15 Perform. Country/Region Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

VAT Identifier:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
98 General Ledger Setup 11771 Check VAT Identifier Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11767 VAT Identifier All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11768 VAT Identifier Translate All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Reverse Charge Statement:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
31065 Stat. Reporting Setup 31090 Reverse Charge Nos. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
31065 Stat. Reporting Setup 31095 Reverse Charge Auth. Emp. No. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
31065 Stat. Reporting Setup 31096 Rvrs. Chrg. Filled by Emp. No. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
31093 Reverse Charge Header All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
31094 Reverse Charge Line All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Fixed Assets Classification - SKP codes:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
5600 Fixed Asset 31044 SKP Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
31043 SKP Code All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Fixed Assets – Depreciation FA Appreciation From:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
5612 FA Depreciation Book 31040 Depr. FA Appreciation From Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Fixed Assets – item consumption for maintenance:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
32 Item Ledger Entry 31043 FA No. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
32 Item Ledger Entry 31044 Maintenance Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
32 Item Ledger Entry 31045 Maintenance Amount Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
81 Gen. Journal Line 31070 Item Ledger Entry No. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
83 Item Journal Line 31043 FA No. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
83 Item Journal Line 31044 Maintenance Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
210 Job Journal Line 31043 FA No. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
210 Job Journal Line 31044 Maintenance Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
242 Source Code Setup 31041 Maintenance Adjustment Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
313 Inventory Setup 31042 Automatic Maintenance Posting Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5600 Fixed Asset 31042 Deprec. Book Code (Mainten.) Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5621 FA Journal Line 31040 Item Ledger Entry No. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5625 Maintenance Ledger Entry 31040 Item Ledger Entry No. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Tax corrective documents for VAT:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
36 Sales Header 11762 Tax Corrective Document Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
37 Sales Line 11762 Reason Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
112 Sales Invoice Header 11762 Tax Corrective Document Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
113 Sales Invoice Line 11762 Reason Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
115 Sales Cr.Memo Line 11762 Reason Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
254 VAT Entry 11780 Pmt.Disc. Tax Corr.Doc. No. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
311 Sales & Receivables Setup 11772 Reas.Cd. on Tax Corr.Doc.Mand. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
311 Sales & Receivables Setup 11773 Pmt.Disc.Tax Corr.Doc. Nos. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
311 Sales & Receivables Setup 11774 Copy As Tax Corr. Document Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
311 Sales & Receivables Setup 11775 Reason Code For Payment Disc. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5107 Sales Header Archive 11762 Tax Corrective Document Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5108 Sales Line Archive 11762 Reason Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5900 Service Header 11762 Tax Corrective Document Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5902 Service Line 11762 Reason Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5911 Service Mgt. Setup 11772 Reas.Cd. on Tax Corr.Doc.Mand. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5911 Service Mgt. Setup 11775 Reason Code For Payment Disc. Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5992 Service Invoice Header 11762 Tax Corrective Document Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5993 Service Invoice Line 11762 Reason Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5995 Service Cr.Memo Line 11762 Reason Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
6661 Return Receipt Line 11762 Reason Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Vendor Templates:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
11794 Vendor Template All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Item Charges Enhancements:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
313 Inventory Setup 31076 Check Item Charge Pst.Group Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5800 Item Charge 31070 Use Ledger Entry Dimensions Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5800 Item Charge 31071 Sales Only Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5800 Item Charge 31072 Purchase Only Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5800 Item Charge 31073 Disable Receipt Lines Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5800 Item Charge 31074 Disable Transfer Receipt Lines Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5800 Item Charge 31075 Disable Return Shipment Lines Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5800 Item Charge 31076 Disable Sales Shipment Lines Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5800 Item Charge 31077 Disable Return Receipt Lines Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5800 Item Charge 31078 Assignment on Receive/Shipment Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

No. Series Enhancements:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
308 No. Series 11790 Mask Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
308 No. Series 11791 No. Series Link Exists Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5740 Transfer Header 11730 Receiving Wh. No. Series Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5740 Transfer Header 11797 Shipping No. Series Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5740 Transfer Header 11798 Receiving No. Series Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5740 Transfer Header 11799 Shipping Wh. No. Series Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
11799 No. Series Link All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Packaging Tax Calculation:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
31070 Package Material All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
31071 Item Package Material All All Fields Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Dimension for VAT Entry:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
254 VAT Entry 11771 Global Dimension 1 Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
254 VAT Entry 11772 Global Dimension 2 Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
254 VAT Entry 11773 Dimension Set ID Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Disable Cards Deleting:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
98 General Ledger Setup 11792 Delete Card with Entries Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Field for Full Description:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
15 G/L Account 11792 Full Name Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
18 Customer 11792 Registered Name Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
23 Vendor 11792 Registered Name Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
27 Item 11792 Full Description Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
260 Tariff Number 11792 Full Name Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
260 Tariff Number 11793 Full Name ENG Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5050 Contact 11792 Registered Name Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5079 Marketing Setup 11792 Inherit Registered Name Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5600 Fixed Asset 11792 Full Description Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5718 Nonstock Item 11792 Full Description Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Customer Template extension:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
5105 Customer Template 11790 No. Series Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5105 Customer Template 11791 Language Code Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Indivisible Unit of Measure:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
204 Unit of Measure 31070 Indivisible Unit Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).
5404 Item Unit of Measure 31070 Indivisible Unit Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

Check Balance in General Ledger Journal:

TableNo TableName No. FieldName ObsoleteReason
80 Gen. Journal Template 11761 Not Check Correction Will be removed in a later release (marked as ObsoleteState = Removed; in 01.2021).

See Also

Deprecated Features in the Base App
Deprecated Features in the Platform - Clients, Server, and Database
Upgrading to Business Central
Upgrading the Application Code
Deprecated Fields, and Fields Marked as Obsolete
Czech Local Functionality