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(BRA) Set up NF-e parameters for a fiscal establishment

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Use the following procedure to set up the parameters for a Nota Fiscal eletrônica (NF-e) for a fiscal establishment.


This topic has been updated to include information about features that were added or changed for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3.

  1. Click Organization administration > Setup > Brazil > Fiscal establishments.

  2. Select or create a fiscal establishment. For more information, see (BRA) Create a fiscal establishment.

  3. On the NF-e federal FastTab, in the Certificate field, select the name of the digital certificate that is used to assign XML messages to an NF-e.

  4. In the Web service field group, specify values in the following fields:

    1. In the Environment field, select one of the following options to indicate the web service environment for the fiscal establishment:

      • Testing – The NF-e process is performed in the Secretaria da Fazenda (SEFAZ) test environment.

      • Production – The NF-e process is performed in the SEFAZ production environment.

    2. In the The version of the NF-e feature field, select the version of the NF-e feature.

    3. In the Authority field, select the identification code of the agency that receives, approves, or rejects NF-e federal requests for the fiscal establishment.

  5. In the Approved NF-e, Canceled NF-e, and Correction letter fields, select the identification codes that identify the email messages for approved NF-e, canceled NF-e, and collection letters.

  6. Select the Preprinted security form check box to use the preprinted forms for the security form contingency mode.

  7. Select the Attach the DANFE as PDF file to email check box to attach the DANFE PDF files to emails that are generated for issued electronic fiscal documents.

  8. Select the Print DANFE when NF-e is approved check box to print the Documento Auxiliar da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (DANFE) automatically when the NF-e is approved.

  9. Select the Validate XML schema on posting check box to validate the XML schema when you post an electronic fiscal document.

  10. Select the Post only NF-e that have valid access keys check box to post only the electronic fiscal documents that have access keys that are validated by the SEFAZ.

  11. Select the Block NF-e posting if XML does not match check box to post only the electronic fiscal documents for which the XML document information matches the vendor invoice information.


    This control is available only if Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 is installed.

See also

(BRA) About fiscal establishments

(BRA) Fiscal establishments (form)

(BRA) NF-e federal parameters (form)