
Compartir vía


Represents a network.


class PartyNetwork  

Public Methods

Name Description
AuthenticateLocalUser Queues an asynchronous operation to authenticate the specified local user into the network.
RemoveLocalUser Queues an asynchronous operation to remove a local user from the network.
CreateInvitation Queues an asynchronous attempt to create an invitation for the network.
RevokeInvitation Queues an asynchronous attempt to revoke an invitation from the network.
GetInvitations Gets an array containing all invitations exposed to the local device.
CreateEndpoint Queues an asynchronous attempt to create a local endpoint.
DestroyEndpoint Queues an asynchronous operation to destroy a local endpoint.
LeaveNetwork Queues an asynchronous operation to leave the network gracefully.
GetEndpoints Gets the endpoints in this network.
GetEndpointsByUserType Gets a subset of endpoints in this network filtered by user type and owning device location.
FindEndpointByUniqueIdentifier Finds the endpoint with the corresponding network-unique identifier in this network, if it exists.
GetDevices Gets the devices in this network.
GetLocalUsers Gets an array containing the local users that are authenticated or authenticating into the network.
GetNetworkDescriptor Gets the network descriptor for this network.
GetNetworkConfiguration Gets the network configuration which was set when creating the network.
ConnectChatControl Connects the local chat control to the network.
DisconnectChatControl Disconnects the local chat control from the network.
GetChatControls Gets the chat controls connected to this network.
GetNetworkStatistics Gets one or more statistic counter values for the network.
GetCustomContext Retrieves the app's private, custom pointer-sized context value previously associated with this network object.
SetCustomContext Configures an optional, custom pointer-sized context value with this network object.
GetDeviceConnectionType Retrieves the type of connection used by the local device for transmitting messages or chat data to the specified target device in this network.


Header: Party.h

See also

Party members