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Healthcare data explorer (preview) in Microsoft Fabric


  • This is a Preview feature.
  • Preview features aren't meant for production use, and may have restricted functionality. These features are available before an official release so that customers can get early access and provide feedback.
  • To review the terms of service, see Supplemental terms of use for healthcare data explorer (preview).

Healthcare data explorer (preview) is an item in Industry Solutions for Microsoft Fabric tailored for healthcare organizations and professionals. It simplifies the process of analyzing and querying healthcare data from different sources and formats. You can also use it to prepare data for health trend studies, quality assessments, clinical trials, historical research, and AI development.

Healthcare data explorer (preview) uses multimodal data sources such as:

  • Medical images
  • Structured clinical data
  • Unstructured clinical notes

Use cases

As a healthcare professional, you can build queries, select subsets of data, and merge data sources in a low-code/no-code, generative AI Copilot experience. You can fine-tune your queries and view tabular readouts of patient data or summary statistics for fields. You can also ensure that any insights you get align with the Microsoft Responsible AI principles.

Next steps