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AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages.WithCertificateSku Interface

public interface WithCertificateSku

An app service certificate order definition allowing SKU to be set.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages.WithDomainVerificationFromWebApp withStandardSku()

Specifies the SKU of the certificate to be standard. It will only provide SSL support to the hostname, and www.hostname. Wildcard type will provide SSL support to any sub-domain under the hostname.

AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages.WithDomainVerification withWildcardSku()

Specifies the SKU of the certificate to be wildcard. It will provide SSL support to any sub-domain under the hostname.

Method Details


public WithDomainVerificationFromWebApp withStandardSku()

Specifies the SKU of the certificate to be standard. It will only provide SSL support to the hostname, and www.hostname. Wildcard type will provide SSL support to any sub-domain under the hostname.


the next stage of the definition


public WithDomainVerification withWildcardSku()

Specifies the SKU of the certificate to be wildcard. It will provide SSL support to any sub-domain under the hostname.


the next stage of the definition

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