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WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithRepositoryType<ParentT> Interface

Type Parameters


the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition

public interface WithRepositoryType

A web app source control definition allowing repository type to be specified.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithGitHubBranch<ParentT> withContinuouslyIntegratedGitHubRepository(String url)

Specifies the repository to be a GitHub repository. Continuous integration will be turned on. This repository can be either public or private, but your GitHub access token must have enough privileges to add a webhook to the repository.

WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithGitHubBranch<ParentT> withContinuouslyIntegratedGitHubRepository(String organization, String repository)

Specifies the repository to be a GitHub repository. Continuous integration will be turned on. This repository can be either public or private, but your GitHub access token must have enough privileges to add a webhook to the repository.

WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithBranch<ParentT> withPublicGitRepository(String url)

Specifies the repository to be a public external repository, either Git or Mercurial. Continuous integration will not be turned on.

WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithBranch<ParentT> withPublicMercurialRepository(String url)

Specifies the repository to be a public external repository, either Git or Mercurial. Continuous integration will not be turned on.

Method Details


public WithGitHubBranch withContinuouslyIntegratedGitHubRepository(String url)

Specifies the repository to be a GitHub repository. Continuous integration will be turned on. This repository can be either public or private, but your GitHub access token must have enough privileges to add a webhook to the repository.


url - the URL pointing to the repository, e.g.


the next stage of the definition


public WithGitHubBranch withContinuouslyIntegratedGitHubRepository(String organization, String repository)

Specifies the repository to be a GitHub repository. Continuous integration will be turned on. This repository can be either public or private, but your GitHub access token must have enough privileges to add a webhook to the repository.


organization - the user name or organization name the GitHub repository belongs to, e.g. Azure
repository - the name of the repository, e.g. azure-sdk-for-java


the next stage of the definition


public WithBranch withPublicGitRepository(String url)

Specifies the repository to be a public external repository, either Git or Mercurial. Continuous integration will not be turned on.


url - the url of the Git repository


the next stage of the definition


public WithBranch withPublicMercurialRepository(String url)

Specifies the repository to be a public external repository, either Git or Mercurial. Continuous integration will not be turned on.


url - the url of the Mercurial repository


the next stage of the definition

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