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Endpoint Configuration Validation

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

By default, when you configure transport properties for Commerce Server adapter endpoints, no Web service calls are made to validate the parameters you specify. However, you can set a key in the registry that will instruct the adapters to perform additional parameter validation that includes several Web service calls. Such validation can be useful during development, but presents a hazard when deploying your endpoint configuration from your development computer to other computers that may use different configuration parameter settings, especially for those parameters related to the Commerce Server Web services or that are validated using those Web services.

For example, you may have both Commerce Server and BizTalk Server installed on your development computer. In this case, you may specify the Commerce Server Web service URLs using "localhost" as the host name. Later, when you deploy your Commerce Server adapter endpoint configuration settings to one or more production computers, your localhost Web service URLs will need to be changed to include the actual host name of the Commerce Server computer. If your production computers do not have the registry key setting that results in the additional endpoint configuration validation, your endpoint configuration deployment will complete successfully, after which you can make the necessary configuration modifications.


When you set the registry key to activate additional configuration validation, the Web service calls that are made to connect and validate the relevant parameters may sometimes cause the user interface to respond slowly. Further, when you first create a receive location or send port, choose one of the Commerce Server adapters as the transport type, and then click Properties to open the associated transport properties dialog box, you must configure, at least, the required properties. Later, you may return to this dialog box to perform subsequent configuration.

In order to activate additional, over-the-network, validation of Commerce Server adapter endpoint parameters, create a registry entry named ConfigValidation, of type REG_DWORD, with a value of one (1), under one of the following registry paths:

  • 32-bit computers: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Commerce Server 2007 BizTalk Adapters

  • 64-bit computers: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Commerce Server 2007 BizTalk Adapters

Execute the following command to establish this registry setting on either a 32-bit or 64-bit computer:

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Commerce Server 2007 BizTalk Adapters" /v ConfigValidation /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f

See Also

Other Resources

How to Configure the Orders Transport Properties for a Receive Endpoint

How to Configure the Orders Transport Properties for a Send Endpoint

How to Configure the Catalog Transport Properties for a Receive Endpoint

How to Configure the Catalog Transport Properties for a Send Endpoint

How to Configure the Inventory Transport Properties for a Receive Endpoint

How to Configure the Inventory Transport Properties for a Send Endpoint

How to Configure the Profiles Transport Properties for a Receive Endpoint

How to Configure the Profiles Transport Properties for a Send Endpoint

BizTalk Adapter Concepts