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Seleccionar mediante programación las columnas de entrada

Se aplica a: SQL Server SSIS Integration Runtime en Azure Data Factory

Después de haber conectado los componentes mediante programación, seleccione las columnas de los componentes de nivel superior que transformará en componentes de nivel inferior o por los que pasará a los componentes de nivel inferior. Si no selecciona las columnas de entrada para el componente, el componente no recibe ninguna fila de la tarea de flujo de datos.

Seleccionar columnas

Llame al método GetVirtualInput para recuperar la lista de columnas disponibles de un componente de nivel superior, a continuación, llame al método SetUsageType de la instancia de componente en tiempo de diseño para seleccionar las columnas de la colección de columnas de entrada virtual. Al llamar a este método, el componente crea una nueva columna de entrada en la colección de columnas de entrada que tiene el mismo identificador de linaje que la columna correspondiente en la colección de salida del componente de nivel superior.

No seleccione las columnas llamando directamente al método SetUsageType del objeto de entrada virtual, porque esto omite la capacidad del componente de rechazar las columnas basándose en tipos de datos inadecuados o en otras propiedades.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo utilizar la instancia de un componente en tiempo de diseño para seleccionar las columnas de un componente.

using System;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper;  
namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Samples  
  class Program  
    static void Main(string[] args)  
      // Create a package and add a Data Flow task.  
      Package package = new Package();  
      Executable e = package.Executables.Add("STOCK:PipelineTask");  
      TaskHost thMainPipe = e as TaskHost;  
      MainPipe dataFlowTask = thMainPipe.InnerObject as MainPipe;  
      // Add an OLE DB connection manager to the package.  
      ConnectionManager conMgr = package.Connections.Add("OLEDB");  
      conMgr.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;" +  
        "Data Source=<servername>;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;" +  
        "Integrated Security=SSPI;";  
      conMgr.Name = "SSIS Connection Manager for OLE DB";  
      conMgr.Description = "OLE DB connection to the AdventureWorks database.";  
      // Create and configure an OLE DB source component.    
      IDTSComponentMetaData100 source =  
      source.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OleDbSource";  
      // Create the design-time instance of the source.  
      CManagedComponentWrapper srcDesignTime = source.Instantiate();  
      // The ProvideComponentProperties method creates a default output.  
      // Assign the connection manager.  
      source.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager =  
      // Set the custom properties of the source.  
      srcDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 2);  
        "Select * from Production.Product");  
      // Connect to the data source,  
      //  and then update the metadata for the source.  
      // Create and configure an OLE DB destination.  
      IDTSComponentMetaData100 destination =  
      destination.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OleDbDestination";  
      // Create the design-time instance of the destination.  
      CManagedComponentWrapper destDesignTime = destination.Instantiate();  
      // The ProvideComponentProperties method creates a default input.  
      // Create the path from source to destination.  
      IDTSPath100 path = dataFlowTask.PathCollection.New();  
      // Get the destination's default input and virtual input.  
      IDTSInput100 input = destination.InputCollection[0];  
      IDTSVirtualInput100 vInput = input.GetVirtualInput();  
      // Iterate through the virtual input column collection.  
      foreach (IDTSVirtualInputColumn100 vColumn in vInput.VirtualInputColumnCollection)  
        // Call the SetUsageType method of the destination  
        //  to add each available virtual input column as an input column.  
           input.ID, vInput, vColumn.LineageID, DTSUsageType.UT_READONLY);  
      // Verify that the columns have been added to the input.  
      foreach (IDTSInputColumn100 inputColumn in destination.InputCollection[0].InputColumnCollection)  
      // Add other components to the data flow and connect them.  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper  
Module Module1  
  Sub Main()  
    ' Create a package and add a Data Flow task.  
    Dim package As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package = _  
      New Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package()  
    Dim e As Executable = package.Executables.Add("STOCK:PipelineTask")  
    Dim thMainPipe As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.TaskHost = _  
      CType(e, Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.TaskHost)  
    Dim dataFlowTask As MainPipe = CType(thMainPipe.InnerObject, MainPipe)  
    ' Add an OLE DB connection manager to the package.  
    Dim conMgr As ConnectionManager = package.Connections.Add("OLEDB")  
    conMgr.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;" & _  
      "Data Source=<servername>;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;" & _  
      "Integrated Security=SSPI;"  
    conMgr.Name = "SSIS Connection Manager for OLE DB"  
    conMgr.Description = "OLE DB connection to the AdventureWorks database."  
    ' Create and configure an OLE DB source component.    
    Dim source As IDTSComponentMetaData100 = _  
    source.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OleDbSource"  
    ' Create the design-time instance of the source.  
    Dim srcDesignTime As CManagedComponentWrapper = source.Instantiate  
    ' The ProvideComponentProperties method creates a default output.  
    ' Assign the connection manager.  
    source.RuntimeConnectionCollection(0).ConnectionManager = _  
    ' Set the custom properties of the source.  
    srcDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 2)  
    srcDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("SqlCommand", _  
      "Select * from Production.Product")  
    ' Connect to the data source,  
    '  and then update the metadata for the source.  
    ' Create and configure an OLE DB destination.  
    Dim destination As IDTSComponentMetaData100 = _  
    destination.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OleDbDestination"  
    ' Create the design-time instance of the destination.  
    Dim destDesignTime As CManagedComponentWrapper = destination.Instantiate  
    ' The ProvideComponentProperties method creates a default input.  
    ' Create the path from source to destination.  
    Dim path As IDTSPath100 = dataFlowTask.PathCollection.New  
    path.AttachPathAndPropagateNotifications(source.OutputCollection(0), _  
    ' Get the destination's default input and virtual input.  
    Dim input As IDTSInput100 = destination.InputCollection(0)  
    Dim vInput As IDTSVirtualInput100 = input.GetVirtualInput  
    ' Iterate through the virtual input column collection.  
    For Each vColumn As IDTSVirtualInputColumn100 In vInput.VirtualInputColumnCollection  
      ' Call the SetUsageType method of the destination  
      '  to add each available virtual input column as an input column.  
      destDesignTime.SetUsageType(input.ID, vInput, vColumn.LineageID, DTSUsageType.UT_READONLY)  
    ' Verify that the columns have been added to the input.  
    For Each inputColumn As IDTSInputColumn100 In destination.InputCollection(0).InputColumnCollection  
    ' Add other components to the data flow and connect them.  
  End Sub  
End Module  

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