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Lorsque vous créez un ensemble d’atténuations de protection contre les attaques (appelées configuration), vous pouvez constater que le processus d’exportation et d’importation de configuration ne supprime pas toutes les atténuations indésirables.

Vous pouvez supprimer manuellement les atténuations indésirables dans Sécurité Windows, ou vous pouvez utiliser le processus suivant pour supprimer toutes les atténuations, puis importer un fichier de configuration de base à la place.

  1. Supprimez toutes les atténuations de processus avec ce script PowerShell :

    # Check if Admin-Privileges are available
    function Test-IsAdmin {
        ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")
    # Delete ExploitGuard ProcessMitigations for a given key in the registry. If no other settings exist under the specified key,
    # the key is deleted as well
    function Remove-ProcessMitigations([Object] $Key, [string] $Name) {
        Try {
            if ($Key.GetValue("MitigationOptions")) {
                Write-Host "Removing MitigationOptions for:      " $Name
                Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Key.PSPath -Name "MitigationOptions" -ErrorAction Stop;
            if ($Key.GetValue("MitigationAuditOptions")) {
                Write-Host "Removing MitigationAuditOptions for: " $Name
                Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Key.PSPath -Name "MitigationAuditOptions" -ErrorAction Stop;
            if ($Key.GetValue("EAFModules")) {
                Write-Host "Removing EAFModules for: " $Name
                Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Key.PSPath -Name "EAFModules" -ErrorAction Stop;
            # Remove the FilterFullPath value if there is nothing else
            if (($Key.SubKeyCount -eq 0) -and ($Key.ValueCount -eq 1) -and ($Key.GetValue("FilterFullPath"))) {
                Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Key.PSPath -Name "FilterFullPath" -ErrorAction Stop;
            # If the key is empty now, delete it
            if (($Key.SubKeyCount -eq 0) -and ($Key.ValueCount -eq 0)) {
                Write-Host "Removing empty Entry:                " $Name
                Remove-Item -Path $Key.PSPath -ErrorAction Stop
        Catch {
            Write-Host "ERROR:" $_.Exception.Message "- at ($MitigationItemName)"
    # Delete all ExploitGuard ProcessMitigations
    function Remove-All-ProcessMitigations {
        if (!(Test-IsAdmin)) {
            throw "ERROR: No Administrator-Privileges detected!"; return
        Get-ChildItem -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" | ForEach-Object {
            $MitigationItem = $_;
            $MitigationItemName = $MitigationItem.PSChildName
            Try {
                Remove-ProcessMitigations $MitigationItem $MitigationItemName
                # "UseFilter" indicate full path filters may be present
                if ($MitigationItem.GetValue("UseFilter")) {
                    Get-ChildItem -Path $MitigationItem.PSPath | ForEach-Object {
                        $FullPathItem = $_
                        if ($FullPathItem.GetValue("FilterFullPath")) {
                            $Name = $MitigationItemName + "-" + $FullPathItem.GetValue("FilterFullPath")
                            Write-Host "Removing FullPathEntry:              " $Name
                            Remove-ProcessMitigations $FullPathItem $Name
                        # If there are no subkeys now, we can delete the "UseFilter" value
                        if ($MitigationItem.SubKeyCount -eq 0) {
                            Remove-ItemProperty -Path $MitigationItem.PSPath -Name "UseFilter" -ErrorAction Stop
                if (($MitigationItem.SubKeyCount -eq 0) -and ($MitigationItem.ValueCount -eq 0)) {
                    Write-Host "Removing empty Entry:                " $MitigationItemName
                    Remove-Item -Path $MitigationItem.PSPath -ErrorAction Stop
            Catch {
                Write-Host "ERROR:" $_.Exception.Message "- at ($MitigationItemName)"
    # Delete all ExploitGuard System-wide Mitigations
    function Remove-All-SystemMitigations {
        if (!(Test-IsAdmin)) {
            throw "ERROR: No Administrator-Privileges detected!"; return
        $Kernel = Get-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel"
        Try {
            if ($Kernel.GetValue("MitigationOptions"))
                { Write-Host "Removing System MitigationOptions"
                    Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Kernel.PSPath -Name "MitigationOptions" -ErrorAction Stop;
            if ($Kernel.GetValue("MitigationAuditOptions"))
                { Write-Host "Removing System MitigationAuditOptions"
                    Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Kernel.PSPath -Name "MitigationAuditOptions" -ErrorAction Stop;
        } Catch {
            Write-Host "ERROR:" $_.Exception.Message "- System"
  2. Create et importez un fichier de configuration XML avec les atténuations par défaut suivantes, comme décrit dans Importer, exporter et déployer des configurations Exploit Protection :

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <AppConfig Executable="ExtExport.exe">
           <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="ie4uinit.exe">
          <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="ieinstal.exe">
       <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="ielowutil.exe">
          <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
       <AppConfig Executable="ieUnatt.exe">
          <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
       <AppConfig Executable="iexplore.exe">
          <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
       <AppConfig Executable="mscorsvw.exe">
           <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="msfeedssync.exe">
           <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="mshta.exe">
           <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="ngen.exe">
           <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="ngentask.exe">
           <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="PresentationHost.exe">
           <DEP Enable="true" OverrideDEP="false" EmulateAtlThunks="false"/>
           <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true" OverrideBottomUp="false" HighEntropy="true" BottomUp="true"/>
           <SEHOP Enable="true" OverrideSEHOP="false" TelemetryOnly="false"/>
           <Heap OverrideHeap="false" TerminateOnError="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="PrintDialog.exe">
           <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="PrintIsolationHost.exe"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="runtimebroker.exe">
           <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/>
            <AppConfig Executable="splwow64.exe"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="spoolsv.exe"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="svchost.exe"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="SystemSettings.exe">
           <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/>

Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, il est judicieux de télécharger et d’utiliser les bases de référence Sécurité Windows pour terminer votre personnalisation Exploit Protection.


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