
Partager via

AL Compiler Diagnostics

Id Message Default Severity
AL0100 Unterminated multiline comment. Error
AL0101 Constant value '{0}' is outside the range for a Decimal. Error
AL0102 Constant value '{0}' is outside the range for a BigInteger. Error
AL0103 Constant value '{0}' is outside the range for an Integer. Error
AL0104 Syntax error, '{0}' expected. Error
AL0105 Syntax error, identifier expected; '{1}' is a keyword. Error
AL0106 Syntax error, 'TO' or 'DOWNTO' expected. Error
AL0107 Syntax error, identifier expected. Error
AL0108 Indexers must have at least one value. Error
AL0109 Unexpected token. Error
AL0110 Orphaned ELSE statement. This is most likely because of an unnecessary semicolon placed just before the ELSE keyword. Error
AL0111 Semicolon expected. Error
AL0112 {0} is not a valid attribute. Error
AL0113 At least one dimension must be specified. Error
AL0114 Syntax error, integer literal expected. Error
AL0115 Object type expected. Error
AL0116 Invalid value for '{0}'. Allowed values are '{1}'. Error
AL0117 Illegal statement. Only assignment and method invocation can be used as a statement. Error
AL0118 The name '{0}' does not exist in the current context. Error
AL0119 The parameter name '{0}' is already defined. Error
AL0120 A local or parameter named '{0}' cannot be declared in this scope because that name is used in an enclosing local scope to define a local or parameter. Error
AL0121 The variable name '{0}' is already defined. Error
AL0122 Cannot implicitly convert type '{0}' to '{1}'. Error
AL0123 The return value name '{0}' is already defined. Error
AL0124 The property '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Error
AL0125 Method name expected. Error
AL0126 No overload for method '{0}' takes {1} arguments. Candidates: {2}. Error
AL0127 Member '{0}' cannot be used like a method. Error
AL0128 Language identifier expected. Error
AL0129 The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable or field. Error
AL0130 A 'var' argument must be an assignable variable. Error
AL0131 The property CharAllowed must be specified in pairs of characters. The first character in the pair must be equal to or less than the second. Error
AL0132 '{0}' does not contain a definition for '{1}'. Error
AL0133 Argument {0}: cannot convert from '{1}' to '{2}'. Error
AL0134 '{0}' is not recognized as a valid type. Error
AL0135 There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter '{0}' of '{1}'. Error
AL0136 The loop variable in a 'for' statement must be a numeric type. Error
AL0137 No enclosing loop out of which to break. Error
AL0138 The case expression cannot be an array. Error
AL0139 Since '{0}' doesn't have a return value, EXIT cannot be called with a value. Error
AL0140 The expression is not valid for the WITH statement. Error
AL0142 Only variables of type record can be marked as TEMPORARY. Error
AL0143 Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type '{0}'. Error
AL0144 Wrong number of indices inside []; expected {0}. Error
AL0145 Assignment is not valid for arrays. Error
AL0146 The maximum number of array elements is {0}. Actual number is {1}. Error
AL0147 An array dimension must be a positive number. Error
AL0148 The table filter is not valid. Error
AL0149 There is an 'ELSE' statement without an 'IF' in property {0}. Error
AL0150 Invalid CONST expression. A valid integer or an identifier is expected. Error
AL0151 Expression must be an Option. Error
AL0152 The value '{0}' is used more than once. Error
AL0153 The property '{0}' cannot be blank. Error
AL0154 The maximum length for a field of type '{0}' is {1}. Error
AL0155 A member of type {0} with name '{1}' is already defined in {2} '{3}' by the extension '{4}'. Error
AL0156 '{0}' is not a valid field type. Error
AL0157 '{0}' is not a valid variable type. Error
AL0158 '{0}' is not a valid parameter type. Error
AL0159 '{0}' is not a valid return type. Error
AL0160 '{0}' is not a valid language identifier. Error
AL0161 '{0}' is inaccessible due to its protection level. Error
AL0162 '{0}' is not a valid trigger. Error
AL0163 Wrong signature. Correct signature for '{0}' is '{1}'. Error
AL0164 The trigger '{0}' is already defined. Error
AL0165 Triggers cannot be called directly. Error
AL0166 Argument {0}: must be a member. Error
AL0167 The {0} '{1}' can only be used if the property '{2}' is set with any of the values of: '{3}'. Error
AL0168 The {0} '{1}' can only be used if the property '{2}' is set. Error
AL0169 The option value '{0}' is not valid. Error
AL0170 An '=' is expected for property {0}. Error
AL0171 The property value '{0}' on property '{1}' is not valid. Error
AL0172 Operator '{0}' is ambiguous on an operand of type '{1}'. Error
AL0173 Operator '{0}' cannot be applied to an operand of type '{1}'. Error
AL0174 Operator '{0}' is ambiguous on operands of type '{1}' and '{2}'. Error
AL0175 Operator '{0}' cannot be applied to operands of type '{1}' and '{2}'. Error
AL0176 Expected one of the calculation formula methods (Average,Count,Exist,Min,Max,Lookup,Sum). Error
AL0177 Invalid application object identifier. A number or an application object name is expected. Error
AL0178 A 'FILTER' keyword or an identifier is expected. Error
AL0179 An identifier or a member access expression is expected. Error
AL0180 A 'FILTER' keyword is expected. Error
AL0181 Invalid filter expression. Error
AL0182 An identifier or a literal is expected as the value of a filter expression. Error
AL0183 Unexpected character '{0}'. Error
AL0184 The expression '{0}' is not valid. Error
AL0185 {0} '{1}' is missing. Error
AL0186 Reference '{0}' in application object '{1}' does not exist. Error
AL0187 Attribute '{0}' is valid only for {1}. Error
AL0189 Attribute '{0}' cannot be specified, because '{1}' is already specified. Error
AL0190 Constant value '{0}' is outside the range for a Time. Error
AL0191 Constant value '{0}' is outside the range for a Date. The syntax for defining Date format is yyyymmddD, where D is a mandatory letter. For example, 20180325D, read as the 25th of March, 2018. Error
AL0192 The return value must be used for the method '{0}'. Error
AL0193 Argument {0}: cannot convert from '{1}' to the type of Argument 1 '{2}'. Error
AL0195 Invalid permission kind. Expected: '{0}'. Error
AL0196 The call is ambiguous between the method '{0}' defined in {1} '{2}' by the extension '{3}' and the method '{4}' defined in {5} '{6}' by the extension '{7}'. Error
AL0197 An application object of type '{0}' with name '{1}' is already declared by the extension '{2}'. Error
AL0198 Expected one of the application object keywords ({0}). Error
AL0199 The type of the sum index field '{0}' must be numeric (Decimal, BigInteger, Integer, or Duration). Error
AL0200 Property '{0}' is obsolete and will be removed in a future version. Warning
AL0201 The {0} FlowField is not a Boolean field. If a FlowField CalcFormula starts with 'Exist', then the FlowField must be a Boolean type field. Error
AL0202 The {0} FlowField is not an Integer field. If a FlowField CalcFormula starts with 'Count', then the FlowField must be an Integer type field. Error
AL0203 Cannot calculate Sum or Average for the field {0} because it is not a numeric field (Decimal, BigInteger, Integer, or Duration data type). Error
AL0204 Field type {0} is not convertible to field type {1}. Error
AL0206 A field with ID {0} is already defined in {1} '{2}' by the extension '{3}'. Error
AL0207 The expression must be of Text type. Error
AL0208 The expression must be of Boolean type. Error
AL0210 A control with ID = {0} is already defined. Error
AL0211 Unknown area type '{0}'. Error
AL0212 An area of type '{0}' is already defined. Error
AL0213 An area of type '{0}' is only valid on pages of type(s) '{1}'. Error
AL0214 An area of type 'FactBoxes' is not valid on Part type pages. Error
AL0215 A Part type page cannot contain other parts. Error
AL0216 Only parts are valid in an area of type 'FactBoxes'. Error
AL0217 Only parts and groups are valid in an area of type 'RoleCenter'. Error
AL0218 An integer literal value is expected for property {0}. Error
AL0219 Syntax error, string literal expected. Error
AL0220 Syntax error, boolean literal expected. Error
AL0221 The value '{0}' is not valid. The valid range is {1}..{2}. Error
AL0222 The ID '{0}' is not valid. ID's must be greater than zero. Error
AL0223 The {0} '{1}' can only be used if the property '{2}' is set to '{3}'. Error
AL0224 Expression expected. Error
AL0227 A key with ID {0} is already defined. Error
AL0228 A field group with ID {0} is already defined. Error
AL0229 The data type on the {0} field is not valid because the ExtendedDatatype property is set to Ratio. Valid data types are Integer, BigInteger and Decimal. Error
AL0230 The data type on the {0} field is not valid because the ExtendedDatatype property is set to PhoneNo, URL or Email. Valid data types are Code and Text. Error
AL0231 A member with ID '{0}' is already defined in {1} '{2}' by the extension '{3}'. Error
AL0232 The property value on field '{0}' must be positive or zero. Error
AL0234 An action with ID = {0} is already defined. Error
AL0235 The expression CONST() on the option value '{0}' is obsolete. Use CONST(" ") to refer to the empty option value. Warning
AL0236 An empty CONST() expression is not allowed on field '{0}' of type '{1}'. Error
AL0238 No overload for attribute '{0}' expects {1} arguments. Error
AL0239 Attribute {0} is specified multiple times. Error
AL0240 The signature of procedure '{0}' does not match the signature required by attribute '{1}': parameter {2} is expected to be of type '{3}' but found type '{4}'. The expected signature is: {5}. Error
AL0241 The signature of procedure '{0}' does not match the signature required by attribute '{1}'. The expected signature is: {2}. Error
AL0242 Invalid attribute argument syntax: '{0}'. Error
AL0243 Attribute {0} can only be used within a codeunit of subtype {1}. Error
AL0244 The signature of procedure '{0}' does not match the signature required by attribute '{1}': return value is expected to be of type '{2}' but found type '{3}'. The expected signature is: {4}. Error
AL0245 The signature of procedure '{0}' does not match the signature required by attribute '{1}': procedure cannot be local. Error
AL0246 The property '{0}' cannot be customized. Error
AL0247 The target {0} '{1}' for the extension object is not found. Error
AL0250 The data type on the {0} field is not valid because the ExtendedDatatype property is set to Person. Valid data types are Media and MediaSet. Error
AL0251 Application object '{0}' is missing. Warning
AL0252 Expected 'Ascending' or 'Descending' value. Error
AL0254 Sorting field '{0}' should be part of the keys for table '{1}'. Warning
AL0255 Property '{0}' requires an application object reference for the 'RunObject' property. Error
AL0256 The flowfield '{0}' cannot be part of the keys for table '{1}'. Error
AL0257 Constant value '{0}' is outside the range for a DateTime data type, only 0 is valid. Error
AL0259 A SQLIndex defined for the primary key must contain the same fields as the key for table '{0}'. Error
AL0260 The key '{0}' on table '{1}' cannot start with the fields defined for the primary key. The server will append these to any alternate key. Error
AL0261 The identifier '{0}' can only be specified in the list once. Error
AL0262 The clustered key '{0}' has already been defined for table '{1}'. Error
AL0263 The primary key '{0}' on table '{1}' (the first one in the key list) must be enabled. Error
AL0264 An application object of type '{0}' with ID '{1}' is already declared by the extension '{2}'. Error
AL0267 Actions are not allowed on the control type. Error
AL0268 Grouping of actions is not allowed. Error
AL0269 The referenced page '{0}' should be a list part or a card part. Warning (Future Error)
AL0270 The control '{0}' is not found in the target '{1}'. Error
AL0271 The action '{0}' is not found in the target '{1}'. Error
AL0272 The anchoring symbol '{0}' must be a grouping symbol. Error
AL0273 The name '{0}' is an Area type. Using an Area type name will limit extensibility as dependent extension won't be able to reference it. Warning (Future Error)
AL0274 The anchoring symbol '{0}' cannot be an area. Error
AL0275 '{0}' is an ambiguous reference between '{1}' defined by the extension '{2}' and '{3}' defined by the extension '{4}'. Error
AL0276 A Time literal value is expected for property {0}. Error
AL0277 A Date literal value is expected for property {0}. Error
AL0278 A DateTime literal value is expected for property {0}. Error
AL0279 The key '{0}' on table '{1}' contains too many fields. Error
AL0280 The event '{0}' is not found in the target. Error
AL0281 Object member '{0}' is not an event. Error
AL0282 The member referenced by event subscriber '{0}' parameter '{1}' is not found. Error
AL0283 The event '{0}' must not have a return value. Error
AL0284 The type of the parameter '{1}' on the event subscriber '{0}' does not match the expected type '{2}'. Error
AL0285 The event '{0}' must not have a parameter name 'sender' when it specifies to include sender. Error
AL0286 The event '{0}' can't contain code. Error
AL0287 The event '{0}' can't contain local variables. Error
AL0288 Parameter '{0}' is only allowed to be 'var' if the publisher parameter is 'var'. Error
AL0290 Element name is not allowed for the event '{0}' and must be empty. Error
AL0291 Event trigger '{0}' can only be used if the page specifies the 'SourceTable' property. Error
AL0292 'FIELD', 'CONST' or 'FILTER' keyword is expected. Error
AL0293 Property value {0} is not in the field's OptionMembers. Error
AL0294 The type of property value {0} does not match the field’s type. Error
AL0295 The field '{0}' is not found in the target '{1}'. Error
AL0296 The application object or method '{0}' has scope '{1}' and cannot be used for '{2}' development. Error
AL0297 The application object identifier '{0}' is not valid. It must be within the allowed ranges '{1}'. Error
AL0298 The data type of the expression assigned to the 'StyleExpr' property is not valid. Valid data types are Boolean, Text, or Code. Error
AL0299 Member name '{0}' is only allowed on triggers. Warning (Future Error)
AL0300 The property '{0}' is used as a method. Error
AL0301 A list must end with a member; not a separator {0}. Error
AL0302 Cannot use '{0}' in {1} '{2}' before it is declared. Error
AL0303 Attributes can only be defined on variables and methods. Error
AL0304 Length of the identifier '{0}' cannot exceed {1} characters. Error
AL0305 The length of the application object identifier '{0}' cannot exceed {1} characters. Error
AL0306 A field list has to contain at least one field. Error
AL0307 Property value cannot be validated because the source table is unreachable. Error
AL0308 The primary key '{0}' on table '{1}' (the first one in the key list) must have the MaintainSqlIndex property set to true. Error
AL0309 Table '{0}' contains too many keys. Error
AL0310 An instance is required for the non-static member '{0}'. Error
AL0311 Member '{0}' cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with '{1}' instead. Error
AL0313 Attribute {0} can only be used within {1}. Error
AL0314 The property '{0}' is only valid in controls of type '{1}'. Error
AL0315 Control '{0}' does not exist in group '{1}'. Error
AL0316 The expression must be of Integer type. Error
AL0317 A property with the same name has already been declared. Error
AL0318 The value assigned to the 'RunObject' property is not valid. Valid object types are codeunit, page, xmlport, report, and query. Error
AL0319 At least one target has to be specified for the move. Error
AL0320 The referenced page '{0}' must specify a 'SourceTable'. Error
AL0321 Variable {0} cannot be included in the data set. Error
AL0322 {0} is not valid for client expressions. Error
AL0323 The value assigned to the SystemPart type is not valid. Valid values are {0}. Error
AL0324 The language {0} must only be specified one time. Error
AL0325 The field '{0}' in the table '{1}' cannot be included in a key because its type is '{2}'. Error
AL0326 '{0}' is not a valid column type. Error
AL0327 Missing file '{0}'. Error
AL0329 The {0} property must reference a top-level DataItem. Error
AL0331 The property 'DataItemLink' cannot be set on a top-level DataItem. Error
AL0332 The control {0} must be of type {1}. Error
AL0333 The syntax for accessing fields is not valid. Specify target field with 'tableName.fieldName' syntax. Error
AL0334 The extension object '{0}' cannot be declared. Another extension for target '{1}' or the target itself is already declared in this module. Error
AL0335 Attributes must be specified before elements inside of an element. Error
AL0336 There must be exactly one root node and it has to be an element. Error
AL0337 None of the specified parent table elements has the name {0}. Error
AL0338 Event trigger '{0}' can only be used if the page specifies 'SourceTable'. Table '{1}' is missing. Error
AL0340 Page '{0}' should be of type 'RoleCenter'. Error
AL0341 '{0}' property is missing. Error
AL0342 You cannot combine two DataItems at the same level because unions are not supported. Error
AL0343 Queries must define a top-level DataItem. Error
AL0344 The property 'DataItemLink' must be set. Error
AL0345 The source of a Column or Filter must be a field defined on the table referenced by its parent DataItem. Error
AL0346 The methods '{0}' can only be used on Columns that have a Date or DateTime type. Error
AL0347 The methods '{0}' can only be used on Columns that have a Decimal, BigInteger, Integer, or Duration type. Error
AL0349 Column '{0}' does not exist in application object '{1}'. Error
AL0350 The column '{0}' cannot be used multiple times when defining the order of the resulting dataset. Error
AL0351 The property 'DataItemLink' can only reference fields on ancestor data items. Error
AL0352 Queries must define at least one Column. Error
AL0353 A Column must have a valid data source or have the 'Method' property set to 'Count'. Error
AL0354 Cannot move element '{0}' relative to itself in page '{1}'. Error
AL0355 Cannot move the {0} '{1}' multiple times inside of a single move operation. Error
AL0356 Cannot modify the {0} '{1}' multiple times. Error
AL0357 Cannot add {0} '{1}' with the same name multiple times. Error
AL0358 Cannot move or modify the {0} '{1}' in the same '{2}' that you added. Error
AL0359 The XML node name is not valid. {0}. Error
AL0360 Text literal was not properly terminated. Use the character ' to terminate the literal. Error
AL0361 Identifier was not properly terminated. Use the character " to terminate the identifier. Error
AL0362 The path must be relative to the project root. Error
AL0363 The directory separator used in this property value is not compatible with the current operating system. Error
AL0364 Option members must be accessed with ::. Error
AL0365 The property '{0}' cannot be set if the property '{1}' is set to '{2}'. Error
AL0366 A table has to have at least one Normal field. Error
AL0367 An array must have at least one dimension. Error
AL0368 The maximum number of array dimensions is {0}. Error
AL0369 Constant value '{0}' cannot be converted to a '{1}'. Error
AL0370 Division by constant zero. Error
AL0371 The operation overflows at compile time. Error
AL0372 The length of the String constant exceeds the current memory limit. Error
AL0373 The XML name cannot be empty. Error
AL0374 The use of a unique ID has been deprecated and the ID can be removed. Warning
AL0375 Option members cannot contain comma. Error
AL0376 A control of type '{0}' is not allowed in a parent control of type '{1}'. Error
AL0377 '{0}' is not a valid value for the '{1}' attribute on variables of type '{2}'. Error
AL0378 A page of type Role Center cannot have triggers. Error
AL0379 The name '{0}' cannot be used as an identifier because it does not comply with the Common Language Specification. Error
AL0380 Cannot move symbol '{0}' from '{1}' area to '{2}' area. Error
AL0381 The keys '{0}' and '{1}' have an identical list of fields. Error
AL0382 The option value '{0}' is defined more than once on field '{1}'. Error
AL0383 The option value '{0}' is not defined on field '{1}'. Error
AL0384 The name of all the columns and all the labels defined in a report must be unique. Error
AL0385 IncludeCaption can be set to true only if the source of the column is a named field. Error
AL0386 A required package dependency could not be found. Make sure that you have downloaded all the referenced packages and their dependencies. Error
AL0387 Namespace '{0}' is already specified. Error
AL0388 The date formula '{0}' must include plus (+) or minus (-). Error
AL0389 The date formula '{0}' contains a number that is too large. The number must be in the range {1} - {2}. Error
AL0390 The date formula '{0}' must include a time unit. Time units can be: D,WD,W,M,Q, or Y. C specifies the current time unit based on date and can be used as a prefix to any of the time units. Error
AL0391 The date formula '{0}' must include a number. Error
AL0392 The input cannot be longer than {0}. Error
AL0393 Application object {0} is already referenced. Error
AL0395 You can only specify Move and Modify actions in the layout section of a page customization. Error
AL0396 Procedures and triggers are not allowed on page customizations. Error
AL0397 The name '{0}' clashes with '{1}' column's format column name. Error
AL0398 Constant value '{0}' is outside of the valid ordinal range for this {1} type. Error
AL0399 Global variables are not allowed on page customizations. Error
AL0401 Multiple page customizations have been specified for the same page {0} within the same profile. Error
AL0402 Expression {0} cannot be specified more than once in a 'case' statement. Error
AL0403 To modify '{0}' you must add at least one property or trigger. Error
AL0404 Property '{0}' is not allowed on a table extension. Error
AL0405 An option value is expected. Error
AL0406 The type for {0} is not valid. Expected {1}, but found {2}. Error
AL0407 The generic '{0}' type expects {1} type arguments. Error
AL0408 The type '{0}' cannot be used as a type argument in this context. Error
AL0409 The '{0}' type is not a generic type. Error
AL0410 The report '{0}' doesn't contain a Request Page. Error
AL0411 {0} can be specified only once. Error
AL0412 Member '{0}' could not be declared in an object of type '{1}'. Error
AL0413 Procedure '{0}' cannot have a body. Error
AL0414 Procedure '{0}' must declare a body. Error
AL0415 Keyword 'local' cannot be specified for procedure '{0}'. Error
AL0416 Method '{0}' cannot have a return value. Error
AL0417 Control add-in '{0}' not found. Error
AL0418 The format of resource '{0}' is not valid. Resources in the control add-in should either be relative to the project root, or reference external files using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. Error
AL0419 The event subscriber '{0}' is missing a parameter of type '{1}'. Error
AL0420 Parameter '{0}' cannot be 'var'. Error
AL0421 A ‘foreach’ statement can only be used with an expression of an enumerable type. Error
AL0422 Constant value {0} is not a valid value for APIVersion. Valid values are 'beta' or of type 'vX.Y' where X and Y represent positive integers. Error
AL0423 The property '{0}' can only be set if the specified fields are from the same table. Error
AL0424 The multilanguage syntax should not be used because the app uses translation files (the "features" property of the app.json includes "TranslationFile"). Update the translation files and use the label syntax instead. Warning
AL0425 The '{0}' trigger can only be used on codeunits that have the Subtype property set to '{1}'. Error
AL0426 The APIVersion {0} is specified multiple times. Error
AL0427 Field {0} cannot be converted to type {1}. Error
AL0428 Cannot specify {0} and {1} property at the same time. Use only the {1} property. Error
AL0429 A repeater control can only be added to pages that have a source table. Error
AL0430 The parameter '{0}' has a type which is not serializable and therefore cannot be used in the given context. Error
AL0432 {0} '{1}' is marked for removal. {2}. Warning
AL0433 {0} '{1}' is removed. {2}. Error
AL0434 Syntax error, numeric literal expected. Error
AL0435 Syntax error, literal expected. Error
AL0436 The value of the property '{0}' cannot be empty. Error
AL0437 The value of the '{0}' property cannot include empty members. Error
AL0438 The type of value {0} does not match the field’s type. Error
AL0439 The label's property is not valid. Possible properties are: {0}. Error
AL0440 The {0} '{1}' already defines a method called '{2}' with the same parameter types in '{3}'. Error
AL0441 Parameter {0} is only available when the page specifies a 'SourceTable'. Error
AL0442 Parameter {0} is only available when the page specifies a 'SourceTable'. Table '{1}' is missing. Error
AL0443 The system object provided is not one of the valid system objects. Error
AL0444 Malformed {0} report layout at location '{1}'. The issue is: '{2}'. Error
AL0445 The file '{0}' is opened in another application. Close the application to be able to compile. Error
AL0447 The value '{0}' for the property '{1}' cannot be used for '{2}' development. Error
AL0448 Member is not allowed in this context. Error
AL0449 The alias '{0}' is already declared. Error
AL0450 Field '{0}' is removed and cannot be used in an active key. Error
AL0451 An assembly named '{0}' could not be found in the assembly probing paths '{1}'. Error
AL0452 The type '{0}' could not be found in assembly '{1}'. Error
AL0453 This feature is under development. It can be enabled by using the '{0}' feature flag. Error
AL0454 The {0} {1} of type {2} cannot be extended. Error
AL0455 Option ordinal value '{0}' is not valid. Valid values are -1 and positive integers. Error
AL0456 The number of option ordinal values is not valid. There must be as many option ordinal values as there are option members. Error
AL0457 The label syntax is not correct. Please move the '{0}' to its designated attribute. Warning
AL0458 '{0}' is not a valid attribute on variables of type '{1}'. Error
AL0459 The attribute '{0}' is only allowed on global variables. Error
AL0460 Client-side events are supported only on pages and page extensions. Error
AL0461 '{0}' is not a valid event publisher. Error
AL0462 The publisher '{0}' does not have any public events named '{1}'. Error
AL0463 Parameter '{0}' must be 'var' if and only if the publisher parameter is 'var'. Error
AL0464 Could not determine a suitable default primary key for table '{0}'. Please specify a primary key for the table. Error
AL0465 The property '{0}' does not accept references to external files. Error
AL0466 Cannot access file '{0}'. The file is most likely read-only. Error
AL0467 Cannot access file '{0}'. The file is most likely read-only. Warning
AL0468 Length of the table field name '{0}' must not exceed {1} characters. Longer field names are prone to cause SQL errors. Warning (Future Error)
AL0470 The referenced page '{0}' of PageType 'HeadlinePart' is only allowed inside pages of PageType 'RoleCenter'. Error
AL0471 The format of link '{0}' is not valid. It should be using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. Error
AL0472 The source of the translation item does not match the label value. Ignoring the translation item. Warning
AL0473 The translated string of the translation item is too long. Trimming the translated string. Warning
AL0474 The attribute '{0}' is only allowed on local variables. Error
AL0475 The attribute '{0}' cannot be used on variables of array type. Error
AL0476 The trigger '{0}' can only be used if the property '{1}' of '{2}' is set. Error
AL0477 The trigger '{0}' can only be used if the property '{1}' of '{2}' is set to '{3}'. Error
AL0478 The trigger '{0}' can only be used if the property '{1}' of '{2}' is set with any of the values of :'{3}'. Error
AL0479 There must be only one translation item for each ID. Warning
AL0480 Attributes cannot have nested elements. Error
AL0481 The property Image can only be used on fields that are contained in a CueGroup control. Warning (Future Error)
AL0482 The image {0} is not valid in this context. Warning
AL0483 The property Image cannot be used on nested Action Groups inside the 'Sections' area. Warning
AL0484 The property '{0}' must be alphanumeric. Error
AL0485 The property '{0}' is mandatory for objects of type API. Error
AL0486 A member of type {0} with name '{1}' is already defined in {2} '{3}' by the extension '{4}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0487 The field '{0}' is not of field class 'Normal' and thus cannot be part of the {1} list. Error
AL0488 ControlAddIn name must not contain characters {0}. Error
AL0489 The property expression is not valid. A CONST or FILTER expression is expected. Error
AL0490 The property expression is not valid. A CONST, FIELD, or FILTER expression is expected. Error
AL0491 The property expression is not valid. One of the following expressions is expected : CONST,FIELD,FILTER,FIELD(FILTER(Identifier)),FIELD(UPPERLIMIT(Identifier)),or FIELD(UPPERLIMIT(FILTER(Identifier))). Error
AL0492 The RunObject property value of actions defined in the '{0}' area must only reference pages of type 'List'. Error
AL0493 The RunObject property value of actions defined in the '{0}' area must only reference pages of type 'List'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0494 The action area '{0}' can only directly contain groups. Error
AL0495 A member with ID '{0}' is already defined. Change the member name to generate a new ID. Error
AL0496 Attributes cannot be defined in this context. Error
AL0498 The attribute '{0}' can only be used on procedures that have the attribute '{1}'. Error
AL0499 The handler function {0} was not found. Make sure the procedure is defined and has a handler attribute. Error
AL0500 The HandlerFunctions attribute only accepts a string representing a comma separated list of procedure names without spaces. Error
AL0501 Eventsubscribers in test codeunits must use manual binding. Set the property EventSubscriberInstance to Manual. Error
AL0502 The LinkTable property must reference a table element node of the current XMLPort. Error
AL0503 Reference '{0}' in application object '{1}' is ambiguous. Error
AL0504 The enum '{0}' is not extensible. Error
AL0505 Pages of type API must have the 'DelayedInsert' property set to true. From runtime 7.2, 'DelayedInsert' can be set to false if the 'Editable' property or the 'InsertAllowed' property is set to false. Error
AL0509 Constant value '{0}' is outside of the valid ordinal range for this option type. Warning
AL0510 The .NET type '{0}' is not a valid control add-in. Error
AL0511 The property 'IsControlAddIn' must be set on the .NET type '{0}' if the type represents a .NET control add-in. Error
AL0512 The manifest should define the 'supportedLocales' manifest property in order to use a placeholder in the '{0}' property. Error
AL0513 The FieldGroup '{0}' is not found in the target '{1}'. Error
AL0514 The symbol file is not valid. An enum with ID '{0}' is already defined with a different name in module '{1}'. Error
AL0515 The symbol file is not valid. An enum with name '{0}' is already defined with a different ID in module '{1}'. Error
AL0516 The symbol file is not valid. An enum with ID '{0}' and name '{1}' is already defined in module '{2}', but with different values (OptionString). Error
AL0517 The link '{0}' specified in the HelpLink property must either contain one placeholder with value 0 for the user locale, or no placeholders. Error
AL0518 A method with name '{0}' possessing one Handler attribute is already defined in this test codeunit. Error
AL0519 '{0}' is not valid value in this context. Error
AL0520 {0} '{1}' is removed. {2}. Warning
AL0521 The primary key '{0}' on table '{1}' (the first one in the key list) must not have the Unique property set. Error
AL0522 Property value {0} is not in the values for enum '{1}'. Error
AL0523 The {0} '{1}' already defines a method called '{2}' with the same parameter types in '{3}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0524 The base type already defines a method called '{0}' with the same parameter types. Warning (Future Error)
AL0525 The system or virtual table '{0}' cannot be extended. Error
AL0526 The referenced page '{0}' of type 'API' is only allowed inside pages of PageType 'API'. Error
AL0527 The SQL timestamp field '{0}' cannot be part of the keys for table '{1}'. Error
AL0528 The name of field controls in pages of the type API must be alphanumeric. Error
AL0529 The name of columns in queries of the type API must be alphanumeric. Error
AL0530 The maximum length for the type '{0}' is {1}. Error
AL0531 The page '{1}' of type 'API' and its subpage '{2}' of type 'API' in the control '{0}' of type 'Part' must have the same value of property '{3}'. Error
AL0532 The page '{1}' of type 'API' and its control '{0}' of type 'Part' must have the same value of property '{2}'. Error
AL0533 The view '{0}' is not found in the target '{1}'. Error
AL0534 Length of the table key name '{0}' must not exceed {1} characters. Longer key names are prone to cause SQL errors. Warning (Future Error)
AL0535 The referenced page '{0}' must be a List part, a Card part, or an API page. Error
AL0536 Adding new controls in a view is not allowed. Error
AL0537 Declaring views is only supported on pages of type {0}. Error
AL0538 Views only support setting one sorting direction on table fields. Error
AL0539 The field '{0}' cannot be used multiple times when defining the order of the page view. Error
AL0540 The view name '{0}' is not valid. Error
AL0541 The use of the variable '{0}' in the property value of '{1}' in view '{2}' is not allowed. Error
AL0542 The property {0} cannot be used on page '{1}' because this page does not have a source table. Error
AL0543 The manifest property 'contextSensitiveHelpUrl' must be set in order to use the property 'ContextSensitiveHelpPage'. Error
AL0544 The property 'ContextSensitiveHelpPage' cannot contain a placeholder. Error
AL0545 An area of type '{0}' is not valid on pages of type '{1}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0546 The control '{0}' cannot be modified in a view context because views only support modifying controls defined in the Content area. Error
AL0547 The event '{0}' should not expose global variables. Warning (Future Error)
AL0548 Cannot move symbol '{0}' from '{1}' area to '{2}' area. Warning (Future Error)
AL0549 Procedures and triggers are not allowed on page views. Error
AL0550 Groups defined in the action area '{0}' should only contain actions. Warning (Future Error)
AL0551 The action area '{0}' can only contain actions. Warning (Future Error)
AL0552 The action area '{0}' can only directly contain groups. Warning (Future Error)
AL0553 You cannot add actions of type '{0}' in the action area '{1}' from a page customization. You can only add actions of type '{2}'. Error
AL0554 You can only specify Move and Modify actions in the actions section of a page customization. Error
AL0555 The RunObject property value of actions defined in the '{0}' area must only reference objects of type {1}. Error
AL0556 The RunObject property value of actions defined in the '{0}' area must only reference objects of type {1}. Warning (Future Error)
AL0557 The name of the codeunit local variable '{0}' is identical to a field in table '{1}' and will shadow that table field. Warning
AL0558 The name of the codeunit global variable '{0}' is identical to a field in table '{1}'. Warning
AL0559 A Part type page cannot contain other parts. Warning (Future Error)
AL0560 Only parts and groups are valid in an area of type 'RoleCenter'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0561 Only parts are valid in an area of type 'FactBoxes'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0562 The value assigned to the SystemPart type is not valid. Valid values are {0}. Warning (Future Error)
AL0563 A control of type '{0}' is not allowed in a parent control of type '{1}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0564 The object {0} '{1}' is not extensible. Error
AL0565 Fast publishing requires a built application file to be present. The '{0}' application file contains a manifest which is not valid. Please rebuild the application file before continuing with fast publishing. Error
AL0566 The field '{0}' is using an Id {1} that is reserved for system fields. Error
AL0567 The field '{0}' is using the same name as a system-provided field and will shadow that field. Warning
AL0568 Groups defined in the action area '{0}' should only contain actions or groups. Warning (Future Error)
AL0569 A page of type Role Center cannot have procedures. Warning (Future Error)
AL0570 The symbol '{0}' results in the same translation ID as one or more other symbols. Rename symbol to resolve the problem. Error
AL0571 The property 'Description' should only be used for internal comments. Use the property 'Caption' or 'CaptionML' in order to specify the profile caption displayed to end users. Warning (Future Error)
AL0572 I/O operations on the file or folder '{0}' resulted in an exception with the Windows 32 error code '{1}'. Error
AL0573 {0} is not valid for client expressions. Warning (Future Error)
AL0574 This feature is under development and cannot be used in an extension. Error
AL0575 You cannot reference the {0} '{1}' because it is defined in the page customization '{2}'. Error
AL0576 The profile name '{0}' is not valid because it contains leading or trailing spaces. Error
AL0577 The view '{0}' cannot define layout changes because its property '{1}' is not set to false. Error
AL0578 The value for the property '{0}' is not valid because its length exceeds {1} characters ({2} characters). Error
AL0579 The value for the property '{0}' for the language code '{1}' is not valid because its length exceeds {2} characters ({3} characters). Error
AL0580 The field '{0}' is used by the system and cannot be specified as a table key. Error
AL0581 The length for the type '{0}' must be positive. Error
AL0582 '{0}' does not implement the interface member '{1}'. Error
AL0584 An interface member cannot have any variables. Error
AL0585 An interface cannot have any variables. Error
AL0586 The identifier contains characters that are not valid: {0}. Warning (Future Error)
AL0587 '{0}' is already listed in the interface list. Error
AL0588 The type of parameter '{1}' on event subscriber '{0}' is of type 'Option', but the expected type is '{2}'. Please update the subscriber type to match the publisher. Warning
AL0589 The name '{0}' is used across multiple columns and data items. This will prevent extensibility of this column or data item. Warning (Future Error)
AL0590 The property {0} is only supported on {1}. Warning (Future Error)
AL0591 The property {0} is only supported on {1}. Error
AL0592 Compatibility: {0}. Warning
AL0593 The type of the parameter '{0}' on the event subscriber '{1}' has a smaller capacity than the parameter type '{2}' on the publisher. Warning (Future Error)
AL0594 An error occurred during XML serialization of metadata for symbol: '{0}'. Error: {1}. Error
AL0595 '{0}' does not implement {1}. Error
AL0596 Value '{0}' does not implement interface '{1}' and there is no default implementation for the mentioned interface. Error
AL0598 Cannot move or modify the {0} '{1}' in the same '{2}' that you added. Warning (Future Error)
AL0599 A control add-in with the same internal name '{0}' is already defined. Error
AL0600 The property '{0}' can only be set on elements of type Option. Warning (Future Error)
AL0601 {0} '{1}' is removed. {2}. Warning (Future Error)
AL0602 '{0}' is inaccessible due to its protection level. Warning (Future Error)
AL0603 An implicit conversion is being performed from a value of type '{0}' to a value of type '{1}'. This conversion can lead to unexpected runtime issues. Warning
AL0604 Use of implicit 'with' will be removed in the future. Qualify with '{0}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0605 Use of implicit 'with' will be removed in the future. Qualify with '{0}'. Hidden
AL0606 The 'with' statement is deprecated and will be removed for cloud development in a future release. Warning (Future Error)
AL0607 The 'with' statement is deprecated and will be removed for cloud development in a future release. Hidden
AL0608 The OrderBy property must specify at least one field on which to sort the data. Warning (Future Error)
AL0609 Adding actions to CueGroups is not supported. Warning
AL0610 Moving actions in CueGroups is not supported. Warning
AL0611 Modifying actions in CueGroups is not supported. Warning
AL0612 An interface member must be a 'procedure'. Error
AL0613 Wrong signature. Correct signature for '{0}' is '{1}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0614 The value '{0}' is not allowed for property '{1}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0615 Field '{0}' is not specified as a source expression on page '{1}'. All fields specified in ODataKeyFields must be used as the source expression in a page control. Warning (Future Error)
AL0616 Defining the contract '{0}' on interface '{1}' is not allowed because it is matching a built-in procedure for codeunits. Error
AL0617 Event trigger 'OnBeforeActionEvent' cannot be used because the action '{0}' specifies the 'RunObject' property. Warning (Future Error)
AL0619 The attribute '{0}' on procedure '{1}' is not allowed. Add attribute 'ServiceEnabled' to the procedure or move it into an application object of type API. Error
AL0620 Preprocessor directives must appear as the first non-whitespace character on a line. Error
AL0621 Preprocessor directive expected. Error
AL0622 #endregion directive expected. Error
AL0623 #endif directive expected. Error
AL0624 Unexpected preprocessor directive. Error
AL0625 Cannot define/undefine preprocessor symbols after first token in file. Error
AL0626 Expected identifier or numeric literal. Warning
AL0627 Expected 'disable' or 'restore' keyword. Warning
AL0628 Unrecognized #pragma directive. Warning
AL0629 Preprocessor expression is not valid. Error
AL0630 Unrecognized escape sequence. Error
AL0631 Single-line comment or end-of-line expected. Error
AL0632 Closing parenthesis ')' expected. Error
AL0633 Expected 'disable', 'enable' or 'restore' keyword. Warning
AL0634 Single-line comment or end-of-line expected. Warning
AL0635 A method with 'OnPrem' scope cannot be used as event subscriber. It will fail at runtime when the publisher has 'Cloud' scope. Warning (Future Error)
AL0636 The data type on the field '{0}' is not valid because the ExtendedDatatype property is set to RichText. Valid data types are Text, BigText and Blob. Error
AL0637 The property 'NavigationPageId' must be defined on a page of pagetype 'API'. Error
AL0638 'Variant' is not a valid column type for column '{0}' in report '{1}'. Error
AL0639 'Variant' is not a valid column type for column '{0}' in report '{1}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0640 XML comment has badly formed XML -- '{0}'. Warning
AL0641 Parameter '{0}' has no matching param tag in the XML comment for '{1}' (but other parameters do). Warning
AL0642 Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member '{0}'. Warning
AL0643 XML comment is not placed on a valid language element. Warning
AL0644 XML comment has a param tag for '{0}', but there is no parameter by that name. Warning
AL0645 XML comment on '{1}' has a paramref tag for '{0}', but there is no parameter by that name. Warning
AL0646 XML comment has a duplicate param tag for '{0}'. Warning
AL0647 {0}. See also error AL{1}. Warning
AL0648 End-of-file found, '*/' expected. Error
AL0649 Comma is not supported in enum value names or in captions. Enum Value = '{0}', Property = '{1}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0650 The text with a length of {0} is longer than the MaxLength of {1} which means that the text will be trimmed. Warning (Future Error)
AL0651 '{0}' cannot be contained since it causes a circular reference. Error
AL0652 The permission set '{0}' cannot contain itself. Error
AL0653 Ids are not supported as object reference. Error
AL0654 The property value contains an unexpected file extension: {0}. The expected extensions are {1}. Error
AL0655 The property DataItemLinkReference can only refer to an ancestor DataItem. Warning (Future Error)
AL0656 The {0} '{1}' cannot be used as an anchor because it is already defined in the same '{2}'. Error
AL0657 The property {0} is mandatory for ListParts and PageParts. Error
AL0658 Member name '{0}' is only allowed on triggers. Error
AL0659 The length of the enum identifier '{0}' should not exceed {1} characters as it may result in runtime issues in cases where there are other enums with the same first {1} characters. Warning
AL0660 The property '{0}' cannot be customized. Warning (Future Error)
AL0665 '{0}' is not a valid return type in runtime version '{1}'. The supported runtime versions are: {2}. Error
AL0666 '{0}' is not available in runtime version '{1}'. The supported runtime versions are: {2}. Error
AL0667 '{0}' is being deprecated in the versions: {1} {2}. Warning (Future Error)
AL0668 This feature is not available on cross-platform builds of the AL compiler. Error
AL0670 Fast publishing failed because the RAD file has specified a non-existing application object of type : '{0}' name: '{1}' ID: '{2}' to be added or modified. Please do a full publishing before issuing a fast publishing again. Error
AL0671 Fast publishing failed because the RAD file has specified an existing application object of type: '{0}' name: '{1}' ID: '{2}' to be deleted. Please do a full publishing before issuing a fast publishing again. Error
AL0672 Filtering is only allowed on fields where FieldClass is set to Normal. Create a Filter column and specify the filter by using the 'ColumnFilter' property. Error
AL0673 The property '{0}' is required. Error
AL0674 The property '{0}' is required when property '{1}' is set to '{2}'. Error
AL0675 An implementation for the interface '{0}' is already specified in this list. Error
AL0676 The member '{0}' in object '{1}' cannot be declared as protected in object type '{2}'. Error
AL0677 The member '{0}' in object '{1}' cannot be declared as protected in object type '{2}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0678 The name of {0} '{1}' conflicts with {0} '{2}' defined in {3} '{4}' by the extension '{5}'. Choose another name for one of them. Otherwise, this might cause runtime issues. Information
AL0679 The application object '{0}' is not included in any entitlement and will therefore not be accessible in the cloud. Warning
AL0680 Cannot use addBefore or addAfter on a top-level data item. The anchor {0} is a top level data item. Error
AL0681 A DataItem with name '{0}' could not be found in the target {1}. Error
AL0682 A DataItem or Column with name '{0}' could not be found in the target {1}. Error
AL0683 The permissionset '{0}' belongs to a different module and cannot be used when defining entitlements. Error
AL0684 The permissionset '{0}' contains permissionsets or permission for objects from other module. Permissions on objects from other modules will be ignored. Warning
AL0685 The length '{0}' of the calculation formula's target field '{1}' is greater than the length '{2}' of the source flow field '{3}'. This could result in a runtime error. Please make sure that the target field's length is less than equal to the source field length. Warning (Future Error)
AL0686 The base type already defines a method called '{0}' with the same parameter types. Error
AL0687 The key '{0}' on table '{1}' cannot contain the fields defined for the primary key in the IncludeFields property. Error
AL0688 The key '{0}' on table '{1}' cannot contain the fields defined for the key in the IncludeFields property. Error
AL0689 The key '{0}' on table '{1}' cannot contain the fields defined for the SqlIndex in the IncludeFields property. Error
AL0690 The primary key '{0}' on table '{1}' (the first one in the key list) must not have the IncludedFields property set. Error
AL0691 The primary key '{0}' on table '{1}' cannot be obsolete. All related properties will have no effect. Error
AL0692 The primary key '{0}' on table '{1}' cannot be obsolete. All related properties will have no effect. Warning (Future Error)
AL0693 The field '{0}' which is part of the primary key of table '{1}' cannot be obsolete. All related properties will have no effect. Error
AL0694 The field '{0}' which is part of the primary key of table '{1}' cannot be obsolete. All related properties will have no effect. Warning (Future Error)
AL0695 The method {0} will only be available for {1} development for runtime version {2}. Warning (Future Error)
AL0696 Argument {0}: The argument should be a valid Field type. Error
AL0697 Argument {0}: The argument should be a valid Field type. Warning (Future Error)
AL0698 Type {0} cannot be used in a 'case' statement. Error
AL0699 The symbol '{0}' cannot be referenced in this context. You can only reference symbols from the base object '{1}', from extension objects defined in this app with an ID lower or equal to '{2}', or from extension objects defined in dependencies. Error
AL0700 Dependency '{0}' must be referenced in the property '{1}' rather than as an explicit dependency. Warning (Future Error)
AL0701 Dependency '{0}' must be referenced in the property '{1}' rather than as an explicit dependency. Error
AL0702 Dependency '{0}' is referenced in the property '{1}' and as an explicit dependency. Remove the explicit dependency. Warning (Future Error)
AL0703 Dependency '{0}' is referenced in the property '{1}' and as an explicit dependency. Remove the explicit dependency. Error
AL0704 A layout must be specified through the 'ExcelLayout' property when the default layout type for a report is 'Excel'. Error
AL0705 Another layout with name '{0}' already exists. Error
AL0706 The property '{0}' cannot be used while also specifying the rendering section. Error
AL0707 Layouts of type '{0}' must specify a LayoutFile with one of the following extensions: {1}. Error
AL0708 MimeType values must be less than {0} characters in length. Error
AL0709 The layout file at path '{0}' specified in layout '{1}' in {2} {3} does not exist. Error
AL0710 The DefaultRenderingLayout property can only be used with layouts specified in the report's rendering section. Error
AL0711 A member of type {0} with name '{1}' is already defined in {2} '{3}' by the extension '{4}'. Duplicate member names are not allowed when defining CueActions. Warning (Future Error)
AL0712 A member of type {0} with name '{1}' is already defined in {2} '{3}' by the extension '{4}'. Duplicate member names are not allowed when defining CueActions. Error
AL0713 Events in control add-ins should be implemented as triggers. Error
AL0714 The name '{0}' is an Area type. Using an Area type name will limit extensibility as dependent extension won't be able to reference it. Error
AL0715 The {0} name '{1}' is reserved for future AL language features. Warning (Future Error)
AL0716 The {0} name '{1}' is reserved for future AL language features. Error
AL0717 The property 'CalcFormula' is required for the field '{0}' in {1} '{2}' because the field's property 'FieldClass' is set to 'FlowField'. Warning
AL0718 Report layouts must have a name. Error
AL0719 Argument {0}: The argument should be a valid Field type. An argument of type Joker or Variant might have an underlying type that is not a valid Field type. Information
AL0720 An application object '{0} {1}' could not be found in the current extension. Only application objects that belong to the current extensions can be used in this context. Error
AL0721 Reports that use the rendering syntax must also define the DefaultRenderingLayout property. Error
AL0722 The property '{0}' is not allowed on {1} '{2}' because the {3} '{4}' is using the ActionRef syntax or the app.json specifies the 'NoPromotedActionProperties' feature. Error
AL0723 The {0} '{1}' cannot be used as target of the ActionRef '{2}'. ActionRefs can only target Actions. Error
AL0724 An area of type '{0}' is not valid on pages of type '{1}'. Error
AL0725 The action type '{0}' is not allowed in area '{1}'. Error
AL0726 An identifier, a literal, or an option access is expected as the value of a filter expression. Error
AL0727 The {0} '{1}' can only be used if the property '{2}' is set. Warning (Future Error)
AL0728 The {0} '{1}' can only be used if the property '{2}' is set to '{3}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0729 The {0} '{1}' can only be used if the property '{2}' is set with any of the values of: '{3}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0730 The field '{0}' cannot be used in a sum index. Error
AL0731 The name '{0}' does not exist in the current context. Warning (Future Error)
AL0732 Access modifier '{0}' is not allowed for member '{1}' in the context of object type '{2}'. Error
AL0733 Access modifier '{0}' is not allowed for member '{1}' in the context of object type '{2}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0734 The value '{0}' of the property '{1}' is not a valid GUID. Error
AL0735 The custom action '{0}' cannot be defined in {1} '{2}' because '{2}' uses promoted action properties. Convert the promoted properties into ActionRefs in oder to use custom actions. Error
AL0736 The value '{0}' of the property 'FlowEnvironmentId' is not a valid. It must either be a GUID or must match the pattern 'Default-'. Error
AL0737 The {0} '{1}' cannot be referenced in {2} '{3}' because '{1}' is defined in the promoted part of the action part while '{3}' uses promoted action properties. Error
AL0738 The name of {0} '{1}' cannot be empty. Error
AL0739 The name of {0} '{1}' cannot be empty. Warning
AL0740 The permission set '{0}' cannot be excluded and included in the same permission set. Error
AL0741 The permission set '{0}' cannot exclude itself. Error
AL0742 The property '{0}' is not valid for action '{1}' defined in control '{2}' of type '{3}'. Error
AL0743 The property '{0}' is not valid for action '{1}' defined in control '{2}' of type '{3}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0744 The property '{0}' is not valid for action '{1}' defined in a report request page. Error
AL0745 The property '{0}' is not valid for action '{1}' defined in a report request page. Warning (Future Error)
AL0746 The auto-increment field '{0}' has already been defined for table '{1}'. Error
AL0747 The data type on the '{0}' control is not valid for this ExtendedDataType value. Valid data types are BigText and Text without max size. Error
AL0748 The return type '{0}' of the {1} method '{2}' has 'Internal' accessibility. The return value will not be usable outside of this module without an implicit conversion. Warning
AL0749 The type '{0}' of the parameter '{1}' of the {2} method '{3}' has 'Internal' accessibility. The method will not be callable outside of this module without an implicit conversion. Warning
AL0750 Enum values can't be nested. Use '{0}' instead. Error
AL0751 Enum values can't be nested. Use '{0}' instead. Warning (Future Error)
AL0752 The name of a dataitem cannot be empty because it can cause runtime errors. Error
AL0753 The name of a dataitem cannot be empty because it can cause runtime errors. Warning (Future Error)
AL0754 The '{0}' already defines a built-in member called '{1}'. Choose another name for {2} '{1}', or it might cause runtime issues. Error
AL0755 The '{0}' already defines a built-in member called '{1}'. Choose another name for {2} '{1}', or it might cause runtime issues. Warning (Future Error)
AL0756 The division by Abs(integer) will change its behavior in release version 11. For more information visit the official documentation. Warning
AL0757 The name of {0} '{1}' conflicts with {0} '{2}' defined in {3} '{4}' by the extension '{5}'. Choose another name for one of them. Otherwise, this might cause runtime issues. Error
AL0758 The name of {0} '{1}' conflicts with {0} '{2}' defined in {3} '{4}' by the extension '{5}'. Choose another name for one of them. Otherwise, this might cause runtime issues. Warning (Future Error)
AL0759 The value '{0}' specified for FormatRegion cannot be parsed as a valid format culture name. Error
AL0760 The value '{0}' specified for FormatRegion is not a standard format culture name. Error
AL0761 An incorrect value was used for the category. One of the values of the enum {0} {1} is expected which is available in platform version {2} and higher. Error
AL0762 Length of the argument '{0}' cannot exceed {1} characters. Error
AL0763 {0} can contain only underscores and alphanumeric characters. Error
AL0764 {0} cannot be empty. Error
AL0765 An argument of type {0} cannot be used in an External Business Event. Error
AL0766 An External Business Event with {0} {1} and version {2} is already declared. Error
AL0767 The URL '{0}' cannot be used as the ruleset path for this project because its configuration does not permit external rulesets. Error
AL0768 The property '{0}' is required when property '{1}' is set to '{2}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0769 The property '{0}' is required. Warning (Future Error)
AL0772 The attribute '{0}' can only be used in combination with attribute '{1}'. Error
AL0773 The number of files found in '{0}' exceeds {1}. This may result in a slower compilation. Warning
AL0774 Try methods should not specify an explicit return value, because the value will be discarded. The actual return value depends on whether the method returns an error or not. Error
AL0775 Try methods should not specify an explicit return value, because the value will be discarded. The actual return value depends on whether the method returns an error or not. Warning (Future Error)
AL0776 The identifier '{0}' is not a valid permission value. Error
AL0777 The implicit conversion will overflow when converting from a 'Guid' to a '{0}' which is shorter than the converted textual representation of a 'Guid'. Error
AL0778 The implicit conversion will overflow when converting from a 'Guid' to a '{0}' which is shorter than the converted textual representation of a 'Guid'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0779 It is not allowed to assign a value to a field of FieldClass='{0}'. Error
AL0780 It is not allowed to assign a value to a field of FieldClass='{0}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0781 Cannot find a reference of DataItem with name '{0}'. Error
AL0782 A page extension is only allowed to access control add-ins defined within its own extension scope. Warning (Future Error)
AL0783 A page extension is only allowed to access control add-ins defined within its own extension scope. Error
AL0784 The version number '{0}' for the argument '{1}' does not match the expected format: X.Y where X and Y represent positive integers. Error
AL0785 The control with name '{0}' cannot be declared in the page customization '{1}' targeting page '{2}' because controls of type '{3}' are not supported in page customizations. Error
AL0786 The property '{0}' cannot be specified on the control '{1}' in the page customization '{2}' targeting page '{3}', because this property type is not supported in page customizations. Error
AL0787 The control with name '{0}' cannot be declared in the page customization '{1}' targeting page '{2}' because it is not using a source table field as source expression. Error
AL0788 An area of type '{0}' is only valid on pages of type(s) '{1}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0789 Using directives are ignored if a namespace is not specified. Warning
AL0790 The using directive for '{0}' appeared previously in this namespace declaration. Warning
AL0791 The namespace '{0}' is unknown. Error
AL0792 Unused using directive '{0}'. Hidden
AL0793 The property '{0}' cannot be used on a multi-select action with '{1}' scope. Error
AL0794 The value '{0}' for property '{1}' is not valid for action '{2}' defined in control '{3}' of type '{4}'. Error
AL0795 The parameter '{0}' cannot be of type 'SecretText'. Error
AL0796 The 'Unwrap' method should only be used inside a non-debuggable method otherwise the contents of the value will be viewable through the debugger. Warning
AL0797 {0} '{1}' is moved. {2}. Error
AL0798 Currently, the Moved(To/From) property is exclusively accessible to Microsoft and select publishers. Error
AL0799 The field with ID '{0}' and name '{1}' cannot be used as source expression in the page customization '{2}' targeting page '{3}'. Error
AL0800 The field '{0}' specifies ExtendedDataType '{1}'. This ExtendedDataType can only be set on a control. Error
AL0801 {0} '{1}' is marked to be moved. {2}. Warning
AL0802 The parameter '{0}' cannot be of type 'SecretText'. Error
AL0803 The name of {0} '{1}' conflicts with {0} '{2}' defined in {3} '{4}' by the extension '{5}'. Choose another name for one of them. Otherwise, this might cause runtime issues. Warning (Future Error)
AL0804 You cannot reference the {0} '{1}' because it is defined in the page customization '{2}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0805 The object ID '{0}' should not be surrounded with quotes. Warning (Future Error)
AL0806 The object ID '{0}' should not be surrounded with quotes. Error
AL0807 The integer '{0}' should not be used as the name for the object. Warning
AL0808 You cannot set the '{0}' property to '{1}' for {2} '{3}' in the page customization '{4}'. Error
AL0809 The variable '{0}' is not allowed to be of type 'SecretText' because it is declared as protected. Error
AL0810 The name '{0}' cannot be used for a system action. The allowed names in a '{1}' page are: '{2}'. Error
AL0811 The trigger '{0}' cannot be defined on the system action named '{1}' in a page of type '{2}'. Error
AL0812 The control '{0}' cannot be declared in the 'PromptOptions' area because it is not a page field of type 'Option'. Error
AL0813 The property '{0}' can only be specified when the property '{1}' has a value of '{2}' if the runtime version is '{3}' or higher. Error
AL0814 The source of a column cannot be a flow filter. Warning (Future Error)
AL0815 The source of a column cannot be a flow filter. Error
AL0816 The property '{0}' cannot be set if the property '{1}' is set to '{2}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0817 Controls of type '{0}' are not allowed in the '{1}' area for pages of type '{2}'. Error
AL0818 The {0} '{1}' already defines an event called '{2}' with the same parameter types in '{3}'. Warning (Future Error)
AL0819 The {0} '{1}' already defines an event called '{2}' with the same parameter types in '{3}'. Error
AL0820 {0} '{1}' is missing. Warning
AL0821 The method '{0}' is missing or does not have exactly one parameter of type {1}. Warning
AL0822 '{0}' is an ambiguous reference between '{1}' defined by the extension '{2}' and '{3}' defined by the extension '{4}'. Warning
AL0823 Field '{0}' is marked as PendingMove and cannot be used in an active key. Warning
AL0824 Field '{0}' is moved and cannot be used in an active key. Error
AL0825 Field '{0}' cannot be moved to {1} '{2}' because '{2}' is marked as Moved. Error
AL0826 The type '{0}' cannot be used as a type argument in this context. Warning (Future Error)
AL0827 Argument {0}: The argument {0} of field class {1} is not supported. Allowed field class types are '{2}'. Error
AL0828 The field '{0}' with ID '{1}' can't be moved because it is part of the table's primary key. Error
AL0829 Symbol of kind {0} '{1}' cannot be moved to its own app. Error
AL0830 The method '{0}' is not supported as the implementation for the interface method because it is a try function. Warning (Future Error)
AL0831 The method '{0}' is not supported as the implementation for the interface method because it is a try function. Error
AL0832 Action area of type '{0}' is not valid in control '{1}' of type '{2}'. Error
AL0833 {0} '{1}' cannot be defined outside an action area or group on this control type. Error
AL0834 'MovedTo' property is required for a symbol of kind '{0}' {1} that has ObsoleteState set to Moved or PendingMove. Error
AL0835 The LayoutFile '{0}' is already being used. To avoid build issues, a layout file shouldn't be updated by different layouts. Warning
AL0836 The {0} '{1}' contains a reference to the field '{2}' which is defined in another object from the same app. If you are preparing to move this object to another extension in the future, this reference will be an issue. Warning
AL0837 The symbol '{0}' results in the same translation ID as one or more other symbols. Rename symbol to resolve the problem. Warning (Future Error)
AL0838 The XLIFF file for text data could not be generated. Error
AL0839 The symbol '{0}' has same trans unit ID in Text Data XLIFF file as one or more other symbols. Error
AL0840 The file extension '{0}' is not valid. Example of an expected value is '.app'. Error
AL0841 The file extension '{0}' is already defined. Error
AL0842 The type '{0}' of the {1} field '{2}' has 'Internal' accessibility. The field will not be usable outside of this module without an implicit conversion. Warning
AL0843 The property '{0}' can only be used if the {1}'s type is '{2}'. Error
AL0844 The property '{0}' can only be used if the {1}'s type is one of these values: '{2}'. Error
AL0845 The {0} '{1}' is already being used. The EntityName and EntityNames property values must be unique. Warning (Future Error)
AL0846 The {0} '{1}' is already being used. The EntityName and EntityNames property values must be unique. Error
AL0847 '{0}' does not contain a definition for '{1}'. Error
AL0848 '{0}' is a keyword from version '{1}'. Warning
AL0999 Internal error: {0}. Error
AL1000 Ignoring /noconfig option because it was specified in a response file. Warning
AL1001 Source file '{0}' could not be found. Error
AL1002 Error opening response file '{0}'. Error
AL1003 An instance of analyzer {0} cannot be created from {1} : {2}. Warning
AL1004 The assembly {0} does not contain any analyzers. Warning
AL1005 Unable to load Analyzer assembly {0} : {1}. Warning
AL1006 Metadata file '{0}' could not be found. Error
AL1007 Missing file specification for '{0}' option. Error
AL1008 Command-line syntax error: Missing '{0}' for '{1}' option. Error
AL1009 Unrecognized option: '{0}'. Error
AL1010 Command-line syntax error: Missing :<number> for '{0}' option. Error
AL1011 Source file '{0}' specified multiple times. Warning
AL1012 Could not write to output file '{0}' -- '{1}'. Error
AL1013 '{0}' is a binary file instead of a text file. Error
AL1014 Source file '{0}' could not be opened -- {1}. Error
AL1015 Compilation canceled by user. Error
AL1017 The manifest file is not valid. {0}. Error
AL1018 Directory '{0}' could not be found. Error
AL1019 One or more dependencies defined in the project manifest are not valid. One or more of the required attributes: 'publisher', 'name', 'version', and 'id' are either missing or not valid. Error
AL1021 The package cache path has not been specified. Error
AL1022 A package with publisher '{0}', name '{1}', and a version compatible with '{2}' could not be found in the package cache folders: {3}. Error
AL1023 The package file {0} is not valid. Error
AL1024 A package with publisher '{0}', name '{1}', and a version compatible with '{2}' could not be loaded. {3}. Error
AL1025 The file at location '{0}' does not match any definition. Warning
AL1026 A warning occurred during XML validation: '{0}'. Warning
AL1028 An IO exception has happened when trying to write to output file '{0}' -- '{1}'. Error
AL1029 Translation file '{0}' has invalid target language '{1}'. Warning
AL1030 Translation file '{0}' is missing a target language. Warning
AL1031 Successfully included translations for: {0}. Information
AL1032 Translation file '{0}' has the same target language as another translation file. Error
AL1033 An error occurred while loading the included rule set file {0} - {1}. Error
AL1034 The link '{0}' must contain a placeholder with value 0 for the user locale. Error
AL1035 The manifest properties 'baseHelpUrl' and 'supportedLocales' must both be specified and have values. Error
AL1036 The locale '{0}' is not valid. Error
AL1037 The locale '{0}' is already defined. Error
AL1038 The version number '{0}' for the property '{1}' does not match the expected format: W.X.Y.Z where W, X, Y, and Z represent positive integers. Error
AL1039 The version number '{0}' for the property '{1}' does not match the expected format: X.Y where X and Y represent positive integers. Error
AL1040 The guid number '{0}' does not match the expected pattern: "^[0-9a-fA-F]{{8}}-[0-9a-fA-F]{{4}}-[0-9a-fA-F]{{4}}-[0-9a-fA-F]{{4}}-[0-9a-fA-F]{{12}}$". Error
AL1041 The property '{0}' must be defined in the manifest. Error
AL1042 The id '{0}' for the package with publisher '{1}', name '{2}', and version '{3}' specified in the project manifest does not match the id '{4}' of the package with the same name, publisher, and version found in the package cache folder. Error
AL1043 The runtime version '{0}' is not supported by the AL compiler. Error
AL1044 The value for the manifest property '{0}' is not valid. Expected type: {1}. Error
AL1045 The package cache {0} could not be found. Error
AL1046 The application ID ranges {0} are overlapping. Error
AL1047 The application ID range {0} is not valid. Error
AL1048 Both 'idRange' and 'idRanges' properties are added. You should use the 'idRanges' property and remove the 'idRange' property. Error
AL1049 A project without a manifest must have the /out option specified. Error
AL1050 Fast publishing requires an application file '{0}' to be build and published. Error
AL1051 Fast publishing requires that there are no manifest changes for the application '{0}'. Error
AL1052 The link '{0}' can only contain one placeholder with value 0 for the user locale. No other placeholder values are allowed. Error
AL1053 The value '{0}' is not valid for the manifest property '{1}'. Error
AL1054 Invalid reference module: {0}. Please clear the downloaded symbols cache and re-download symbols. Error
AL1055 Invalid reference module: {0}. Please clear the downloaded symbols cache and re-download symbols. Warning
AL1056 A package with publisher '{0}', name '{1}', and a version compatible with '{2}' could not be loaded. {3}. Warning
AL1057 The module specification is not valid. One or more of the required attributes: 'publisher', 'name', and 'id' are either missing or not valid. Error
AL1058 appId and Id are both specified for a dependency property. The appId value will be ignored. Warning
AL1059 Feature '{0}' can only be enabled, if feature '{1}' is also enabled. Warning
AL1060 The max degree of parallelism must be -1 or positive. Error
AL1061 An error occurred during file validation: '{0}'. Error
AL1062 Too many key vault URLs specified. Error
AL1063 Key vault URL is too long. Error
AL1064 Key vault URL is not a valid Azure key vault URL. A valid key vault URL must use HTTPS and point to the Azure key vault domain. Error
AL1065 Key vault URL should not have a path or query string. Error
AL1066 Duplicate package dependency with application ID '{0}', publisher '{1}', and name '{2}'. Remove duplicate dependencies in the application manifest. Error
AL1067 Duplicate package dependency with publisher '{0}', and name '{1}'. Remove duplicate dependencies in the application manifest. Error
AL1068 Duplicate package dependency with application ID '{0}', and publisher '{1}'. Remove duplicate dependencies in the application manifest. Error
AL1069 Duplicate package dependency with application ID '{0}', and name '{1}'. Remove duplicate dependencies in the application manifest. Error
AL1070 Duplicate package dependency with application ID '{0}'. Remove duplicate dependencies in the application manifest. Error
AL1071 Error writing to XML documentation file: {0}. Error
AL1072 The name for the preprocessing symbol is not valid; '{0}' is not a valid identifier. Warning
AL1073 The procedure with name {0} has the same name as a declared trigger. Error
AL1074 Both 'applicationInsightsKey' and 'applicationInsightsConnectionString' are added. You should use the 'applicationInsightsConnectionString' property and remove the 'applicationInsightsKey' property. Error
AL1075 Both 'ShowMyCode' and 'ResourceExposurePolicy' properties are added. You should use the 'ResourceExposurePolicy' property and remove the 'ShowMyCode' property. Error
AL1076 A package that satisfies the dependency on app with ID {0} with name '{1}' and publisher '{2}' was found, but the name or publisher has changed. New name '{3}' and new publisher '{4}'. Consider updating the dependency reference to the new name/publisher. Information
AL1077 An error was encountered when trying to load the workspace: {0}. Error
AL1078 Key vault URL is not a valid Azure key vault URL. A valid key vault URL must use HTTPS and point to the Azure key vault domain. Warning (Future Error)
AL1079 Debugging will not work for this extension because 'allowDebugging' has been set to false and 'applyToDevExtension' to true. Information
AL1080 Source will still be visible for this extension via debugging because 'allowDebugging' has been set to true. Information
AL1081 Unable to update report layout '{0}' for '{1}'. Reason: {2}. Error
AL1082 The manifest property '{0}' is only available for Target '{1}'. Error
AL1100 File name '{0}' is empty, contains invalid characters, has a drive specification without an absolute path, or is too long. Fatal Error
AL1101 Target must specify one of: 'internal', 'solution', 'extension'. Fatal Error
AL1130 The format of property '{0}' must be a timeout duration specified as '[d.]hh:mm:ss[.fffffff]'. Error
AL1150 The link in parameter '{0}' ({1}) is not valid. {2}. Error
AL1151 Cannot create a manifest for Extension "{0}" because the Name and Publisher match the current application. Remove this dependency from the application manifest. Error
AL1152 Dependency with ID '{0}' matches the current application ID. Remove this dependency from the application manifest. Error
AL1153 The referenced module '{1}' with runtime reference version '{0}' cannot be loaded by the compiler with version '{2}'. Error
AL1154 It is not possible to specify both '{0}' and '{1}' at the same time. Error
AL1155 Missing folder specification for '{0}' option. Error
AL1156 Comments are not recommended inside the manifest file as they can cause interoperability issues with CI/CD pipelines or other integrations. Warning
AL1401 Reference '{0}' in application object '{1}' does not exist. Designer Customization Warning
AL1402 {0} '{1}' is missing. Designer Customization Warning
AL1403 '{0}' is an ambiguous reference between '{1}' defined by the extension '{2}' and '{3}' defined by the extension '{4}'. Designer Customization Warning
AL1404 The action '{0}' is not found in the target '{1}'. Designer Customization Warning
AL1405 The control '{0}' is not found in the target '{1}'. Designer Customization Warning
AL1406 The view '{0}' is not found in the target '{1}'. Designer Customization Warning
AL1407 At least one target has to be specified for the move. Designer Customization Warning
AL1408 Invalid application object identifier. A number or an application object name is expected. Designer Customization Warning
AL1409 Page '{0}' should be of type 'RoleCenter'. Designer Customization Warning
AL1410 The target {0} '{1}' for the extension object is not found. Designer Customization Warning
AL1411 Multiple page customizations have been specified for the same page {0} within the same profile. Designer Customization Warning
AL1412 {0} '{1}' is marked for removal. {2}. Designer Customization Warning
AL1413 A member of type {0} with name '{1}' is already defined in {2} '{3}' by the extension '{4}'. Designer Customization Warning
AL1414 The page customization for page '{0}' does not make any modifications, so it can be removed without affecting any profiles or user personalization. Designer Customization Information
AL1415 {0} '{1}' is removed. {2}. Designer Customization Warning
AL1416 The {0} '{1}' cannot be moved relatively to '{2}' because '{2}' is missing. This move is ignored. Designer Customization Information
AL1417 The {0} '{1}' cannot be added relatively to '{2}' because '{2}' is missing. '{1}' is added at a default location instead. Designer Customization Information
AL1418 A DataItem with name '{0}' could not be found in the target {1}. Designer Customization Warning
AL1419 A DataItem or Column with name '{0}' could not be found in the target {1}. Designer Customization Warning
AL1420 The {0} '{1}' cannot be used as target of the ActionRef '{2}'. ActionRefs can only target Actions. Ignoring the ActionRef. Designer Customization Warning
AL1421 The {0} '{1}' is using the '{2}' property. This will be automatically converted to the new syntax when customizing the related page in the webclient. Designer Customization Warning
AL1422 The target action '{0}' cannot be resolved in page '{1}'. Ignoring the ActionRef. Designer Customization Warning
AL1423 '{0}' does not contain a definition for '{1}'. Designer Customization Warning
AL1424 The name '{0}' does not exist in the current context. Designer Customization Warning
AL1425 The field with ID '{0}' and name '{1}' cannot be used as source expression in the page customization '{2}' targeting page '{3}'. Ignoring the page field. Designer Customization Warning

See Also

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