
Partager via

Report object properties

This article lists properties of the report object.


This article may not include all properties for this object. To see a complete list of properties, use the table of contents from Properties Overview. In Visual Studio Code, use Ctrl+Space to see the properties available for the object and its controls.

Property Name Applies to
AccessByPermission Property
  • Report Object
AdditionalSearchTerms Property
  • Report object
AdditionalSearchTermsML Property
  • Report object
AllowScheduling Property
  • Report object
ApplicationArea Property
  • Report Object
AutoCalcField Property
  • Column controls
AutoFormatExpression Property
  • Column controls
AutoFormatType Property
  • Column controls
Caption Property
  • Report Object
  • Report Labels
  • Column controls
CaptionML Property
  • Report Object
  • Report Labels
  • Column controls
CalcFields Property
  • DataItem control
ContextSensitiveHelpPage Property
  • Report Object
DataAccessIntent Property
  • Report Object
DataItemLink Property (Reports)
  • DataItem controls
DataItemTableView Property
  • DataItem controls
DecimalPlaces Property
  • Column controls
DefaultLayout Property
  • Report Object
Description Property
  • Report Object
  • Column controls
  • Report Labels
  • DataItem controls
EnableExternalAssemblies Property
  • Report Object
EnableExternalImages Property
  • Report Object
EnableHyperlinks Property
  • Report Object
ExecutionTimeout Property
  • Report Object
IncludeCaption Property
  • Column controls
MaximumDataSetSize Property
  • Report Object
MaximumDocumentCount Property
  • Report Object
MaxIteration Property
  • DataItem controls
ObsoleteReason Property
  • Report Object
  • DataItem controls
  • Column controls
ObsoleteState Property
  • Report Object
  • DataItem controls
  • Column controls
OptionCaption Property
  • Column controls
OptionCaptionML Property
  • Column controls
OptionMembers Property
  • Column controls
OptionString Property
  • Column controls
PaperSourceDefaultPage Property
  • Report Object
PaperSourceFirstPage Property
  • Report Object
PaperSourceLastPage Property
  • Report Object
PDFFontEmbedding Property
  • Report Object
Permissions Property
  • Report Object
PreviewMode Property
  • Report Object
PrintOnlyIfDetail Property
  • DataItem controls
ProcessingOnly Property
  • Report Object
RDLCLayout Property
  • Report Object
RequestFilterFields Property
  • DataItem controls
RequestFilterHeading Property
  • DataItem controls
RequestFilterHeadingML Property
  • DataItem controls
ShowPrintStatus Property
  • Report Object
SourceExpr Property
  • Column controls
TransactionType Property
  • Report Object
UsageCategory Property
  • Report Object
UseRequestPage Property
  • Report Object
UseTemporary Property (Reports)
  • DataItem controls
UseSystemPrinter Property
  • Report Object
WordLayout Property
  • Report Object
WordMergeDataItem Property
  • Report Object

Report datatype (AL language reference)
Report, report data item, and report extension properties (AL language reference)
Table and table extension properties
Page and page extenstion properties overview