Fiscal document text placeholders are predefined tags that represent specific values. You can include the placeholders in the Text field on the Fiscal document source texts page when you create a fiscal document source text.
You can also include placeholders in the Note field on the Fiscal document texts page when you attach a fiscal document text to a sales order, purchase order, or free text invoice. When you post a sales order, purchase order, or free text invoice that has a fiscal document text that includes placeholders, the placeholders are replaced by the values in the predefined tags.
The following tables contain the predefined tags that support fiscal document text and its value.
Tags that support fiscal document text for referenced processes
Predefined tag
The name of the tax authority.
The agency of the tax authority.
The number of the referenced process.
Tag that supports fiscal document text for SUFRAMA
Predefined tag
The SUFRAMA customer number.
Tags that support fiscal document text for taxes
Predefined tag
The Imposto Sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS) tax amount.
The Programa de Integração Social (PIS) contribution amount.
The Contribuição para o financiamente da securidade social (COFINS) contribution amount.
The Imposto Sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI) tax rate.
The Imposto Sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI) tax amount.
Tags that support fiscal document text for fiscal references
Predefined tag
The number of the reference invoice.
The series of the reference invoice.
The date of the reference invoice.
The account name of the reference invoice.
The address of the reference invoice.
The Inscrição Estadual (IE), or state registration number, of the reference invoice account.
The Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ), or taxpayer registration number, of the reference invoice account.
Tags that support fiscal document text that involve vendor information
Predefined tag
The name of the vendor.
The Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ)/Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF), or taxpayer registration number, of the vendor.
The IE of the vendor.
The address of the vendor.
Tags that support fiscal document text that involve customer information
Predefined tag
The name of the customer.
The CNPJ/CPF of the customer.
The IE of the customer.
The address of the customer.
Tags that support fiscal document text for withholding taxes
Predefined tag
The withholding tax code.
The rate of withholding tax.
The amount of withholding tax.
Tags that support fiscal document text for imports
Predefined tag
The identifier of the import declaration document.
The date that the import declaration document was issued.
The import tax amount.
The freight amount for the import.
The insurance amount for the import.
The charge amount for Sistema Integrado de Comércio Exterior (Siscomex).
The exchange rate that is used in the import.
Tags for ICMSDIF final consumer
Predefined tag
Tax base amount used for tax type ICMS-DIF.
Tax value for recipient federal state.
Tax value for interstate transaction.
Percentage defined to recipient federal state (based on fiscal document year).
Tax amount for recipient state.
Tax amount for issuer state.
Tags for approximated tax values
Predefined tag
The approximated tax rate.
The approximated tax amount.
The name of the source of the approximate tax rate.
Tags for FCI Number
Predefined tag
The number of the Ficha Controle de Importação (FCI).
Tags for poverty funds over ICMS (ICMS FCP)
Predefined tag
The amount of the poverty fund calculated over the ICMS amount.
The ICMS base amount for calculation of the poverty fund amount.
The poverty fund rate over the ICMS amount.
Tags for poverty funds over ICMS-ST (ICMS-ST FCP)
Predefined tag
The amount of the poverty fund calculated over the ICMS-ST amount.
The ICMS-ST base amount for calculation of the poverty fund amount.
The poverty fund rate over the ICMS-ST amount.
Tags for presumed tax (ICMS-ST)
Predefined tag
The presumed ICMS-ST tax rate.
The base amount for presumed ICMS-ST tax amount.
The base amount for presumed ICMS-ST tax amount per unit.
The presumed ICMS-ST tax amount.
The presumed ICMS-ST tax amount per unit.
The presumed poverty fund tax rate.
The presumed poverty fund tax base amount.
The presumed poverty fund tax base amount per unit.
The presumed poverty fund amount.
The presumed poverty fund amount per unit.
Tags for presumed tax (from the substitute)
Predefined tag
The presumed ICMS tax amount from the ICMS substitute.