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Referenced fiscal documents for Brazil

This article provides an overview of referenced fiscal documents that are used in Brazil.

In some scenarios, a fiscal document must include another fiscal document's information. You can attach the information for a referenced fiscal document in two ways:

  • Manual – Register related information when the fiscal document isn't available. All information is required, and validation makes sure that the information fulfills the fiscal requirements.
  • Automatic – Select an available fiscal document.


  • If you try to reference a fiscal document that isn't in Dynamics 365 Finance, all the fiscal document information must be entered.
  • When you return an item to a vendor or receive a return from a customer, a reference to the original document is added.
  • Enter a manual fiscal document, model 01, in the system. You will create a fiscal document that references the original fiscal document.
  • Enter a Sales Order for Retail Sales or NF-e (model 55). The fiscal document will reference the original retail document and fiscal printer.
  • Create a sales order, and post the invoice. Then create a return order that references the previous order. The return fiscal document will create a fiscal document that references the original fiscal document.


When a fiscal document isn't available, you can attach customer or vendor fiscal documents as fiscal references to a fiscal document. You can also view the fiscal references that are attached to a posted fiscal document.

Fiscal reference

Field Description
Document model The document model for the fiscal document. If the Is for NF-e (federal) option is selected for the document model on the Document model page, the Access key field is available, and the Number and Series fields are unavailable.
Access key The access key for the electronic fiscal document (NF-e).
Number The identification number of the fiscal document.
Series The series number of the fiscal document.
Date The document date of the fiscal document.
Direction Select whether the fiscal document is related to incoming or outgoing products or services.
Issuer Select whether the fiscal document was issued by the fiscal establishment or a third party.
Account type Select Customer, Vendor, or Fiscal establishment as the type of account.
Account Select the customer account, vendor account, or fiscal establishment that generated the fiscal document.
Text ID Select the fiscal document source text for the referenced fiscal document.


Use the Fiscal reference button to attach existing customer, vendor, or transfer fiscal documents as fiscal references to a fiscal document. You can reference only posted fiscal documents that are issued or received by the same fiscal establishment that issues or receives the fiscal document that will be posted. You can view the fiscal references that are attached to a posted fiscal document.

Fiscal document

Field Description
Number The fiscal document number of the customer, vendor, or transfer fiscal document.
Series The series number of the customer, vendor, or transfer fiscal document.
Document date The date when the customer, vendor, or transfer fiscal document was issued.
Account The identification number of the customer, vendor, or fiscal establishment.
Account type The type of account. The options are Customer, Vendor, or Fiscal establishment.
Name The name of the customer, vendor, or fiscal establishment.
CNPJ/CPF The taxpayer registration number, or Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ)/Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF), of the customer, vendor, or fiscal establishment.
IE The state registration number, or Inscrição Estadual (IE), of the customer, vendor, or fiscal establishment.

Fiscal reference placeholders

Fiscal document text placeholders are predefined tags that represent specific values. When you create a fiscal document source text on the Fiscal document source texts page, you can include placeholders in the Text ID field. You can also include placeholders in the Note field when you attach a fiscal document text to a sales order, purchase order, or free text invoice. When you post a sales order, purchase order, or free text invoice that has a fiscal document text that includes placeholders, the placeholders are replaced by the values in the predefined tags. The following table describes the predefined tags that support fiscal document texts for fiscal references.

Tag Description
%FiscalRef_InvNoRef The number of the reference invoice.
%FiscalRef_InvSeriesRef The series number of the reference invoice.
%FiscalRef_InvDateRef The date of the reference invoice.
%FiscalRef_InvAccNameRef The account name for the reference invoice.
%FiscalRef_InvAccAddressRef The address for the reference invoice.
%FiscalRef_InvAccIENumberRef The state registration number (IE) of the reference invoice account.
%FiscalRef_InvAccCNPJCPFNumRef The taxpayer registration number (CNPJ/CPF) of the reference invoice account.
%FiscalRef_FiscalPrinterSerialNumber The serial number of the fiscal printer.
%FiscalRef_ECFNumber The fiscal printer number in the store.