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Register an integration point in the ID-porten web portal

Companies that are registered for value-added tax (VAT) in the territory of Norway have their accounts in the ID-porten web portal. To enable the direct submission of VAT returns to Altinn, you must create an integration point in the company's account in ID-porten. For more information, see ID-Porten & Authentication.

We recommend that you set the following parameters for your integration point for direct submission of VAT returns to Altinn from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance.

Parameter name (Norwegian) Parameter name (English) Parameter description Parameter value
Difi-tjeneste Difi Service Select the service to be assigned correct scopes. Select API-klient.
Scopes Scopes The application programming interfaces (APIs)/resources that the integration can access.

Select the following scopes:

  • openid
  • skatteetaten:mvameldinginnsending
  • skatteetaten:mvameldingvalidering
Kundens Customer's organization number The organization number of the service owner. You don't have to specify any value in this field. The required value is automatically set when the setup of the integration point is saved.
Integrasjonens identifikator The integration identifier The unique identifier of the service. The identifier is automatically generated. You don't have to specify any value in this field. The required value is automatically set when the setup of the integration point is saved.
Navn på integrasjonen Name of the integration The name of the integration as it appears in the sign-in window. Specify Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance.
Beskrivelse Description A brief description of the service (for example, "Meeting portal for NN municipality"). Specify Integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance.
Tillatte grant types Grant types allowed A grant represents the user's consent to retrieve an access token. By selecting specific grants, you consent to the corresponding methods of retrieving an access token.

Select the following grant types:

  • authorization_code
  • refresh_token
Klientautentiseringsmetode Client authentication method The method of authentication of your client. Specify client_secret_post.
Applikasjonstype Application Type The application (or client) type is the type of runtime environment that the client is running under. OAuth2 chapter 2.1 lists the available options. The choice of client type is a security assessment that the customer will perform. Select web.
Gyldig(e) redirect uri-er Valid redirect URIs This parameter applies only to personal sign-in integrations. It specifies the URIs that the client is allowed to go to after sign-in. In Finance, go to Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Web applications, copy the HTTPS internet address (URL) from the browser's address bar, and paste it into this field.
Gyldig(e) post logout redirect uri-er Valid mail logout redirect URIs This parameter applies only to personal sign-in integrations. It specifies the URIs that the client is allowed to go to after sign-out. Specify the base URL of your Finance environment.
Frontchannel logout uri Frontchannel logout URI The URI that the provider sends a request to upon sign-out that is triggered by another client in the same session. If you don't set this parameter, there is a risk that the user might still be signed in to your service when they sign out of ID-porten. Specify the base URL of your Finance environment.
Frontchannel logout krever sesjons-id Frontchannel logout requires session ID This parameter applies only to personal sign-in integrations. It's a flag that determines whether the issuer and session ID parameters are passed together with frontchannel_logout_uri. Leave this checkbox cleared.
Tilbake-uri Back URI This parameter applies only to personal sign-in integrations. It specifies the URI that a user is sent back to when they cancel sign-in. Specify the base URL of your Finance environment.
Authorization levetid (sekunder) Authorization lifetime (seconds) The lifetime of the registered authorization. In an OpenID Connect context, this authorization will be access to the "userinfo" endpoint. The value must be specified in seconds. Specify 31536000 (= one year).
Access token levetid (sekunder) Access token lifetime (seconds) The lifetime of the issued access_token in seconds. Specify 7200 (= two hours).
Refresh token levetid (sekunder) Refresh token lifetime (seconds) The lifetime of the issued refresh_token in seconds. Specify 0 (zero).
Refresh token type Refresh token type
  • One-time – You get a new refresh_token at each refresh of access_token.
  • Reusable – A refresh of access_token doesn't change refresh_token.
Specify Engangs.

Registering an integration point in the ID-porten web portal.


Make sure that you safely store the client ID and client secret of the integration point that you create for interoperation with ID-porten. You will need these credentials in the Set up the client ID and client secret of your ID-porten integration point in Finance step of your preparation for direct submission of VAT returns to Altinn in Finance.