How to Create a Profile Instance Using XML
There are many ways to create a profile in Commerce Server Core Systems. One way is to create a profile based on an XML representation of the user profile. Creating a profile instance from an XML document is a simple process. You construct the XML representation of a profile and pass it to the CreateProfile method of a ProfileManagementContext instance.
To create a profile instance by using XML
Create a subroutine called CreateXMLProfile.
Declare a string to store the XML representation of the profile.
Declare a GUID to store and generate the profile key.
Create an XML representation of the profile.
Create a ProfileManagementContext object.
Load the XML string into an XML document.
Create the profile by calling the CreateProfile method of the ProfileManagementContext instance.
The following code example creates a subroutine called CreateXMLProfile, which creates a profile by using an XML representation of the profile.
private void CreateXMLProfile()
// Declare variables.
String xmlData = "";
String myGUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
XmlDocument profileXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
// Create XML representation of the user profile.
xmlData += @"<ProfileDocument>";
xmlData += @" <UserObject>";
xmlData += @"<GeneralInfo>";
xmlData += @"<user_id>" + myGUID + "</user_id>";
xmlData += @" <user_security_password>myPassword</user_security_password>";
xmlData += @" <password_question>myQuestion</password_question>";
xmlData += @" <password_answer>myAnswer</password_answer>";
xmlData += @"<email_address></email_address>";
xmlData += @"<direct_mail_opt_out>0</direct_mail_opt_out>";
xmlData += @"<express_checkout>0</express_checkout>";
xmlData += @"</GeneralInfo>";
xmlData += @" <AccountInfo>";
xmlData += @" <account_status>1</account_status>";
xmlData += @" </AccountInfo>";
xmlData += @"</UserObject>";
xmlData += @"</ProfileDocument>";
// Access Profiles Web service.
ProfileManagementContext ctxtWS = ProfileManagementContext.Create("https://localhost/ProfilesWebService/ProfilesWebService.asmx");
// Load the XML string into an XML document.
// Create the XML Profile, converting the XMLDocument to an XMLElement.
Compiling the Code
To compile the code, you must include the following namespace directives:
using Microsoft.CommerceServer.Profiles;
using System.Xml;
See Also
Other Resources
How to Create an Instance of a Profile
How to Access an Instance of a Profile