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Error messages for Azure Spot Virtual Machines and scale sets

Applies to: ✔️ Linux VMs ✔️ Windows VMs ✔️ Flexible scale sets ✔️ Uniform scale sets

Here are some possible error codes you could receive when using Azure Spot Virtual Machines and scale sets.

Key Message Description
SkuNotAvailable The requested tier for resource '<resource>' is currently not available in location '<location>' for subscription '<subscriptionID>'. Try another tier or deploy to a different location. There is not enough Azure Spot Virtual Machine capacity in this location to create your VM or scale set instance.
EvictionPolicyCanBeSetOnlyOnAzureSpotVirtualMachines Eviction policy can be set only on Azure Spot Virtual Machines. This VM is not an Azure Spot Virtual Machine, so you can't set the eviction policy.
AzureSpotVMNotSupportedInAvailabilitySet Azure Spot Virtual Machine is not supported in Availability Set. You need to choose to either use an Azure Spot Virtual Machine or use a VM in an availability set, you can't choose both.
AzureSpotFeatureNotEnabledForSubscription Subscription not enabled with Azure Spot Virtual Machine feature. Use a subscription that supports Azure Spot Virtual Machines.
VMPriorityCannotBeApplied The specified priority value '{0}' cannot be applied to the Virtual Machine '{1}' since no priority was specified when the Virtual Machine was created. Specify the priority when the VM is created.
SpotPriceGreaterThanProvidedMaxPrice Unable to perform operation '{0}' since the provided max price '{1} USD' is lower than the current spot price '{2} USD' for Azure Spot Virtual Machine size '{3}'. Select a higher max price. For more information, see pricing information for Linux or Windows.
MaxPriceValueInvalid Invalid max price value. The only supported values for max price are -1 or a decimal greater than zero. Max price value of -1 indicates the Azure Spot Virtual Machine will not be evicted for price reasons. Enter a valid max price. For more information, see pricing for Linux or Windows.
MaxPriceChangeNotAllowedForAllocatedVMs Max price change is not allowed when the VM '{0}' is currently allocated. Deallocate and try again. Stop\Deallocate the VM so that you can change the max price.
MaxPriceChangeNotAllowed Max price change is not allowed. You cannot change the max price for this VM.
AzureSpotIsNotSupportedForThisAPIVersion Azure Spot Virtual Machine is not supported for this API version. The API version needs to be 2019-03-01.
AzureSpotIsNotSupportedForThisVMSize Azure Spot Virtual Machine is not supported for this VM size {0}. Select another VM size. For more information, see Azure Spot Virtual Machines.
MaxPriceIsSupportedOnlyForAzureSpotVirtualMachines Max price is supported only for Azure Spot Virtual Machines. For more information, see Azure Spot Virtual Machines.
MoveResourcesWithAzureSpotVMNotSupported The Move resources request contains an Azure Spot Virtual Machine. Not supported. Check the error details for virtual machine Ids. You cannot move Azure Spot Virtual Machines.
MoveResourcesWithAzureSpotVmssNotSupported The Move resources request contains an Azure Spot virtual machine scale set. Not supported. Check the error details for virtual machine scale set Ids. You cannot move Azure Spot virtual machine scale set instances.
AzureSpotVMNotSupportedInVmssWithVMOrchestrationMode Azure Spot Virtual Machine is not supported in Virtual machine scale set with VM Orchestration mode. Set the orchestration mode to virtual machine scale set in order to use Azure Spot Virtual Machine instances.
SpotRestorationIsNotSupportedForThisAPIVersion Spot restoration feature is not supported for this API version. For an existing scaleset, perform a PATCH using API version 2021-07-01 or later.

For new scale set deployments, add the following property to the Azure Resource Manager template using API version 2021-07-01 or later:

Error code sample to use the correct API version.
SpotRestorationIsSupportedOnlyForAzureSpotScaleSets Spot restoration feature is supported only for Azure Spot virtual machine scale sets. Spot restoration feature is only supported for Azure Spot virtual machine scale sets. To use this feature, deploy Azure Spot using virtual machine scale sets.

Next steps For more information, see spot Virtual Machines.