Partage via

Comparer.DefaultInvariant Champ


Représente une instance de Comparer associée à InvariantCulture. Ce champ est en lecture seule.

public: static initonly System::Collections::Comparer ^ DefaultInvariant;
public static readonly System.Collections.Comparer DefaultInvariant;
 staticval mutable DefaultInvariant : System.Collections.Comparer
Public Shared ReadOnly DefaultInvariant As Comparer 

Valeur de champ


L’exemple de code suivant montre comment Compare retourne différentes valeurs en fonction de la culture associée à .Comparer

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()
   // Creates the strings to compare.
   String^ str1 = "llegar";
   String^ str2 = "lugar";
   Console::WriteLine( "Comparing \"{0}\" and \"{1}\" ...", str1, str2 );
   // Uses the DefaultInvariant Comparer.
   Console::WriteLine( "   Invariant Comparer: {0}", Comparer::DefaultInvariant->Compare( str1, str2 ) );
   // Uses the Comparer based on the culture "es-ES" (Spanish - Spain, international sort).
   Comparer^ myCompIntl = gcnew Comparer( gcnew CultureInfo(  "es-ES",false ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   International Sort: {0}", myCompIntl->Compare( str1, str2 ) );
   // Uses the Comparer based on the culture identifier 0x040A (Spanish - Spain, traditional sort).
   Comparer^ myCompTrad = gcnew Comparer( gcnew CultureInfo( 0x040A,false ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   Traditional Sort  : {0}", myCompTrad->Compare( str1, str2 ) );

This code produces the following output.

Comparing "llegar" and "lugar" ...
   Invariant Comparer: -1
   International Sort: -1
   Traditional Sort  : 1

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesComparer  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates the strings to compare.
      String str1 = "llegar";
      String str2 = "lugar";
      Console.WriteLine( "Comparing \"{0}\" and \"{1}\" ...", str1, str2 );

      // Uses the DefaultInvariant Comparer.
      Console.WriteLine( "   Invariant Comparer: {0}", Comparer.DefaultInvariant.Compare( str1, str2 ) );

      // Uses the Comparer based on the culture "es-ES" (Spanish - Spain, international sort).
      Comparer myCompIntl = new Comparer( new CultureInfo( "es-ES", false ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   International Sort: {0}", myCompIntl.Compare( str1, str2 ) );

      // Uses the Comparer based on the culture identifier 0x040A (Spanish - Spain, traditional sort).
      Comparer myCompTrad = new Comparer( new CultureInfo( 0x040A, false ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   Traditional Sort  : {0}", myCompTrad.Compare( str1, str2 ) );

This code produces the following output.

Comparing "llegar" and "lugar" ...
   Invariant Comparer: -1
   International Sort: -1
   Traditional Sort  : 1

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesComparer

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates the strings to compare.
      Dim str1 As [String] = "llegar"
      Dim str2 As [String] = "lugar"
      Console.WriteLine("Comparing ""{0}"" and ""{1}"" ...", str1, str2)

      ' Uses the DefaultInvariant Comparer.
      Console.WriteLine("   Invariant Comparer: {0}", Comparer.DefaultInvariant.Compare(str1, str2))

      ' Uses the Comparer based on the culture "es-ES" (Spanish - Spain, international sort).
      Dim myCompIntl As New Comparer(New CultureInfo("es-ES", False))
      Console.WriteLine("   International Sort: {0}", myCompIntl.Compare(str1, str2))

      ' Uses the Comparer based on the culture identifier 0x040A (Spanish - Spain, traditional sort).
      Dim myCompTrad As New Comparer(New CultureInfo(&H40A, False))
      Console.WriteLine("   Traditional Sort  : {0}", myCompTrad.Compare(str1, str2))

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Comparing "llegar" and "lugar" ...
'   Invariant Comparer: -1
'   International Sort: -1
'   Traditional Sort  : 1


Les procédures de comparaison utilisent pour CultureInfo.InvariantCulture déterminer l’ordre de tri et les règles de casse. Les comparaisons de chaînes peuvent avoir des résultats différents en fonction de la culture. Pour plus d’informations sur les comparaisons spécifiques à la culture, consultez l’espace System.Globalization de noms et Globalisation et Localisation.

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