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DesignerOptionService Classe


Fournit une classe de base pour l'obtention et la définition des valeurs des options d'un concepteur.

public ref class DesignerOptionService abstract : System::ComponentModel::Design::IDesignerOptionService
public abstract class DesignerOptionService : System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerOptionService
type DesignerOptionService = class
    interface IDesignerOptionService
Public MustInherit Class DesignerOptionService
Implements IDesignerOptionService


L’exemple de code suivant illustre l’accès à pour DesignerOptionService afficher les valeurs actuelles des options standard.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;

namespace DesignerOptionServiceExample
    // This control demonstrates retrieving the standard 
    // designer option service values in design mode.
    public class DesignerOptionServiceControl : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
        private DesignerOptionService designerOptionSvc;

        public DesignerOptionServiceControl()
            this.BackColor = Color.Beige;
                    this.Size = new Size(404, 135);
        public override System.ComponentModel.ISite Site
                return base.Site;
                base.Site = value;

                // If siting component, attempt to obtain an DesignerOptionService.
                if( base.Site != null )                            
                    designerOptionSvc = (DesignerOptionService)this.GetService(typeof(DesignerOptionService));                                   

        // Displays control information and current DesignerOptionService 
        // values, if available.
        protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
                new Font("Arial", 9), 
                new SolidBrush(Color.Blue), 4, 4);

            if( this.DesignMode )
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Currently in design mode", 
                    new Font("Arial", 8), 
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, 18);
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Not in design mode. Cannot access DesignerOptionService.", 
                    new Font("Arial", 8), 
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 4, 18);
            if( base.Site != null && designerOptionSvc != null )
                e.Graphics.DrawString("DesignerOptionService provides access to the table of option values listed when", 
                    new Font("Arial", 8), 
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, 38);

                e.Graphics.DrawString("the Windows Forms Designer\\General tab of the Tools\\Options menu is selected.", 
                    new Font("Arial", 8), 
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, 50);                
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Table of standard value names and current values", 
                    new Font("Arial", 8), 
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 4, 76);
                // Displays a table of the standard value names and current values.
                int ypos = 90;

                // Obtains and shows the size of the standard design-mode grid square.
                PropertyDescriptor pd;
                pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties["GridSize"];
                    new Font("Arial", 8), 
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
                    new Font("Arial", 8), 
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos);
                ypos += 12;

                // Uncomment the following code to demonstrate that this
                // alternate syntax works the same as the previous syntax.

                //pd = designerOptionSvc.Options["WindowsFormsDesigner"].Properties["GridSize"];
                //    new Font("Arial", 8),
                //    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
                //    new Font("Arial", 8),
                //    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos);
                //ypos += 12;

                //pd = designerOptionSvc.Options["WindowsFormsDesigner"]["General"].Properties["GridSize"];
                //    new Font("Arial", 8),
                //    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
                //    new Font("Arial", 8),
                //    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos);
                //ypos += 12;
                // Obtains and shows whether the design mode surface grid is enabled.
                pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties["ShowGrid"];
                    new Font("Arial", 8), 
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
                    new Font("Arial", 8), 
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos);
                // Obtains and shows whether components should be aligned with the surface grid.
                pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties["SnapToGrid"];
                    new Font("Arial", 8), 
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
                    new Font("Arial", 8), 
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos);
                ypos += 12;

                // Obtains and shows which layout mode is selected.
                pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties["LayoutMode"];
                    new Font("Arial", 8),
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
                    new Font("Arial", 8),
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos);
                ypos += 12;

                // Obtains and shows whether the Toolbox is automatoically
                // populated with custom controls and components.
                pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties["AutoToolboxPopulate"];
                    new Font("Arial", 8),
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
                    new Font("Arial", 8),
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos);
                ypos += 12;

                // Obtains and shows whether the component cache is used.
                pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties["UseOptimizedCodeGeneration"];
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Optimized Code Generation",
                    new Font("Arial", 8),
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
                    new Font("Arial", 8),
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos);
                ypos += 12;

                // Obtains and shows whether designer actions are automatically opened.
                pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties["ObjectBoundSmartTagAutoShow"];
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Automatically Open Designer Actions",
                    new Font("Arial", 8),
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
                    new Font("Arial", 8),
                    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos);
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.Design

' This control demonstrates retrieving the standard 
' designer option service values in design mode.

Public Class DesignerOptionServiceControl
   Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
   Private designerOptionSvc As DesignerOptionService
   Public Sub New()
      Me.BackColor = Color.Beige
      Me.Size = New Size(404, 135)
    End Sub
   Public Overrides Property Site() As System.ComponentModel.ISite
         Return MyBase.Site
      End Get
         MyBase.Site = value
         ' If siting component, attempt to obtain an DesignerOptionService.
         If (MyBase.Site IsNot Nothing) Then
            designerOptionSvc = CType(Me.GetService(GetType(DesignerOptionService)), DesignerOptionService)
         End If
      End Set
   End Property
   ' Displays control information and current DesignerOptionService 
   ' values, if available.
   Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
        e.Graphics.DrawString("DesignerOptionServiceControl", _
        New Font("Arial", 9), _
        New SolidBrush(Color.Blue), 4, 4)
      If Me.DesignMode Then
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Currently in design mode", _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, 18)
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Not in design mode. Cannot access DesignerOptionService.", _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Red), 4, 18)
      End If
      If (MyBase.Site IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (designerOptionSvc IsNot Nothing) Then
            e.Graphics.DrawString("DesignerOptionService provides access to the table of option values listed when", _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, 38)

            e.Graphics.DrawString("the Windows Forms Designer\General tab of the Tools\Options menu is selected.", _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, 50)

            e.Graphics.DrawString("Table of standard value names and current values", _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Red), 4, 76)

            ' Displays a table of the standard value names and current values.
            Dim ypos As Integer = 90

            ' Obtains and shows the size of the standard design-mode grid square.
            Dim pd As PropertyDescriptor
            pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties("GridSize")

            e.Graphics.DrawString("GridSize", _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos)

            e.Graphics.DrawString(pd.GetValue(Nothing).ToString(), _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos)

            ypos += 12

            ' Uncomment the following code to demonstrate that this
            ' alternate syntax works the same as the previous syntax.
            'pd = designerOptionSvc.Options["WindowsFormsDesigner"].Properties["GridSize"];
            '    new Font("Arial", 8),
            '    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
            '    new Font("Arial", 8),
            '    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos);
            'ypos += 12;
            'pd = designerOptionSvc.Options["WindowsFormsDesigner"]["General"].Properties["GridSize"];
            '    new Font("Arial", 8),
            '    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
            '    new Font("Arial", 8),
            '    new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos);
            'ypos += 12;

            ' Obtains and shows whether the design mode surface grid is enabled.
            pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties("ShowGrid")

            e.Graphics.DrawString("ShowGrid", _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos)

            e.Graphics.DrawString(pd.GetValue(Nothing).ToString(), _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos)

            ypos += 12

            ' Obtains and shows whether components should be aligned with the surface grid.
            pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties("SnapToGrid")

            e.Graphics.DrawString("SnapToGrid", _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos)

            e.Graphics.DrawString(pd.GetValue(Nothing).ToString(), _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos)

            ypos += 12

            ' Obtains and shows which layout mode is selected.
            pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties("LayoutMode")

            e.Graphics.DrawString("LayoutMode", _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos)

            e.Graphics.DrawString(pd.GetValue(Nothing).ToString(), _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos)

            ypos += 12

            ' Obtains and shows whether the Toolbox is automatoically
            ' populated with custom controls and components.
            pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties("AutoToolboxPopulate")

            e.Graphics.DrawString("AutoToolboxPopulate", _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos)

            e.Graphics.DrawString(pd.GetValue(Nothing).ToString(), _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos)

            ypos += 12

            ' Obtains and shows whether the component cache is used.
            pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties("UseOptimizedCodeGeneration")

            e.Graphics.DrawString("Optimized Code Generation", _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos)

            e.Graphics.DrawString(pd.GetValue(Nothing).ToString(), _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos)

            ypos += 12

            ' Obtains and shows whether designer actions are automatically opened.
            pd = designerOptionSvc.Options.Properties("ObjectBoundSmartTagAutoShow")

            e.Graphics.DrawString("Automatically Open Designer Actions", _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos)

            e.Graphics.DrawString(pd.GetValue(Nothing).ToString(), _
            New Font("Arial", 8), _
            New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 200, ypos)
      End If
    End Sub
End Class


La DesignerOptionService classe fournit une collection d’options. Chacune de ces collections d’options a un indexeur qui lui permet d’être filtrée davantage. Chaque collection d’options contient son propre ensemble d’options, ainsi qu’un cumul de toutes ses options enfants. En cas de conflit de nommage entre les propriétés, l’objet d’options les plus externes est prioritaire. Les outils suivants | La structure de l’interface utilisateur options montre comment l’objet d’options les plus externes prend plus d’importance :

WindowsFormsDesigner | Générales

  • SnapToGrid

  • ShowGrid

  • GridSize

Avec un IDesignerOptionService nommé service, pour accéder à la valeur de la GridSize propriété, vous devez effectuer l’appel suivant :

// Obtains and shows the size of the standard design-mode grid square.
System::Drawing::Size size =  *dynamic_cast<System::Drawing::Size^>(designerOptionService->GetOptionValue( "WindowsFormsDesigner\\General", "GridSize" ));
// Obtains and shows the size of the standard design-mode grid square.
Size size = (Size)designerOptionService.GetOptionValue("WindowsFormsDesigner\\General", "GridSize");
' Obtains and shows the size of the standard design-mode grid square.
Dim size As Size = CType(designerOptionService.GetOptionValue("WindowsFormsDesigner\General", "GridSize"), Size)

Cela fonctionne, jusqu’à ce que vous souhaitiez passer GridSize à une autre page. En outre, IDesignerOptionService ne fournit aucun mécanisme de découverte. Si vous ne savez pas quelle chaîne transmettre, le service ne trouve pas la valeur de la propriété.

La DesignerOptionService classe résout ces problèmes. Vous pouvez interroger des collections, et il existe un convertisseur de type défini sur l’objet DesignerOptionService.DesignerOptionCollection qui marque la collection comme extensible. Avec ce convertisseur de type, vous pouvez passer l’intégralité du service d’option de concepteur à une fenêtre de propriétés et inspecter visuellement le service.



Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe DesignerOptionService.



Obtient la collection d'options de ce service.


CreateOptionCollection(DesignerOptionService+DesignerOptionCollection, String, Object)

Crée un DesignerOptionService.DesignerOptionCollection avec le nom donné et l'ajoute au parent donné.


Détermine si l'objet spécifié est égal à l'objet actuel.

(Hérité de Object)

Fait office de fonction de hachage par défaut.

(Hérité de Object)

Obtient le Type de l'instance actuelle.

(Hérité de Object)

Crée une copie superficielle du Object actuel.

(Hérité de Object)

Remplit un DesignerOptionService.DesignerOptionCollection.

ShowDialog(DesignerOptionService+DesignerOptionCollection, Object)

Affiche la boîte de dialogue d'options pour l'objet donné.


Retourne une chaîne qui représente l'objet actuel.

(Hérité de Object)

Implémentations d’interfaces explicites

IDesignerOptionService.GetOptionValue(String, String)

Obtient la valeur d'une option définie dans ce package.

IDesignerOptionService.SetOptionValue(String, String, Object)

Définit la valeur d'une option définie dans ce package.

S’applique à

Voir aussi