Partage via

Decimal.Negate(Decimal) Méthode


Retourne le résultat de la multiplication de la valeur Decimal spécifiée par 1 négatif.

 static System::Decimal Negate(System::Decimal d);
public static decimal Negate (decimal d);
static member Negate : decimal -> decimal
Public Shared Function Negate (d As Decimal) As Decimal



Valeur à rendre négative.


Nombre décimal ayant la valeur de d, mais le signe inverse.

- ou -

Zéro, si d est égal à zéro.


L’exemple de code suivant utilise la Negate méthode pour modifier le signe de plusieurs Decimal valeurs.

// Example of the Decimal::Negate, Decimal::Floor, and 
// Decimal::Truncate methods. 
using namespace System;

// Display Decimal parameters and the method results.
void ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Decimal Argument )
   String^ dataFmt = "{0,-30}{1,26}";
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal Argument", Argument );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal::Negate( Argument )", Decimal::Negate( Argument ) );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal::Floor( Argument )", Decimal::Floor( Argument ) );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal::Truncate( Argument )", Decimal::Truncate( Argument ) );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the \n"
   "  Decimal::Negate( Decimal ), \n"
   "  Decimal::Floor( Decimal ), and \n"
   "  Decimal::Truncate( Decimal ) \n"
   "methods generates the following output." );
   // Create pairs of Decimal objects.
   ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Decimal::Parse( "0" ) );
   ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Decimal::Parse( "123.456" ) );
   ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Decimal::Parse( "-123.456" ) );
   ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Decimal(1230000000,0,0,true,7) );
   ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Decimal::Parse( "-9999999999.9999999999" ) );

This example of the
  Decimal::Negate( Decimal ),
  Decimal::Floor( Decimal ), and
  Decimal::Truncate( Decimal )
methods generates the following output.

Decimal Argument                                       0
Decimal::Negate( Argument )                            0
Decimal::Floor( Argument )                             0
Decimal::Truncate( Argument )                          0

Decimal Argument                                 123.456
Decimal::Negate( Argument )                     -123.456
Decimal::Floor( Argument )                           123
Decimal::Truncate( Argument )                        123

Decimal Argument                                -123.456
Decimal::Negate( Argument )                      123.456
Decimal::Floor( Argument )                          -124
Decimal::Truncate( Argument )                       -123

Decimal Argument                            -123.0000000
Decimal::Negate( Argument )                  123.0000000
Decimal::Floor( Argument )                          -123
Decimal::Truncate( Argument )                       -123

Decimal Argument                  -9999999999.9999999999
Decimal::Negate( Argument )        9999999999.9999999999
Decimal::Floor( Argument )                  -10000000000
Decimal::Truncate( Argument )                -9999999999
// Example of the decimal.Negate, decimal.Floor, and decimal.Truncate
// methods.
using System;

class DecimalFloorNegTruncDemo
    const string dataFmt = "{0,-30}{1,26}";

    // Display decimal parameters and the method results.
    public static void ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( decimal Argument )
        Console.WriteLine( );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "decimal Argument", Argument );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "decimal.Negate( Argument )",
            decimal.Negate( Argument ) );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "decimal.Floor( Argument )",
            decimal.Floor( Argument ) );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "decimal.Truncate( Argument )",
            decimal.Truncate( Argument ) );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the \n" +
            "  decimal.Negate( decimal ), \n" +
            "  decimal.Floor( decimal ), and \n" +
            "  decimal.Truncate( decimal ) \n" +
            "methods generates the following output." );

        // Create pairs of decimal objects.
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( 0M );
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( 123.456M );
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( -123.456M );
            new decimal( 1230000000, 0, 0, true, 7 ) );
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( -9999999999.9999999999M );

This example of the
  decimal.Negate( decimal ),
  decimal.Floor( decimal ), and
  decimal.Truncate( decimal )
methods generates the following output.

decimal Argument                                       0
decimal.Negate( Argument )                             0
decimal.Floor( Argument )                              0
decimal.Truncate( Argument )                           0

decimal Argument                                 123.456
decimal.Negate( Argument )                      -123.456
decimal.Floor( Argument )                            123
decimal.Truncate( Argument )                         123

decimal Argument                                -123.456
decimal.Negate( Argument )                       123.456
decimal.Floor( Argument )                           -124
decimal.Truncate( Argument )                        -123

decimal Argument                            -123.0000000
decimal.Negate( Argument )                   123.0000000
decimal.Floor( Argument )                           -123
decimal.Truncate( Argument )                        -123

decimal Argument                  -9999999999.9999999999
decimal.Negate( Argument )         9999999999.9999999999
decimal.Floor( Argument )                   -10000000000
decimal.Truncate( Argument )                 -9999999999
// Example of the decimal.Negate, decimal.Floor, and decimal.Truncate
// methods.
open System

let dataFmt obj1 obj2 = printfn $"{obj1,-30}{obj2,26}"

// Display decimal parameters and the method results.
let showDecimalFloorNegTrunc (argument: decimal) =
    printfn ""
    dataFmt "decimal argument" argument
    dataFmt "Decimal.Negate( argument )" (Decimal.Negate argument)
    dataFmt "decimal.Floor( argument )" (Decimal.Floor argument)
    dataFmt "decimal.Truncate( argument )" (Decimal.Truncate argument)

    """This example of the
  decimal.Negate( decimal ),
  decimal.Floor( decimal ), and
  decimal.Truncate( decimal )
methods generates the following output."""

// Create pairs of decimal objects.
showDecimalFloorNegTrunc 0M
showDecimalFloorNegTrunc 123.456M
showDecimalFloorNegTrunc -123.456M
showDecimalFloorNegTrunc (Decimal(1230000000, 0, 0, true, 7uy))
showDecimalFloorNegTrunc -9999999999.9999999999M

// This example of the
//   decimal.Negate( decimal ),
//   decimal.Floor( decimal ), and        
//   decimal.Truncate( decimal )
// methods generates the following output.
// decimal argument                                       0
// Decimal.Negate( argument )                             0
// decimal.Floor( argument )                              0
// decimal.Truncate( argument )                           0
// decimal argument                                 123.456
// Decimal.Negate( argument )                      -123.456
// decimal.Floor( argument )                            123
// decimal.Truncate( argument )                         123
// decimal argument                                -123.456
// Decimal.Negate( argument )                       123.456
// decimal.Floor( argument )                           -124
// decimal.Truncate( argument )                        -123
// decimal argument                            -123.0000000
// Decimal.Negate( argument )                   123.0000000
// decimal.Floor( argument )                           -123
// decimal.Truncate( argument )                        -123
// decimal argument                  -9999999999.9999999999
// Decimal.Negate( argument )         9999999999.9999999999
// decimal.Floor( argument )                   -10000000000
// decimal.Truncate( argument )                 -9999999999
' Example of the Decimal.Negate, Decimal.Floor, and Decimal.Truncate 
' methods. 
Module DecimalFloorNegTruncDemo
    Const dataFmt As String = "{0,-30}{1,26}"

    ' Display Decimal parameters and their product, quotient, and 
    ' remainder.
    Sub ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( Argument as Decimal )

        Console.WriteLine( )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal Argument", Argument )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, _
            "Decimal.Negate( Argument )", _
            Decimal.Negate( Argument ) )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, _
            "Decimal.Floor( Argument )", _
            Decimal.Floor( Argument ) )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, _
            "Decimal.Truncate( Argument )", _
            Decimal.Truncate( Argument ) )
    End Sub

    Sub Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the " & vbCrLf & _
            "  Decimal.Negate( Decimal ), " & vbCrLf & _
            "  Decimal.Floor( Decimal ), and " & vbCrLf & _
            "  Decimal.Truncate( Decimal ) " & vbCrLf & _
            "methods generates the following output." )

        ' Create pairs of Decimal objects.
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( 0D ) 
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( 123.456D ) 
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( -123.456D ) 
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( _
            new Decimal( 1230000000, 0, 0, True, 7 ) )
        ShowDecimalFloorNegTrunc( -9999999999.9999999999D )
    End Sub
End Module 

' This example of the
'   Decimal.Negate( Decimal ),
'   Decimal.Floor( Decimal ), and
'   Decimal.Truncate( Decimal )
' methods generates the following output.
' Decimal Argument                                       0
' Decimal.Negate( Argument )                             0
' Decimal.Floor( Argument )                              0
' Decimal.Truncate( Argument )                           0
' Decimal Argument                                 123.456
' Decimal.Negate( Argument )                      -123.456
' Decimal.Floor( Argument )                            123
' Decimal.Truncate( Argument )                         123
' Decimal Argument                                -123.456
' Decimal.Negate( Argument )                       123.456
' Decimal.Floor( Argument )                           -124
' Decimal.Truncate( Argument )                        -123
' Decimal Argument                            -123.0000000
' Decimal.Negate( Argument )                   123.0000000
' Decimal.Floor( Argument )                           -123
' Decimal.Truncate( Argument )                        -123
' Decimal Argument                  -9999999999.9999999999
' Decimal.Negate( Argument )         9999999999.9999999999
' Decimal.Floor( Argument )                   -10000000000
' Decimal.Truncate( Argument )                 -9999999999

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