Partage via

PrinterSettings.PaperSizeCollection.Item[Int32] Propriété


Obtient PaperSize à un index spécifié.

 virtual property System::Drawing::Printing::PaperSize ^ default[int] { System::Drawing::Printing::PaperSize ^ get(int index); };
public virtual System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize this[int index] { get; }
member this.Item(int) : System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize
Default Public Overridable ReadOnly Property Item(index As Integer) As PaperSize



Index du PaperSize à obtenir.

Valeur de propriété

PaperSize au niveau de l'index spécifié.


L’exemple de code suivant remplit la comboPaperSize zone de liste modifiable avec les formats de papier pris en charge par l’imprimante. En outre, un format de papier personnalisé est créé et ajouté à la zone de liste modifiable. est PaperName identifié comme la propriété qui fournit la chaîne d’affichage de l’élément ajouté via la DisplayMember propriété de la zone de liste déroulante. L’exemple exige qu’une PrintDocument variable nommée printDoc existe et que la zone de liste modifiable spécifique existe.

// Add list of supported paper sizes found on the printer.
// The DisplayMember property is used to identify the property that will provide the display String*.
comboPaperSize->DisplayMember = "PaperName";
PaperSize^ pkSize;
for ( int i = 0; i < printDoc->PrinterSettings->PaperSizes->Count; i++ )
   pkSize = printDoc->PrinterSettings->PaperSizes[ i ];
   comboPaperSize->Items->Add( pkSize );

// Create a PaperSize and specify the custom paper size through the constructor and add to combobox.
PaperSize^ pkCustomSize1 = gcnew PaperSize( "First custom size",100,200 );
comboPaperSize->Items->Add( pkCustomSize1 );
// Add list of supported paper sizes found on the printer. 
// The DisplayMember property is used to identify the property that will provide the display string.
comboPaperSize.DisplayMember = "PaperName";

PaperSize pkSize;
for (int i = 0; i < printDoc.PrinterSettings.PaperSizes.Count; i++){
    pkSize = printDoc.PrinterSettings.PaperSizes[i];

// Create a PaperSize and specify the custom paper size through the constructor and add to combobox.
PaperSize pkCustomSize1 = new PaperSize("First custom size", 100, 200);

' Add list of supported paper sizes found on the printer. 
' The DisplayMember property is used to identify the property that will provide the display string.
comboPaperSize.DisplayMember = "PaperName"

Dim pkSize As PaperSize
For i = 0 to printDoc.PrinterSettings.PaperSizes.Count - 1
    pkSize = printDoc.PrinterSettings.PaperSizes.Item(i)

' Create a PaperSize and specify the custom paper size through the constructor and add to combobox.
Dim pkCustomSize1 As New PaperSize("Custom Paper Size", 100, 200)


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