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PolicyUnit(Int64, PolicyUnitType) Constructeur


Initialise une nouvelle instance de la structure PolicyUnit avec la valeur et le type spécifiés.

 PolicyUnit(long value, System::IO::Log::PolicyUnitType type);
public PolicyUnit (long value, System.IO.Log.PolicyUnitType type);
new System.IO.Log.PolicyUnit : int64 * System.IO.Log.PolicyUnitType -> System.IO.Log.PolicyUnit
Public Sub New (value As Long, type As PolicyUnitType)



Taille de PolicyUnit.


Une des valeurs de l'objet PolicyUnitType.


value ou type n'est pas une valeur valide.

La méthode a été appelée après la suppression de la séquence.

La mémoire disponible n'est pas suffisante pour continuer l'exécution du programme.


Cet exemple indique comment utiliser la classe LogPolicy et la structure PolicyUnit pour définir la stratégie d'une séquence d'enregistrement du journal.


LogPolicy policy = sequence.LogStore.Policy;

// Set AutoGrow policy. This enables the log to automatically grow
// when the existing extents are full. New extents are added until
// we reach the MaximumExtentCount extents.
// AutoGrow policy is supported only in Windows Vista and not available in R2.

//policy.AutoGrow = true;

// Set the Growth Rate in terms of extents. This policy specifies
// "how much" the log should grow.
policy.GrowthRate = new PolicyUnit(2, PolicyUnitType.Extents);

// Set the AutoShrink policy. This enables the log to automatically
// shrink if the available free space exceeds the shrink percentage.
// AutoGrow/shrink policy is supported only in Windows Vista and not available in R2.

//policy.AutoShrinkPercentage = new PolicyUnit(30, PolicyUnitType.Percentage);

// Set the PinnedTailThreshold policy.
// A tail pinned event is triggered when there is no
// log space available and log space may be freed by advancing the base.
// The user must handle the tail pinned event by advancing the base of the log.
// If the user is not able to move the base of the log, the user should report with exception in
// the tail pinned handler.
// PinnedTailThreashold policy dictates the amount of space that the TailPinned event requests
// for advancing the base of the log. The amount of space can be in percentage or in terms of bytes
// which is rounded off to the nearest containers in CLFS. The default is 35 percent.

policy.PinnedTailThreshold = new PolicyUnit(10, PolicyUnitType.Percentage);

// Set the maximum extents the log can have.
policy.MaximumExtentCount = 6;

// Set the minimum extents the log can have.
policy.MinimumExtentCount = 2;

// Set the prefix for new containers that are added.
// when AutoGrow is enabled.
//policy.NewExtentPrefix = "MyLogPrefix";

// Set the suffix number for new containers that are added.
// when AutoGrow is enabled.
policy.NextExtentSuffix = 3;

// Commit the log policy.

// Refresh updates the IO.Log policy properties with current log policy
// set in the log.


Dim policy As LogPolicy = sequence.LogStore.Policy

' Set AutoGrow policy. This enables the log to automatically grow
' when the existing extents are full. New extents are added until
' we reach the MaximumExtentCount extents.
' AutoGrow policy is supported only in Windows Vista and not available in R2.

'policy.AutoGrow = true;

' Set the Growth Rate in terms of extents. This policy specifies
' "how much" the log should grow. 
policy.GrowthRate = New PolicyUnit(2, PolicyUnitType.Extents)

' Set the AutoShrink policy. This enables the log to automatically
' shrink if the available free space exceeds the shrink percentage. 
' AutoGrow/shrink policy is supported only in Windows Vista and not available in R2.

'policy.AutoShrinkPercentage = new PolicyUnit(30, PolicyUnitType.Percentage);

' Set the PinnedTailThreshold policy.
' A tail pinned event is triggered when there is no
' log space available and log space may be freed by advancing the base.
' The user must handle the tail pinned event by advancing the base of the log. 
' If the user is not able to move the base of the log, the user should report with exception in
' the tail pinned handler.
' PinnedTailThreashold policy dictates the amount of space that the TailPinned event requests 
' for advancing the base of the log. The amount of space can be in percentage or in terms of bytes 
' which is rounded off to the nearest containers in CLFS. The default is 35 percent.

policy.PinnedTailThreshold = New PolicyUnit(10, PolicyUnitType.Percentage)

' Set the maximum extents the log can have.
policy.MaximumExtentCount = 6

' Set the minimum extents the log can have.
policy.MinimumExtentCount = 2

' Set the prefix for new containers that are added. 
' when AutoGrow is enabled.
'policy.NewExtentPrefix = "MyLogPrefix";

' Set the suffix number for new containers that are added.
' when AutoGrow is enabled. 
policy.NextExtentSuffix = 3

' Commit the log policy.

' Refresh updates the IO.Log policy properties with current log policy 
' set in the log. 


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